I really respect the work done by Edgar Cayce & his group, taking down his words while he was “out of it.” He left a wonderful legacy for both us & his future incarnations.
It’s time for us to be energy readers, once again, feeling into the crystal, the tree, the plant & the animals as well as our fellow people. Oh my, how we choose to limit ourselves in our belief we’re this body-mind thing. Yes, it’s real & it’s wonderful, but so very limited compared to our Source-in-form Reality.
I was contemplating the stars in meditation, once — the eyes-closed version — when I was stunned to be greeted by one of them. It “spoke” to me, but not like how we think of “speaking.” Knowledge was shared, somehow — clear & succinct.
Over time, I discovered that, just as individual humans are conscious, so are all beings, all of life. Seemingly more than that, but really just different, areas are also conscious. I recall one agelessly endless time spent as a mountain, a small mountain range; what it was like when humans came along to build & live on me, watching them over the centuries.
As you say, the planet, herself, is also conscious & self-aware, but so are solar systems, galaxies, universes… I guess it goes on endlessly. Though their awareness is hugely different than ours as humans, yet they’re adept — if they want to share — at communicating with us. They ALL have something to teach us, as we do them, believe it or not.
It’s all so awesome, so upliftingly wonderful that it leaves you speechless. 😶 Only on the flow of Heart do words arise for such things as so many of us know. The mind doesn’t grasp it so it can’t convey it.
There’s laughter aplenty to go around. 😆