Everything Is a Gift

Heart Sees All Things Differently

6 min readJul 6, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

What does an Internet outage reveal to you about yourself? How do you feel when the Net goes down, or when your cell phone doesn’t connect? Do you feel a bit lost at first along with being upset?

If you don’t see this, don’t recognize it in yourself, then you’re more lost than most. Due to our tech, we’re all lost to one extent or another. It takes us away from our self, our Self — or rather, we allow it to do that. Do you see?

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
~ William Shakespeare, Hamlet

What to do about it? At first, just watch. Just observe yourself, watch what your mind is doing. Observe your feelings; any stress? I often recall the J. Krishnamurti quote, “Observation without evaluation is the highest form of intelligence.” [Emphasis added] It’s relevant.

Observation is more empowered, goes a lot farther from Heart.

This isn’t mind stuff, this type of observation. It calls us deeper within, to reconnect with our Inner Being, with Who we truly are as Source-in-form. Yeah, I’d say Source has a vaster perspective than any mind ever dreamed of having, wouldn’t you?

We’ve become a nation, perhaps half a world of tech addicts. I won’t use a cell phone for this very reason. Seeing people so lost in their smartphones is shocking; not to the mind, but to Heart. It’s as if they’ve gotten a divorce from themselves — really. Have another look.

All it takes is a service or Internet outage to smack us in the face with our current addicted condition.

Are we ready to wake up, to leave that behind?

Roc-Portal — In5d.com

I’ll suggest that this addiction is boosted by certain uses of the tech behind the scenes. It’s not at all natural. We’re not told the truth about the real state of technology available on earth, just a very limited bit of that. We’re being heavily manipulated, but until we get out of it, until we step back from it, it’s not visible.

Things are made to seem normal & natural to us. We can’t see the forest both due to the trees blocking the view and because our perspective is too close. We get too deep into things, losing the broader view. We see the bigger picture only by backing away.

This condition arises perhaps due to the way we’ve been programmed to identify with/as the body-mind. Both bodies & minds can easily be manipulated. We, as consciousness, as Source-in-form, are not vulnerable to manipulation of any sort. However — & it’s a big “however” — we’ve got to identify with our Inner Being or with consciousness — with our Source-in-form Self — to own that.

It seems that the gift of free will is always the monkey wrench in the works with whatever seems to go wrong. How are we using our free will? Are we allowing it to be subsumed into the society, into our circle of family, of friends, into our belief systems? We CANNOT be taken over against our will.

Whenever & however we’re taken over, let’s look at how that crept up on us; how we allowed it to enter our experience, for we did, guaranteed.

Let’s own our shit! That’s how we take our power back. No more victim stuff!

I speak to you as someone who was sexually abused as a toddler, as a child, over many years. For a long while — most of my life — I resented my father for that abuse, blaming him. As I grew & matured, as I found my way into Heart, new perspectives were enabled. I explored.

Now, I realize how we carry things over from other lifetimes, things we didn’t quite work out to our satisfaction at that time. We develop a momentum on this or that, on our use of energy. Via consciousness, we bring it into the current embodiment. Yes, I’m saying I now take responsibility for my vibration, my energies as a child that brought me into that situation.

It’s also true that we know the major happenings slated for any life before entering the body-mind costume to play that role. We have our reasons, as the soul, the awareness, for choosing various experiences. We actually planned it this way — which can be challenging to own.

As we stick with Heart, we’re well aware that it’s all for our overall blessing & benefit. As Neale says in The Little Soul, Source/God only sends “angels,” only blessings. It’s up to us to unwrap them & discard the negative wrappings of their disguise. At some point, we become ready to ditch the victim role-playing thing. It only takes us so far, only reveals a limited number of things.

It’s in our choice, whether to focus on the dark wrappings — or on the Gift.

Waking up keeps making our life better & better, even when we’re trudging through the sludge. So much of it rests on our attitude — on what attitude we choose to take. The plotline can make us feel like abused victims, but at some point, we reject that; usually when we’ve found our way into Heart.

There is a tremendous power just in our attitude, on what attitude we choose to take throughout our days. Frequency or vibration is intimately connected with attitude, & every frequency has a realm, a reality of which it’s a part.

By choosing that attitude, that frequency, we’re choosing what realm to inhabit, what sort of experience to have.

While it’s too bad we’re not taught such things as children, that’s well within our power to change. Children are the future of whatever the race. How we educate them tells the tale of what we’re creating for ourselves as a society going forward. We’ve long been letting our children down, not teaching them the best & the highest truths we’ve discovered.

Again, condemning ourselves for that, going to the negative that way, will only prolong the problem, the issues. Instead, let’s be about correcting our oversight, our mistakes with our focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want.

Today, the globalist “progressives” work hard to keep us focused on everything negative so we never choose to look at the blessings/angels Source/God sent in whatever guise, whatever situation. That’s very much a part of the programming long used to master humanity, to keep us dumb & biddable.

We aren’t literal slaves, anymore, but we’re still enslaved, friends. Look around.

We’re in a challenging time, yes; clearly, as in well, duh. What will we choose to do about it? Will we choose to leash, to apply the awesome power inherent in our attitudes to bring some desired change? Those who continue to moan & whine are still in the victim role, so I suggest leaving them to sort that out while you move on. They’re going nowhere fast, & if you stick around, that’s your chosen fate.

Change is in our hands, but we’ve got to step back from the melee to get the necessary clarity to make those wiser choices. It’s time to dust off our free will muscles & give them some serious exercise. We’ve allowed ourselves to be led around by others for far too long.

Sure, there’s a price to pay. We lose friends as we move on from certain relationships.

When we’re strong enough to follow Heart in this direction, our 20/20 hindsight will show us how those relationships were actually holding us in place, preventing us from moving deeper into our Great Awakening, which is a personal thing, not something done by the race.

Everything on earth, everything in 3D is all about one, that one being the Self.

We have costumes aplenty for playing our various roles, but the Self is the common denominator across it all, 100%. We’re far more “important” than we can see while we choose to remain mind-centric.

Remember, it’s not the mind that awakens. Awakening is our experience of reawakening to our Source-in-form Self, to Heart, to our Inner Being — call it what you will. We’re all already awakened, but we won’t know it as long as we stick with the garment, the role-playing. It’s time to go deeper, much deeper within.

Meet you there! Yeah, where we’re all One, no joke, no analogy, but Real — far more real than 3D or any dimension could ever be.



1:38 p.m., Friday, 2019/07/05 — Mayan day 12 Deer / Manik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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