Injoyment — Content to Not Know — Pt. 1

6 min readAug 27, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Let us be willing to be “wrong,” to see that what we were so sure of, convinced we knew, has either shifted & changed — or that we have done so. Perhaps we’ve moved on in some way, & now have access to a deeper or a “higher” understanding, as we approach real truth — Truth.

Sometimes, lost in thought & daily cares/chores, we forget our eternal nature — that we abide in a realm of eternity/infinity. How boring it would be to know it all — can you make room for this? We get locked into seeking knowledge — not wisdom, but knowledge — so that we lose ourSelf — lose touch with That.

It’s rather funny, too for That one Knows all — so what we seek is right here, within, all along. Can we pause for a laugh (at our own expense) now & again? I can, & I’ve come to injoy it. I now see it as perhaps a sign of Heart connection — but, as usual, I don’t know. It just is what it is, & it’s fun — & that’s enough for me.


Being in enjoyment — what I like to dub “injoyment” — the in-joy-me-net — is the way to go, as the cares fall away. Perhaps there will always be some sort of chaos around — who knows? Using that as an excuse to never enjoy myself is unacceptable.


Why let the world’s cares bring me down to the lowest common denominator? That’s no place from which I can deliver any sort of blessing or benefit to anyone — including (& especially) myself. While mySelf has no need of anything at any time, the lesser self can go astray, can leave that awareness. Injoyment is key.

We don’t do ourselves (or anyone else) any favors by coming down to the level of perceived troubles & strife. Only when we can come to that without abandoning that Self who is our true nature, do we have anything whatsoever to offer. Otherwise, we find ourselves taking on the world’s cares — or those of a friend.


Our true Self is the reservoir of all that’s good & beautiful — Self as Source-in-form has much to give — unlike lesser self. So we come to times when we recognize that what was true for us earlier is no longer so. We’ve moved on. Yet if we cannot abandon what we once viewed as true, in favor of what we now perceive, we remain stuck — stuck in/as lesser self — when it’s clearly time to move on.


Many of us may shortly be finding that our growth accelerates in ways for which we may feel unprepared — the rug pulled out from under us, so to speak. That’s a time to really anchor down into Heart & stay the course, not letting the self be thrown from that crazy accelerating roller-coaster ride into the ethers — of Higher Self.


There’s a signature calm in Heart that will see us through, so perhaps one of the first things to abandon is believing we know so darn much — including (& especially) just who we are. We don’t. Oh, we may think, or even be sure that we do, but friends, we’ve still got some programming on-board. It gets more & more subtle, but the surest way to not spot it is to get stuck, thinking we know.

It’s not a humility, exactly, though it may look that way to others — but rather a respect for what we don’t know — for Who we are — a willingness to step-up into That, the eternal, infinite One. Your Heart & my Heart, though not precisely the same, are yet One. To know me, come to know the Self. Don’t ask me how, but somehow that works.

Whatever we want to know, “out there,” in the world, we can somehow find the knowledge within. Don’t ask me how it works — it’s yet a mystery to me, & may always be. I just know that it does work. “Man, know thyself” — ancient words, LOL — yet seemingly ever relevant, no matter the stage of our growth, our development. Truly, it’s all locked within, & we each have the key — perhaps the key, itself, is Heart — I don’t know.


Not knowing comes to be a real comfort, believe it or not. Stay in mind, & it’s Greek, gobbledygook — just not to Heart, base & foundation of any real Knowing. Heart is well aware that it knows, aware of what it knows, but Heart is not pushy, not intrusive — ever. We must willingly turn our focus inward, by use of free will — something of which most don’t take good advantage.

That’s why we can go through many lifetimes not knowing — we must seek it out. As a wise one once said, “The Kingdom is within.” And, “The Kingdom of my Father is within” — or perhaps that was just the implication. IDK, & I’m not going into mind to look it up. You can do that — don’t look to others to do for you what you can do for yourself ;)

Many, instead of doing the research, expect others to deliver it to them. I’ll point out when I’m not sure of the factual correctness of something I say — beyond that, go within — rely on yourself, yourSelf. It’s time we all stand on our own two feet & walk tall, again — ceasing to expect everything perfect to come to us from the without, externally. That’s just not where the answers abide.


Get to know the Self. One way that comes is by Heart journaling. You discover by what comes out on the page how you’re changing — how you’ve changed. You can go back, later, to the earlier journals — you’ll be amazed at how you’ve changed, & in ways of which you’d have been quite unaware, absent the journaling. It’s truly alchemical, as I often say.

What I’m excited to discover is how this Heart-mind merge comes about. For a long while I’ve been content to view mind as riding in the back seat, with Heart at the wheel, but that’s subtly shifting. We don’t often get to see far ahead when in Heart, the access point to that ever being the NowHere — the present moment. So it’s not that I want to streak ahead & take a look from the future to see how that will come out.

Why not? We begin to find a contentment in the Now. Besides, that would rob me of the journey, would it not? It’s far more injoyable to savor each moment as it arises. They all contain the future, somehow — its essence is there. It’s a journey, friends. If you don’t know real Peace, then that’s what awaits as you find your way, within.

Be content not to know. I know — sounds simply crazy to mind, yet it’s very real, this experience, awaiting us all as we go within — content just to Be. Nor will I say, “heaven awaits.” It’s not like that, for I find my heaven, whenever I look, right within — & whereever I look, when centered within. Just takes finding our way into Now.

Finally, remember — the rainbow requires the rain ;)


4:26 am, Sunday 2017/08/27, 1st, Mayan day 10

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 8/26/2017

“Make the best of where you are and do your best to line up your Energy from where you are, because any bit of struggle or any bit of regret only holds your cork under the water and doesn’t allow you to connect with the Energy that would allow anything to improve.”

Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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