Islam, it’s well to realize that the portion of our being doing the suffering is not the fullness of who/what we are. From what I’ve seen, all suffering takes place in the mind — the mental aspect of us. When we dive in deeply, into our Inner Being, it’s one with the Tao — in perfect tranquility. No suffering, there.
Who & what we are is not encompassed by our physical or mental presence, here. We’re so vastly much “more,” & finding & anchoring into That — ah, it’s the answer we all seek. Then, perhaps suddenly, all seeking just ceases. It’s over. It’s not that we’re somehow changed, for we find that This was present, all along. It has more to do with our use of free will — inviting & allowing That to come forth.
The intense trail of surrendering, of letting go of so much — ultimately everything — is but evidence of how we’re using free will, a critical element, here.
May you find the comfort you seek. Better yet, may you find it within — discovering that You are that very comfort. It was there all along, just unknown — unsought.
It’s our divine aspect that chooses to incarnate. We can trust that It knows what It is doing, & just take the ride. Suffering comes & goes, but so much less important, now — in the presence of this tranquility.