It transcends language but also transcends the brain/mind. While language is linear — one letter, one word, one sentence, etc., conjoined. truth just is. As we get over identifying solely (soul-ly?) with the body, we go deeper. Call that our core or Heart (not the organ or chakra), soul, spirit or what have you, it’s the moreness, the infinity of us.
Time, too, is linear: one second, one minute, an hour, etc. It cannot contain actual truth — truth that is not relative. Via whatever transcendent experience we take to visit the “other side” — be it NDE or OBE or whatever — once there, we instantly Know (not via the mind) that time as we know it is not. We enter the inseparable oneness of the NowHere, time/space as 2 sides of the same coin.
What’s interesting, even entertaining, is that, to the mind, the NowHere is nowhere. It isn’t the mind that’s enlightened; it goes far, far deeper than that.