Internet Tax? A Grounded yet Transcendent Perspective
Exploring the Both/And
I’m seeing petitions circulating to strike down the recently announced Internet Tax. Though we don’t like taxes, I hope we can also admit they’re a sort of necessary evil, one that helps our economy run. Please note, too, that 10 states already tax Internet sales.
Are you noticing the ongoing demise of brick-and-mortar in favor of the economies of online sales with their much lower overhead costs?
Let’s also review & remove the unfair advantages held by Amazon receiving our tax dollars for anything, further edging out local businesses. When regular stores can’t compete they, too, are migrate toward the Internet, exchanging the personal for the impersonal medium.
Our cities & towns, our home locations are being challenged, as well, since they’re some of the major beneficiaries of sales taxes. While everything sold on the Net is local to somewhere, those localities aren’t receiving the blessings they deserve for producing & delivering their goods to market.
I’d ask those who’d prefer us to go completely electronic, passing all sales through an Internet, to please also factor in the possibilities we’d face after a massive solar flare, an EMP, or whatever else might overpower our admittedly unprotected electronic grid. It could take a decade or more to restore what we now have following such an event.
While we’re at it, let’s admit that anything electronic can eventually be hacked. The Internet isn’t a desirable utopia.
When we put all of our eggs in one basket that’s the sort of risk we take, of being completely incapacitated at some future point. Since soothsaying, as a profession, never quite made the big leagues, it’s incumbent upon us to plan in some flexibility in the absence of knowing the future.
Allowing the brick-and-mortar world to completely die may NOT be in our best interests.
We might also wisely consider hardening our electric/electronic grid. If we’re making it so very vital, why, oh WHY are we leaving it unprotected?! That’s highly suspicious. Does it make good sense to anyone?
For a long time, there’s been a sort of one-world push, even to the extent of countries no longer guarding or enforcing their borders. Many of us already see that as originating with the cabal, their wet dream for total world domination, a NWO made easy to manage via centralization of populations in large cities they control.
That’s gone far enough, now, that it’s receiving massive push-back in Europe & elsewhere, certainly here in the USA. Our vision is moving toward a more balanced view of cities within states, of states being in charge, states comprising the nation, as the Constitutional Republic was designed.
This leaves the Feds as more ideational & supportive than vital or primary. The Federal government was designed to provide support & help the states coordinate, not be the heart or basis of our government. We’re finding that it’s the states, individually, that are the structure of the USA.
The point & purpose of any Federal structure was to help the states carry out their mandates, as represented in local & state laws & regulations. The Federal structure was to empower the states in their interactions & implementation of their laws, as well as a provide a coordinated defense or offense, as required, via our military.
By allowing the Federal government to balloon out of shape into the behemoth it was on the election of President Trump, we’ve had an object lesson in all sorts of gridlock & outright abuse. The President was wise, even prescient to mandate the elimination of two regulations for every new one enacted in his 1/30/2017 EO. [1]
We lost our way for a while, creating a hugely burdensome, tangled, & slow-moving Federal bureaucracy that takes care of itself before anything or anyone else. We know, now, that doesn’t work, doesn’t deliver the elegant, functional, slimmer government designed by our Founding Fathers.
In our move to put the states back in control, to revitalize them, let’s look at this new Internet taxation idea with an open mind. By empowering localities, cities & states, perhaps this is what’s best for us, after all. If it’s well designed, it will at least be fair, returning us closer to the balance we enjoyed before the Internet entered the economic scene.
I’m not saying it’s necessarily perfect, as written, just speaking on the underlying purpose & aspect of fairness. Friends, let’s face the fact that the cabal would have us all living in big cities where we’re ever so much easier to control, not spread out as we are across our great nation.
Small towns & largely rural states are a nightmare for the cabal, having too much freedom for them to easily control.
If we want to avoid the NWO taking full form, here, let’s bring Heart to bear as we examine this new tax that isn’t new at all. For our home areas to thrive they need funds to operate & expand, funds that have been siphoned off via electronic sales with no local or state taxes applied.
A better “place” to fight taxation is locally, where we keep it as minimal as possible, to keep government cost-effective. When we have states & cities back in charge as the Feds’ dominion fades into the background, people will vote with their feet, moving into places designed to nurture their growth.
High-tax places will eventually wake-up or collapse when no one sticks around to pay the exorbitant price. This will work when the states are back in control, free within a much looser structure of laws & regulations than we have, now, free to be creative in satisfying the needs of their people.
This also keeps givernment — I’m leaving that misspelling in 😆 — lean & efficient, rather than this bloated mess the lazy legislators have used ever-higher taxes to “fix.” High taxes are no fix at all, just a way to kick the ball down the road, to avoid addressing inefficiencies, bloating, & corruption.
In this time of The Great Awakening, let us also apply our new insights to how we govern ourselves. Every new law or regulation is one more way to get in trouble, one more revenue stream for the bureaucracy, one more impediment to the natural ease & flow on display when Nature is allowed to flourish.
With taxation, government becomes givernment, taking from the people to give to the so-called ruling elite, the cabal & their favorite causes; those who forever rig the system in their favor. Still, there’s an underlying, bare-bones practicality behind taxation that we can’t just wish away, yet. 😉
Please consider your local area, your city & township or county, your state, when deciding which petitions to sign, which laws or regulations to enact. The only way we can have a successful government is to be & stay in charge of it, being involved in & aware of its workings. That’s why simple is best, as in Occam’s Razor.
Like Benjamin Franklin said to the lady asking him what form the new government took, he said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
We “keep it” by being both knowledgeable & involved.
We don’t have to know it all — no one will — just those aspects both relevant & calling out to us, nudging us to learn or participate. It is together that any land achieves success, the people’s variety covering all of the bases required to thrive by simply following where Heart leads.
Our past is on its way out, & we’ll so transcend all of it that many will be shocked at the unimagined possibilities that arise. As we internally occupy the Both/And, watching the either/or lose favor as a more limited way, we’ll be amazed again & again.
Life is meant to be so much better than what we’ve been living, enduring for centuries, friends. We hardly know what Freedom is, though the word is in wide use. We may break out of the Matrix, shortly, but don’t think that means we’ll leave taxation behind just yet.
We’ll likely do that on graduating from any use or even concept of money, a step the masses don’t yet seem ready to seriously contemplate. That’s fine, it will come with perfect Divine timing as we exit the Matrix, discover Heart & take up residence, there.
All we desire will arrive on the natural flow of the Goodness, the Beneficence of Love as Source. We ourselves, are the Both/And, the Divine also present in 3D form. We have the potential to handle taxation (& all practical aspects of governance) with Wisdom, Respect, discretion, integrity, honor… until we grow beyond the belief that we require money to live.
Look to the beauty, the wonder that’s ahead of us, folks, as we keep to a Heart path. What’s challenging us, now is likewise helping us see & create better, more equitable perspectives & ways. It calls out to the brightest & best of Who & what we each truly are, calling That to come forward & play, to eventually reign in the new Golden Age cresting yon horizon.
noon-ish, Saturday, 2018/06/23 2nd — Mayan day 12 Dog / Oc
[1] At one point, this Administrations’ ratio of new to removed regulations per this Executive Order was 1:21, or 21 removed regulations per each one added. I’m not sure what the ratio is right now, but it’s well over the 1:2 mandated in the EO.