#Yin/Yang, #LaughingAtSelf, #GoingHome

Illusion of Separation — “Separate” Fingers, One Hand

Either/Or vs the Both/And

7 min readDec 15, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

We’ve fallen for many things over the generations, the centuries & millennia until we’re so full of BS (Belief Systems) that we stink. We don’t even know what physical matter is, nor do we know Who & what we are. Those most convinced of the rightness of what they know are the most ignorant, though it will take hindsight for them to see that.

That’s fine, though, since we all have free will. Though some would herd humanity into one globalist whole of those holding largely the same beliefs, that will never work. It’s about time we quit playing into their hands by trying to make others believe what we believe.

A new day of Respect is dawning, one where each of us will both Love & Respect the self of others as well as themselves. We’ll be fully allowing of our different views, more fully aware that we’re in charge of no one but the self.

It’s not up to us to dictate the thoughts, words, or deeds of others.

Respect is earned. We won’t be forced to “respect” someone’s chosen pronoun or any such thing. We may respect their right to think of themselves that way, but they’re not in charge of us. The emotional SJWs who consider hurt feelings to be real harm will get over themselves — & the lousy education they received.

Surfing — Themindfulword.org

Okay, they were lied to — so what? Who among us hasn’t heard a good number of lies? Rather than being harmed, these set us up to live-and-learn, to grow & expand. Today’s chaos is the birthplace of many a normie into spiritual awakening, thus being a back-handed gift.

It’s up to us to have a more flexible perspective, one able to find the blessing in ALL things.

I’m not suggesting that those doing real harm be given any sort of a free pass. “Karma” can easily be seen scientifically as the Law of Cause & Effect. In other words, what goes around comes around, thus illumining the interplay of separation vs oneness.

On one hand, we have what we perceive to be separate fingers, but how separate are they, all growing from the same hand? They can’t even remove themselves from the company of the thumb & other fingers but must hang together.

It’s the same throughout the human body. We have seemingly separate cells, yet they all work together as cogs & gears in the same machine. What is separation? What is oneness? Who can see both in simultaneous action? Who recognizes the Both/And at work, a more transcendent & inclusive perspective than the ever-present Either/Or?

Though The Great Awakening is upon us, we don’t participate with it consciously until we release the bulk of our BS beliefs. They’re in the way, instilled in us to both divide-and-conquer us, the 99%, but also to keep us dumbed down & confused.

Belief Systems stall or prevent awakening.

Thus does the Family of Humanity now come to a major dividing of the ways, Free Will being the fulcrum on which our decisions rest. No one can awaken anyone else, nor can we even force ourselves to awaken. It doesn’t work that way. We eventually discover how we are the only one in our way.

The biggest part of awakening amounts to getting out of our own way.

We laugh — a lot — on our way into spiritual awakening. The subject of our laughter is most often the self. Yes, we laugh at ourselves again & again as clarity arises to highlight our foolishness. This is the most freeing, uplifting laughter, not at all in denigration or dismay. It serves us.

Everything serves us, friends — simply everything. The only thing blocking that view is our current perspective on whatever it is. We don’t yet realize the full power of consciousness to create, to create our experience of reality. 3D is not the land of absolutes, there being none of those present, here. We live within relativity, where the only constant is change.

What if the only thing between your current negative perception of whatever-it-is & recognition of how it serves you was your chosen perspective? What if you were really that much in charge, held that much personal power to see from vastly different perspectives?

Well, you are & you do — but each one must first OWN that to have the experience.

As we awaken, we enter a realm so different that the Venn Diagram comprises the merest sliver between the mental & the soul or Heart view. They exist in different realities, yet we’re blessed to contain them both — the Both/And at work, again.

No one will come along & enlighten or awaken us. That’s our job, yet we don’t tackle it effectively until we come into a deeper recognition of our true identity as Source-in-form, as a ray of the Light of the One Sun, i.e., Source/God. We are as seemingly separate leaves on the same tree, separate yet also one.

It’s actually a great relief to quit pretending to know so much.

Our mind & Heart do not occupy the same realm, & it’s not the mind that awakens. Yet, we must release the Belief-System perspectives before we can shift into the oneness experience. From the mind’s perspective, we’re always stepping off of one cliff or another into it-doesn’t-know-what; nervewracking!

We learn so much about our identity, finally realizing that none of our old beliefs make the grade. It’s simply other than all of that. We find our way into much deeper layers & levels of our infinite Being, regions we’d once have sworn didn’t even exist.

We hear ourselves saying, again & again, “This is so very strange.” That’s good evidence that we are, indeed, awakening, seeing nothing in the same old worn-out ways which we now recognize for the programming they are.

Yet, the price is quite high for this awakening, being the releasing, the surrender of all we thought we knew, all we believed. We’re finally seeing to whom the price seems so high — to the mind. We discover Heart as a far more awesome space to occupy; a welcoming, unlimited, awesome realm.

Crazy Clock — Club.cc.cmu.edu

We eventually view humanity through the Both/And perception, recognizing each of us as if a finger on the same hand, a number on the same clock.

What we say or do to another finds its way back to us, eventually, the only delay being illusory time which is strictly of the mind. Our oneness is solid, just not visible to the body-mind ego aspect of our Being.

Welcome to Heart, the Oneness of That, dear awakening ones.

We eventually recognize our oneness with simply all that is, with the earth & all life upon it, both animate & seemingly inanimate (for even stones are aware, just in different ways & to different frequencies), with the Cosmos, itself.

Don’t be surprised to be called crazy or “out there” as you engage with awakening. The normies don’t yet realize that everything here is a matter of perspective, & that we’re very much in charge of our own perspective. They continue to live in the relativity of the Either/Or, the this OR that, not yet seeing into the all-inclusive majesty of the Both/And, that “other,” vaster realm.

To them, we’re crazy. To us, they’re the crazy ones. Yet, in the land of the Both/And, that’s perfectly fine. It’s perspective-dependent, everything bringing both blessing & challenge.

I’ll close with a few favorite quotes on Freedom of Speech that go far to illustrate the united possibilities that arise from simple Love & Respect, those aspects of Heart (that always begin with Self-Love & Self-Respect):

Liberty & Freeness of Speech Benjamin Franklin
Freedom of Speech the Greatest Safety Woodrow Wilson
Double Wrong to Suppress Free SpeechFrederick Douglass
Give me LibertyJohn Milton
Inconveniences of Too Much LibertyThomas Jefferson



Friday, 2018/12/14 — Mayan day 4 Seed / Kan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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