How to Find & Enter Your Optimum Flow

6 min readNov 3, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

As I’ve never before written a “How to,” let’s see where this one leads. 😉

How often do we set ourselves the task of being present — of centering, perhaps to write, perhaps to create in our field of endeavor, be it art, science, or whatever — yet not quite make it into feeling truly centered & just here? Many are learning the benefits found within the present moment, the NowHere that is all we ever truly experience, yet having mixed results with implementing what we can call Presence.

Recognizing the central importance of being present-moment focused is key, yet it’s not the whole deal, not quite complete. We can be now-focused, yet have a chattering mind, potentially distracting us. We can be thinking about how much more usefully spent these moments could be in accomplishing things, rather than using them to center, for instance.


Let us view finding the NowHere, recognizing its importance, as but the first step. What else we bring to the party is our consciousness — what state is that in? How do we feel? This is equally important & deserves our attention.

The potential here is to leave the surface realm of mind by entering deeper, possibly much deeper, within. This calls for our focused intention, which is made possible by our NowHere awareness, else our focus is sloppy across space &/or time. Thus, we look at NowHere awareness as but the first (admittedly critical) step. What’s next?


What if I tell you that it’s contentment? Look at your response — note whether it’s mind-based or not. While some don’t believe they can be content, yet we’ve all experienced wonderful moments of utter contentment, fleeting though they may have been. These don’t arise from the mind, but deeper, within.

It’s important to recognize that contentment is at least available, or there’s no point in continuing our exercise.

This is an exercise in awareness, in consciousness, not a physical or mental thing. You could even say we’re finding our self, our Inner Being, our central or deeper core. It may help to know that contentment is the natural state, here. All it requires is that we align with it, not create it from scratch, since it already exists.


What if I told you that Utter Neutrality is Possible — what then? Look at your response for some clues. We all have underlying programming on board which initially makes such awareness adventuring rather challenging. Yet, as we get used to ignoring thoughts that arise, knowing we’re headed deeper, it gets ever easier to do.

What is utter neutrality? Have you ever felt it? It is completely beyond the realm (& reach) of the mind, for starters. It’s an aspect of awareness, not of thought. How does that sit with you? As you watch yourself (your mind, your ego self) while you take such a trek, much is revealed, much can be learned.

On deeper layers of our awareness there’s an utter contentment that quietly abides. It truly doesn’t care what comes next in our life, be it so called positive or negative, being neutral to all. How can this be? From our depths we can see that simply all that befalls us, all that happens is benevolent, is highly beneficial.

This can be our reality, to the extent that we’re willing to view it that way.

It’s beneficial, regardless, it’s just that by letting mind have a say by branding it as somehow negative, we rob ourselves of this ride. We leave the inner depths, returning into the layer of our being that is the mind. The mind cannot take us into our depths. It doesn’t abide there, so how can it?

All of our challenges will one day be seen to track back directly to the programmed mind.

Confucius —

The secret to entering the true flow of our Inner Being lies both in coming to abide in the present NowHere moment AND in being content. These two, together, open the lock & the door into our very own sacred flow — which can be sensed. It’s only fair to state that coming to this is a process, not a one-off. We may easily slip into it one day, then feel like it’s lost for a week.


What to “do” about that? Bring a positive attitude to it, permitting no self-criticism of any sort. Be gentle with yourself, Love yourself, respect yourself. Know that not one moment of your NowHere is ever wasted, is ever irrelevant to your life & its goals. These off times are valuable, too — just as much a gift as the full flow of contentment.

How can that be?

In times of feeling too restless, watch yourself — be observant. You’re being shown precisely what you need to see, what your current blocks are. You’re being shown how you get in your own way in this process. Journaling your awarenesses, your observations as they arise might be more than just helpful, also being a part of your process, a potentially alchemical one.


You’re leaving the herd mentality with all of this, charting your own course. We are each far & away beyond what we take ourselves to be, at this time. Though these discoveries will come later for science — perhaps much later — that’s not stopping us.

Our Inner Being is a realm so other, so distinctly different from the realm of mind as to beggar comparison. Our thoughts & beliefs will be challenged every step of the way, at least for a while. Later on, once we’ve mastered the mind to a greater extent, it won’t be like that. Our ability to ignore our thoughts eventually quietens them.

We begin to find out what silence is all about, what it’s like.

None of this can be even envisioned from the mental realm. It is perhaps this with which mind will fight the hardest, so beware. Be ready, that’s all. Know that you are more, much more than any mind ever dreamed of being. Those dreamers who found their way in were not dreaming from mind, but from their deeper core.


To the extent that you can accept the underlying foundations of what’s being shared here — even if just as possibilities — you, too, can find & enter your deeper regions. Science discounts them, along with all of this, but I say, so what?! What do they know? When they quite hobble themselves with their mechanistic views of simply everything, what can they know?

They’ve drawn the boundaries too closely, too narrowly, to even admit that such realms could exist.

Don’t let science or any aspect of academia slow your trek of inner discovery, friends. They don’t know what they don’t know, & they’ve made themselves inaccessible to such views. That’s not on us, that’s on them, so enjoy your trek & all of the surprises it surely contains. The process of having our mind reeducated is quite a blast, one that’s quite enjoyable, too, once we get into this.

Okay, so perhaps they could lock me up in the loony bin for saying that Utter Neutrality is available, as is a perpetual sort of contentment — if we but learn to ignore the mind . So what? What if it’s true, what then? We’re the ones who choose to self-limit, my friends — no one else. Yes, we have to leave the herd mentality to the side, but again, so what? What are its potential gains next to what’s available in this great, inner realm?

As nothing, I say!

So I guess the bottom line is to find ways to enjoy yourself, regardless of all that’s going on around you. I hope that just by knowing there actually IS this inner realm wherein tranquility, contentment already abides, this makes it easier for you. One day this will be seen as our natural state, our birthright, but that seems a long way off.

For now it will have to be us, uniquely, individually, finding our way in. As we nurture the best possible attitudes while being ever wary of old beliefs (herd mentality stuff), we’re in the very best shape to find our way in, to discover & enter our very own beautiful flow.



2:42 pm, Friday 2017/11/03, 1st, Mayan day 1 Flint / Etznab




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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