Injoyment — Strange Discoveries — Pt. 2
New abilities are opening to us, continually — accelerating, now — to the extent we allow them to emerge. Oh, they’re there, alright — yet we don’t notice them until we find our way into Heart, abide in its contentment, even in the midst of the storm.
It’s easy to spot those locked in mind on the video comment threads. Someone makes an error in a video title, & accusations of click-bait pop up. Yes, there are plenty who make regular use of click-bait titles, but not everyone. So rather than see it as an innocent mistake, the accusations fly. That sort of thing has become common in our online interactions. While I think I may be seeing less of it, my choice of vids could be at play, there, so IDK.
Other people’s behavior is not my concern, however. That’s the route out of Heart, into head, which may hold a certain enjoyment — yet it’s not the same — nor is it long-lasting. We really can come into a much deeper space of a peace that weathers any storm — as we persist in sticking with just self/Self & just Now.
While we begin with self, it morphs into Self as we allow — & persist, being the observer of mind’s antics, rather than locked into that perspective. Was petting one of my cats the other day, & boy, was I in for a surprise. Like many, I used to make space for, but also basically ignore my cat when she jumped into my lap. After greeting her (or him), I’d continue what I was doing, be it watching a video, journaling, or whatever. That’s changed.
These days my evidence of being Now-centric is that I take time to experience the kitties. So she jumped up, as usual, & these days I stop to just injoy her. She loves having her belly rubbed, & will position herself carefully, in just the right position to enable that.
So, fully focused on her, I’m rubbing her belly, when suddenly I begin feeling really good — really good. Even getting a bit dizzy with it — no joke. I don’t really know what’s going on, but I continue — until suddenly my base chakra activates — starts kinda buzzing, moving.
A bit later, as I continue my kitty massage, my crown chakra gets tingly, as well — feeling kinda strange, like there was something coming down into it. It’s only later that I realize that I’d tuned-in to what the cat was feeling — a psychic or telepathic link. Not saying kitties have the same chakra set-up — that may just have been how I was able to so tune-in to her enjoyment of the belly rub. Again, IDK, just reporting what I felt.
Now, that’s just analysis, & I don’t know it’s the case. I’ve been used to viewing telepathy as shared thoughts — not this total, kind of sensual link-up. Next day, the bigger male cat on my lap wants his belly rub, so I comply — again, quite putting aside whatever I was doing to give my Now focus to him. Same sort of thing happens — dizzy, again — & for a good while afterwards, with both of them. Strange.
Have tested this out over the following days, & it’s real. We can actually, when sufficiently in Heart & in Now, totally tune-in to our pets. Even before I had this full-on experience with them, I’d already noticed that their time of interacting with me was well chosen. I’d find, when willing to shift my focus to them, that their visit was well timed.
When I’d return to what I was doing before they came, there was always an addition of some sort. Either I was now in a better space, or during their visit I’d figure something out that was helpful — subtle, but noticeable, too. I’ve learned to flow with my Now, being more fully present, so this is less surprising, these days. Being in Heart delivers a distinctly different experience of Life.
(BTW, the dizziness was likely on first opening to the experience. The good feelings persist, but the dizziness gets less & less.)
These things are either beyond mind’s ability to notice — or they just don’t happen when mentally focused — not sure which, at this point. There are other things, too — plenty of them. Yet, because they’re just in the little day-to-day things that we do, I don’t want to bore you with them. You’re more than able to discover this stuff on your own.
I’ll give just one more example, then move on. In my glass china cabinet is a draw-string light, which often makes an annoying sound when turned on or off. It’s not the chain, but the long, aquarium-style bulb sometimes bumping the metal shield above it — a little clank. Believe-it-or-not, I’ve noticed that it doesn’t do that when I’m in flow. (Mind you, this is after endlessly trying to discover just the right angle of pull to prevent the clank.)
So, in spite of months of playing around with this — we only turn it on/off once each day — I wasn’t successful at finding just the right way to pull the chain, silently. It’s truly in all the littlest details of the day that — well, you could say Source is speaking — showing us to ourself. Turns out that’s always the case, just not noticed unless we’re in Heart. All of the little things truly speak to us — if we’re Present, aware.
This is either rather deep — or rather shallow — depending on your perspective — Heart or head. Actually, it’s both — can you see? Heart is not locked into the either/or, yes/no duality that is mind’s realm. Heart is always both/and, including those, but so much more, too.
This is a rather large aspect of the surprising journey of my awakening trek — how the everyday happenings in our lives have always been pregnant with deeper meaning, perceptible only on that flow of connection with Heart. It’s direct experience of the Oneness of That — only where you’d least think to look for it, yes? In the little things! Guess they’re not so little, after all.
It seems that everything I discover & get excited about — was there, all along — just not noticed, LOL. It’s just crazy, really. What if we live in a sort of “heaven” but just don’t realize it, due to our lock-down in programmed mind — our endless dependence on all of our toys, our computer & cell phone & all the rest? Seriously, I’m not kidding with this.
There’s a saying, we make our own bed, then have to lie in it. We have far more power than mind can comprehend. Maybe it’s time to stop perpetually relying on it, being submerged in our endless thoughts. We come face-to-face with the power, even of our thoughts, when we spend time in Heart throughout the day. It doesn’t take going into meditation (which I do rarely), either. We can actually live this way, friends — all the time.
How? The way that’s worked for me is to be sure I’m enjoying whatever it is I’m doing — be it housework or driving to the store, shopping or reading — whatever. The experience of it is that it shows-up, bit-by-bit, yet I realize, now, that it’s been there, all along — just not seen, not experienced, due to my chosen focus anywhere else but in Heart.
While mine has been a trek of years, coming to this realization, it’s my hope that, in sharing my journey through the journals, yours will be much shorter. Had I a mentor along the way to point these things out, mine would have been quicker, too. As we let Heart mentor us, we’ll all find our way in.
Short or long doesn’t really matter — it’s the journey that’s the joy, so injoy where you are, what you’re “doing” right now. :-)
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 8/27/2017
“People often believe that because something happened, and because it is a fact or true, that it should be focused upon, and therefore kept vibrationally active. And so, many people keep many things active that do not serve them.
If we were standing in your physical shoes we would not keep something active in our vibration just because it had happened. We would only keep things active that we want to repeat in our life experience.”
Excerpted from Long Beach, CA on 2/15/14
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
6:52 am, Friday 2017/08/26, 2nd, Mayan day 10 Offering / Muluc