I like you. I like your style, authentic & sincere, willing to do the self-examination that would be good for us all. That being said, I’ve got a curve ball for ya. It’s not original with me, but I came across the idea long ago enough to have forgotten the source — so on to the idea.
At Heart, at our core, we’re all equal. As Spirit/flesh combos, our differences are mostly of the flesh, the body-mind; yet we’re so much more. Perhaps balance is best.
Anyway, the idea is that, by making people, any people, objects of charity we may inadvertently limit their growth by our focus on the fleshly circumstances while ignoring Who they truly are — every bit our equal. We play to the lowest common denominator instead of interfacing with their Source-in-form Self.
That doesn’t mean to stop all charity — of course not! It does encourage a deeper look, not so much into what we’re doing, but into how we’re doing it — & why. Do we look down on them, even subtly? Of course, we do. Hard to avoid, but it merits a good bit of self-examination. We’re all equal; more than that, as Source-in-form, we’re the same One playing multiple roles.
Okay, it’s mind-bending, I admit. For me, mind isn’t the sharpest tool in the treasury. That would be Heart, hands-down. My suggestion would be to look at the outcome we desire. Does it have the effect of uplifting those we reach out to assist — or does it, heaven forbid, go to make them dependent on us, on charity?