“I” as Eye

Empty, not Full

5 min readNov 7, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

We’re taught that we gain something by awakening, that we somehow add something to the self, elevating us to new heights. Perhaps, from a certain perspective that’s so, but what if that perspective is that of the ego, the body-mind? Since that’s not Who we truly are, then perhaps it’s not such a useful perspective.

The “I” is emptiness, is participation in the divine flow. The “I,” itself, is an Eye of Source, a singular perspective on the whole. In a faceted crystal sphere, the “I”/eye is the view through one facet — but there are more, right? If all is but One, then those perspectives are also ours, are also available, yes?

What are we to make of this? Nothing.

We just let it go. Nothing is the answer we seek, we just didn’t know that. No one told us. The deLightFull challenge was on us to discover it. How we discover it is by a sort of endless letting go, a releasing of all we once took to be so very real, so important, so critical to our happiness & satisfaction.

Spiritual Beings Human — Theosophywatch.files.wordpress.com

Well, we followed that trek for how long, now? How many lifetimes did we devote to seeking this greater, vaster “I?” We have much in common with the dog chasing its tail, our tale of seeking enlightenment. LOL.

Are we ready for a new perspective, a new Eye on what presents itself as so very real?

Those who’ve had an NDE are ahead of the game, given a real boost in seeing from another perspective, through another Eye. They just suddenly Know that 3D is the dream, that this other perspective is much closer to Reality. There’s an apparent reality, of course, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Reality. In less than a second, they just Know.

We’ve been misled in endless ways, filled full of nonsense we took on as our beliefs. No one & nothing is to blame, it’s just What Is in the greater scheme of things. The biggest secret may well be that we’re not powerless in the midst of the apparent mess. Oh no, once we see through this Eye, we can never play the victim game again. That’s just over.

We’re shocked, perhaps, to discover how much of the role we’ve been playing is enmeshed in victimhood. The whole SJW scene is victims on parade, looking to escape abuse, to find a way out by finding who or what to blame & somehow punishing them.

This is where the laughter enters, stage left, but only if we’re ready, if we’re sufficiently empty, sufficiently open to that. The greatest cleanse of all may well be a hearty belly laugh at the self’s expense. It’s not hard & it’s a great deal of fun, highly recommended.

Where we once sought to be full, to garner whatever the body-mind sought in the moment, we now see the beauty, the divinity in the void of emptiness. Life is far more effortless than we realized. We’re the only one in our way. We’re all Source-in-form, cells in the One, the Body of Source, i.e., the Cosmos.

Cells in the Body of Source — i1.wp.com

The body-mind perspective, it’s “eye”/I is largely blind to this vaster Reality. Thus, we’ve got a lot of releasing to do, shedding of old ways & old views, to clear the way for this vaster vision to fill our awareness. We’re also a LOT more powerful than the body-mind has a clue about.

If we believe we’re powerless, we are; if we believe we’re powerful, we are.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2019/11/06

If it is true — and it is — that when I — meaning any point of Consciousness — asks, it is given; then can you not feel the perfection of the selfish ego? Every vantage point gets to ask, and every vantage point is answered. And when everyone is individually choosing and Source is answering, then what could be a more balanced world?

Excerpted from Sedona, AZ on 8/31/02

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

The next biggest challenge is likely the fact that our mind isn’t coming along, isn’t taking this trek. It can’t; it’s too small. The body-mind is an infinitesimal portion of Who we truly are. Still, if we believe it to be who we are, then we have the power to thus limit ourselves. Herein lie the dangers of those old beliefs & the assumptions they generate.

It turns out that our Awakening is really a great emptying out; that there’s been a great lot of stuff in the way, stuff that we put there. That’s nice, though, for it empower us, who put it there, to remove it.

We know when we cross over that those dollars & possessions we gained while the body-mind lived don’t come along, either. All that stuff we sought to gain, that we considered so very important, is instantly seen as nothing, i.e., supremely unimportant. It was all just a part of the game, amusing at best, but more often an avenue to losing awareness of the vaster self.

What to do, now? Nothing.

In the absence of the I, in the presence of the Eye, it’s clearly all about being, with no separate individual to “do” anything. Doing, too, is all a part of the game. Nor is our game-playing somehow evil or misguided. It’s meant for our enjoyment & expansion of awareness. It can deliver that, too, if we just get out of the way.

Here it is from a scientific perspective:

The Language That Will Change Our Future | Gregg Braden — 13:29



10:38 a.m., Thursday, 2019/11/07 — Mayan day 7 Road / Eb




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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