It’s ALL Good?

6 min readApr 8, 2019


These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

How could it ALL be good, right? What about the parts that hurt, that are awkward, that make you feel bad?

Let’s go deeper as we pause to look at that, at those concepts. For starters, nothing makes you feel bad. We feel bad about whatever it is based on our chosen set of beliefs. If you want evidence, you can find people in the same sort of situations who don’t feel bad.

Situations are never in control.

What about mindset, what about attitudes? What part do expectations play? What about free will & how we’re using that? When it feels like the situation is in control, we’ve given our power away.

Humanity is a bit lazy when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives, for how they feel, how they respond to things. Very few have the attitude or belief that life is all good, that both the good & the seeming bad are beneficial. That attitude is a life-changer & a way to begin taking our power back; the power we ceded to the dark side out of frustration or despair.

We weren’t given the truth growing up, & that goes as far back in your family’s generations as you’d care to look. There was a slow takeover here on planet earth, leaving some pretty dark characters in positions of power & control. These are the Deep State who institute globalism as the easiest mechanism to control a whole planet.

They want one chain-of-command: theirs.

Sure, we fought it here & there, seeking to protect the freedom so dear to our hearts, so real within Heart. A fair review of history, however, will reveal that our fighting was usually directed by the dark cabal behind the scenes, even the situations brought on by them to create the fighting. It seems they love bloodshed & that we were too trusting.

So, how can all of this be good? Be in Heart to access depths the mind can’t reach — but you can. It’s not that the things happening on the surface are good in & of themselves. It’s what they bring, the message they’re here to convey.

We’d be ahead of the game to accept that there’s no such thing as coincidence. Period.

There’s a divine sense, an intelligence behind surface appearances that it takes Heart to access. When we learn to go more by the deep feel of things rather than by our mind’s response to them, we’ll have made a good move, taken a big step toward clarity.

To do this requires that we quit worshipping the mind, deferring to it in all things.

The mind doesn’t know all things; nor can it. What it knows changes due to the experience & the input of each generation. When we step back far enough, we see that change is the only constant in 3D. We learn to question even our most basic assumptions.

ASSUME — to make an ASS of U & ME — yes?

Let’s take an ax to those assumptions, the ones we all have. As we clear the conscious ones, that makes room for the subconscious & unconscious ones to surface. What are we afraid of, that we must gird ourselves about with all of these beliefs? Are we afraid to just look at things, to see them as they are, absent all prejudices?

Perhaps. Somewhat. Sometimes.

As you may have intuited/guessed, Heart is the avenue into, “It’s all good.” As we relax enough to feel into things, to quit being in such a darned hurry, we have many surprises in store, most of them delightful. Well, they’re all delightful, it’s just that some come in wrapping paper that stinks, that’s not at all pretty, so their delight is a bit delayed.

Smooth Seas —

We can all prove this to ourselves by looking back over our life with our 20/20 hindsight (i.e., perfect vision). The challenges that came our way strengthened us while imparting valuable lessons. We don’t often repeat the same mistakes due to the blessings they brought. Do you see/sense?

There are gems to be mined as we look over our journey, feeling into what we’ve gained, especially once we get it that, no matter what it felt like at the time, it was a blessing. As we remember with Byron Katie, “Life happens for you, not to you,” we’ll quit beating ourselves up over certain outcomes, taking a fresh look at them, instead.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

“It’s all good.” What’s the mind to make of this? Who cares, since it’s not the mind that will unpack it, that will see it this way. We haven’t been good custodians of our minds, allowing them free reign to make a mess of things. Just look around, lol.

Another good reminder is, “Nothing is what we take it to be.” Nothing. Not one thing. We’ve all been dancing around on the surface, dealing with the superficial appearance of things, believing what we’re taught about them, trusting our teachers. That’s fine — for a while — but it won’t take us where we want to go, especially in this time of The Great Awakening.

Some are concerned about being left behind in this awakening thing, not yet totally onboard with it. Eyes of Heart show us that we’re not late to the table, that we come to whatever it is with perfect timing; just not a timing our mind can interpret.

We have to go deeper. That takes Heart.

We all have access to ancient Wisdom, even ancient knowledge, but our beliefs, our accepted limitations around who & what we are, keep us on the surface, keep us from exploring our depths. We contain it ALL, actually, just not in ways any mind can comprehend.

Take Your Pick —

Along our way into our greater Wisdom, life will seem to be a theater of the absurd for a time. It’s a transitional thing, one to note — oh, & be sure to enjoy — but not to be distressed by, taken in by. We just observe…from Heart. We make deeper connections with our inner guidance & come to rely on that.

It’s all so funny. We’re far deeper & wiser than we took ourselves to be — indeed, than we display — yet it is NOT the self we take ourselves to be that’s wise & deep, oh my. The one we took to be wise & deep turns out to be the fool from another perspective: the ego-mind, the pseudo self.

Granted, many come & go in 3D life without ever awakening to any of this. Oh well — must be an interesting life in some other ways, huh? But so what? What has this to do with thee; come out from among them, lol, & into your core, your Source-in-form nature & reality.

What other people do or don’t do, say or don’t say, is irrelevant to us to the extent we don’t let ourselves get dragged into it. It’s that observer thing, again; comes in very handy.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

Aristotle, Metaphysics

There is divinity at the core of The Family of Humanity, friends. We’ve got to get out of the way to let it shine, but it’s there, even in the most seemingly foolish ones. Our dance throughout Life is to uncover that, to allow it to be, to recognize & demote the false persona in ourselves & in others, releasing it over time.

Oh, & we’re meant to have a great deal of fun along the way.

That part is strictly up to us, however. Let’s not look to others to supply the fun that’s built in. Sure, many things are in a royal mess & there’s much to clean-up to restore honor, integrity, Love, a better sense of Who we really are, but then, what’s eternity for? It’s not like we don’t have enough time. 😆



11:20 am, Sunday, 2019/04/07 — Mayan day 1 Flint / Etznab




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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