New Laws Don’t Help

Hate Speech, pt 3 — Criminals Don’t Obey Laws — Well, d’uh

6 min readApr 16, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

To the extent we expect any government or regulatory body to dictate policy & write the law, we’re shuffling off yet more of our responsibilities. Why? How? Our Constitution does not give us our rights. Instead, it attempts to enumerate & protect our basic, God-given rights. Please take that in.

Your rights do not issue from any government, any nationality, any person.

We stymie further growth unless & until humanity grows out of our teenage phase of the blame & shame game, holding others responsible for what we should own. Until we get serious about crime, delivering serious, reliable consequences for misbehavior, the bad behavior is encouraged, so of course, it flourishes.

Though we’re supposedly all under the Constitution & one set of laws, when we have an unwritten set for one group (lawmakers) & a written set for everyone else, we block true progress. When people in government & positions of power are allowed to skate free for crimes that would generate severe penalties for us, we’re dead in the water. Our system has failed.

Until all laws are applied equally, justly, we help nothing by adding more laws. There are already laws on the books to address many concerns generating new proposed laws. Let’s apply what we already have! Perhaps a moratorium on drafting new legislation would be in order, if we could all agree on it.

We’re living a joke, & the joke is on us.


Nor should we blame anyone else for what’s going on. We’ve all given our tacit approval by allowing it to continue, largely unimpeded. If we’re not willing to demand equal enforcement of our laws, let’s own that, let’s look into it.

As we go within & ponder it deeply, we’ll find those internal flaws that both create & sustain this travesty of “freedom,” of equality under the law. We’re picking The Matrix apart at the seams. 🔍

If Congress passes laws about health care, then those laws must apply equally to Congress, etc. They have no ethical right to exempt themselves, to craft more favorable treatment for their personal benefit. It’s perverted, it’s not justice. They vote in their own pay raises; what’s with that? We thus make Lady Justice remove her blindfold to view our status before choosing what result to deliver.

How is that fair, when we pay the bills for it all?!

They work for us!

The scales of Justice have been weighted in this day. The why & how deserves our own inner exploration, for we’re all in this together. Term limits are also something to consider.

Rather than being the citizen-legislator for a term, then returning to being a citizen — thus, keeping that perspective of equality — we’ve gone astray. We’ve allowed the creation of a protected, privileged class enumerated nowhere in our founding documents, nor intended by the Founding Fathers.


The original 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was designed to prevent this, forcing Congress to abide by the same laws they enact for the people. What was it? It prevented anyone holding any honors, any title of nobility, from holding an office of any kind by removing their citizenship.

This makes sense since, by the honors received, their loyalties come into question. Take lawyers, for instance, who swear an oath to the (foreign) BAR — an oath of loyalty that splits their loyalty to the USA:

Original 13th Amendment to the US Constitution

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

The Missing 13th Amendment — No Lawyers Allowed in Public Office

This Amendment mysteriously disappeared during the chaotic Civil War.

Because this Amendment was ratified & adopted, included in all early printings of the Constitution, it still applies. It is law — a law Washington D.C. continues to ignore; highly suspicious. Educate yourselves, friends. Read the linked document, which presents the situation beautifully, simply. They’ve laid out the basic research for us.


Such vital things have long been hidden, secret cabal activities now coming to light. We’ll have to take this government back into the hands of we, the people, to put it back on its original course. Not by violence or open rebellion, but by going within to uncover & remove the causes.

As consciousness creates, it has the power to uncreate, to change things.

By allowing ourselves to be dumbed-down & uninformed, vesting far too much trust in our government, we’ve come to the current pass. Where we go from here is up to us, to our individual priorities, decisions & actions.

Let us choose our battles carefully, not getting distracted, deflected into things clearly less important; a favorite cabal tactic, as we know.

Once we get the foundation of our government back on track, we can tackle the many lesser things crying out for remedy. Let’s get good at prioritizing, devoting the necessary time & study to get up to speed on important issues, the ones that call to your Heart. (Other Hearts will cover the other bases for Team Humanity.) Our country’s future depends upon us doing the “right” thing in our Now.

Heart will guide our every step as we set our intentions in the desired direction & just allow that inner nudge to be heard.


Throughout our continuing journey, let us not seek to place blame, friends. All of that belongs squarely on each one of us. Whether we actively did any of it, we allowed it to happen on our watch.

We (& prior generations) stood trustingly by, enabling misbehavior that would shock our founding fathers. For instance, we allowed education to be taken over by the Federal government, in spite of the many crying out against the new curriculum, Common Core.

This is on each adult American; let us own it & begin doing our part to make it right, even by just making a call or signing petitions. Our voices count! We, the people, govern the United States. We, the people, employ the 3 branches of government & all government workers. They serve at our pleasure, & when we’re united in our requests, we WILL be heard.

That’s what’s behind the whole divide-&-conquer thing, attempts to prevent us from calling them to task for their endless perfidies.

Among us are the legal experts, the philosophical & psychological experts, & all those who can contribute to help us repair the many wrongs done, the betrayals of our founding principles & ethics. As we set things right within us, establishing our own personal foundation, all will flow out as effects into 3D.

We, ourselves — working together — are the very answers we seek. We, as the Family of Humanity, have the solutions because we ARE the solution, able to jointly right the course of our Ship of State.


We don’t need someone to come from the skies, a more advanced race to tell us where we went wrong & how to fix it. They haven’t walked a mile in our shoes. We’ve got this! All I see in our way is some immaturity we can easily point out in useful, respectful discussions, as we all learn from one another.

No one is perfect; everyone has something to offer. Let’s own that as we restore our underlying equality & our rights, carefully enshrined in our founding documents.

Online Privacy & the Founding Fathers —

It’s not time to define new regulations to coverhate speech,” but to discover our depths as a human/divine race, as Source-in-form. Where are we going? What do we want beyond mere survival?

We will never achieve total accord around anything, but let’s remember how much of the garden’s beauty lies in its diversity. All we require we have & we are. We just got lost for a time, forgetting our Source-in-form Inner Being, our oneness in That. This need not continue; it’s up to us!

As humanity matures, we’ll require no more than the solid foundation of basic, fundamental understandings & agreements, important common understandings which are certainly within our reach. It all lies in our use of free will.

See you in part 4, where we’ll examine how we’ve been allowing the cabal to choose the battlefields; not wise.



Saturday, 2018/04/21 — Mayan day 7 Sun / Ahau




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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