Interesting article, David. I’ve got mixed feelings about it. Right now, it seems everything in society is dedicated to marginalizing this or that group. When even white males are under attack, it’s time to pause, & maybe step back for another look — another perspective.
So, here’s one — seems to me it’s time to stop playing the divide-and-conquer dance. Whether by exclusion or inclusion, we’re just making a mess — it can never be done “right,” in everyone’s eyes. Maybe it’s the dance, itself, that deserves a closer look.
We can also be seen as the Family of Humanity — same home, same air, sun, water… That, plus we’re all in it — whatever it is — together. The failure of one, in this case, is the failure of all.
If we’d turn our attention to the basics, we’d be focusing, instead, on bringing water to places of drought — which we’re more than capable of doing. We just don’t. Instead, we’re stuck in the world of distractions, of endless media choices, of who’s up & who’s down in whatever field or specialty draws our interest, today. We’re fickle — tomorrow, it may be something else.
Rather than this intense focus on our differences, I’d prefer to see us focus on those beautiful things we all have in common — starting with simply being human, sharing the planet, the environment, etc. Humanity is fast learning that thought creates — that we feed things & make them grow by our mere focus upon them.
I could go on, but no doubt you get my point. Yes, things are broken right now — but as long as we focus endlessly on what’s broken, we just get more of the same, somewhere else. We don’t yet realize that we’re the very creators of that — as Source-in-form, from whence comes this great Power of thought — power to create.
Blessings on your journey, & on the journey of everyone else. We’re well & truly all in this, together. Let us go about reaching out a hand of support wherever we’re called to do so — but from within — no so much from “out there.”