Interesting presentation. Part of the problem is found in word definitions not being fully shared. For instance, how do we define “truth?” We can’t create outside of our system of beliefs, thus things like Confirmation Bias — & who out there knows everything?
The issue you point to does exist. Some have a very strong bias toward science being the best route to “truth,” whatever that is — & it varies, based on our beliefs, our prejudices, our preferences.
Underlying it all is our definition of “life” — what that’s about, what exists & what doesn’t. Many refuse to go beyond what they can see, touch, & explore with the 5 senses. Science does us the favor of looking, instrumentally, into the “invisible” realms. That doesn’t mean we know or understand what we’re seeing, however.
What is a “human being?” What does it mean to be “human?” Until we share a common definition or understanding of such things, we’ll go in different directions, even scientifically. Nor is this avoidable, so it would be good to admit our fundamental limitations at the outset of whatever experiment. We’ll never all agree on precisely the same things. Good to recognize.
What is Truth? This is admittedly from a spiritual perspective. 😉