Interesting, Buster, but I have yet another take on the discussion. If all we were, as humanity, were body & mind this would be a good discussion — yet, we’re so much more. The “more” that was rejected when science went the mechanistic route, laying soul, spirit, consciousness, itself, to the side. We went materialistic when we dubbed the atom the foundation of it all, when consciousness, itself, can fill that bill. Just a vastly different perspective, that’s all. Not wrong, not right — just other.
Not to get into deep discussion on that, here, just to suggest it as behind the reason that logic, evidence, & data sometimes fail to persuade. There is a perspective that views who & what we actually are to be energy- or spirit-based, with the body-mind accessorizing or existing in service to that.
Thus, the bulk of our being is potentially excluded when we reduce everything down to the physical or mechanistic level — logic & evidence. Philosophy & alchemy were once respected branches of science, back in the day. Many of today’s historical “scientists” were actually alchemists, though the rest of their work is not touted, but rather minimized.
I feel it’s time for humanity to come back together, to respect & acknowledge the many & diverse ways we choose to view things. It’s in the diversity of the garden where the overall beauty lies, not in every plant being alike. We’re all beautiful in our own unique ways. 👍
We also have the ability to get along, if that’s our choice. 😉