I’m so delightfully impressed. It’s no accident, encountering you on Medium. From my initial foray into your links, I see someone who gets it — who needs no explanations of the emptiness, of the arena or realm of soul.
It’s a bit shocking, actually, to find you so clearly speaking on your YT intro video. There must be many of us out there, but yours is the greatest clarity around the simplicity of the emptiness I’ve yet encountered. (Likely others are there, too, just not speaking up.)
Anyway, thanks for the reply. Didn’t go to your second link, as my browser gave me a warning about the goo.gl site. I will buy your book, & if you knew me, you’d realize how totally rare that is. Having left mind to the side, I do almost no reading, but something arising from the emptiness is another matter 😉
Source bless you abundantly & in every way.