How Can There Be Only One?
Do No Harm
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to title these stories. There’s no way to have a representative title. Then again, wouldn’t it be great if we could all communicate wordlessly, such that words were no longer needed? We’re already telepathic, but those who don’t know that block themselves from the conscious use of it, so we have a good way to go, yet.
Though we’re on our way out of it, we still remain in the realm of relativity where everything, even the truths in which we believe, is a mixture of fact & fiction. The best we can do is relative truth, knowing it will likely shift over time as new information & understanding arises. Strangely enough, we even fight & kill over what we take to be truth.
Until we can rise to the “Do no harm,” standard, we still have a long way to go. Though we have the most beautiful founding documents — with the help of the Native Americans who already had a beautifully functioning society long before the settlers arrived —we must retain a certain standard of ethics & integrity for it to function well.
Just as guns do not kill, people kill, laws cannot make a lawful society, only people can. “Do no harm” is not a very high standard, just the minimal one to ensure a smooth functioning social structure, yet we don’t even live up to that. Many do, but it would be tough to say it’s even the majority. To have a truly loving society seems to be a higher-dimensional thing; a great target, nonetheless.
Were we all to realize our underlying oneness that would certainly help. When you know your neighbor is another manifestation of your Self, you treat her differently, with kindness & great respect. It may take realizing that we’re all in this together as the Family of Humanity, to break free of our lower-consciousness state.
There’s nothing wrong with a vast diversity of beliefs.
That’s what freedom is about, getting to choose for ourselves. Yet, one day, hopefully soon, we must realize how beliefs work, how they limit us, how they blind us to the vast realm of possibilities outside the boundaries of our beliefs.
In our essence, our soul, our Spirit we are one, yet, still retain a unique awareness. The many concepts our religions teach around Source/God certainly clash, often pitting us against one another. We’d like to be in charge of the world, able to dictate our beliefs as the “right” ones. We may focus on converting others to our faith.
Many awakening ones are pulling out of the religions while remaining faithful to their understanding, their experience of Source, the underlying structure of it all, that pinnacle of Perfection. Though Source is & can only be one, humanity has come a long way from our union in That. There are precious few things on which most can agree, religious or otherwise.
As we find our way into our core, into Heart, sanity returns along with Divine Love. We hardly know what that’s like, how it functions, how it feels. Those choosing to remain in the mental realm, such as the atheists, are truly turned off by the whole religious thing. It’s understandable, friends, & they have the freedom to choose for themselves, so let’s give them a break.
Let’s find a way to sing our own beautiful song while giving others the same freedom to choose for themselves — as long as we do no harm.
The Divine simply IS, so whether we know it or not, that’s what we are at our base, our core Being. The only thing blocking our awareness, our direct experience of That is our system of beliefs about basically everything. As those drop away we step into That, bit by bit.
So what is this fabled oneness & how does it work? Contrary to popular beliefs, it is not a philosophy, & it includes the whole realm of science (& everything else). It’s the underlying nature of reality, accessible to all but accessed by few. Those holding a belief in many gods may have drawn closer to That, but not close enough to see how those “gods” also form a part of Creation, of Cosmos, being individual manifestations, thereof, just as we are.
So no God or many gods or worship of the one God, we take our pick. Just because our concepts around that are shifting, taking many out of the religions, is no indicator that we’re lost & floundering. It may be the opposite, that we’re finding not just ourselves, but the Self. Regardless, we have the freedom, the right to choose.
This Source of which I speak fits into none of that, cannot in any way be contained in a concept.
To the mind, it would be more a principle than a being, yet this “principle” is awareness, itself, the ultimate Beingness, the All & the nothing, together. It includes everything, thus even the “devils” & their ilk have their being, their awareness in That. There is nothing It does not contain & subsume.
Many religions have a problem with that, wanting to separate out the darkness from the Light, ignorant of what the Yin & Yang, literally, the “dark-bright,” the “negative-positive,” represents. Without both, there would be no manifestation, no electricity, no “Creation,” which amounts to the interacting flow of both Light & darkness.
What good is free will if there are no choices to make?
Our minds function in relativity where we can only know about things, not know the things in/as themselves. That’s where opinions rise, from the less-than-full experience of whatever is inspiring the various perspectives. Therein lies the joy of the grand discoveries on the horizon, the direct experience found via Heart or on crossing over, laying the body down.
So what is this ultimate Oneness & how does it function? Enter Heart & center to continue. There is only One walking this earth or anywhere else. I call that one Source, who looks through our eyes & speaks through our mouths. It’s understandable why people would personify this One whose limitlessness is alien to any mind. Some faiths wisely allow no Source images.
It does not take form, yet abides in all form, right down to the subatomic level. It is the very essence of Divine Love & Compassion, yet provides our realm of free will, enabling us to make whatever choices seem best. Being also the essence, the epitome of Divine Purity, when we are less than pure we’re not fully aligned with It.
That alignment is our ultimate choice.
Whenever you reach out your hand to comfort or support someone, that’s the Love of Source expressing. “We are the body of Christ” is one way this is said, but there are many. The original scriptures of the ancient religions are not what we have, today.
Those had a far greater purity, were much closer to That, if we go back many thousands, perhaps even millions of years. Many back then were harmonious with others in their basic teachings. (We may even have started out, here, on a higher dimension, thus, the “fall,” the sudden need for languages.)
We’ve wandered far.
All of these things are easier to experience as we rise in frequency, in vibration, ultimately into a higher dimension. Some call this the In-breath of Source, whose Creation goes through cycles of the Out-breath, i.e., manifestation, & the In-breath as reunion, coming back together in/as That. We’re going Home, not to some particular place, but into the One, inaccessible to any mind but present as we find our way into the one Heart.
What can we “do” to enter this Oneness? We can begin by releasing ourselves from the stranglehold of our beliefs. Holding them lightly, we can come to grips with relativity, noting its presence everywhere & in everything to which we’re accustomed. We can recognize that there is a “more,” something beyond, & that there will always be.
There is no end to infinity-eternity, but only ever-present Beingness.
Once we admit the possibility, we’re on our way. Every roadblock can be seen to emerge from a belief. In Heart, we finally recognize that we know nothing — nothing at all. We only think we know, but all that we know is within the relative realm until we start to awaken. On recognizing our know-nothingness, we’re prepared to grapple with relativity, the linear, either/or nature of that from a deeper perspective.
This Oneness is nothing we have to seek; it just is. That makes “awakening” a great word for this, for it really is like waking up to something far beyond what we ever imagined. It takes the direct experience found in Heart to pave the way for this. Heart is not the be-all, the end-all, but only the portal into That, the entry point.
We are as children, spiritually. History is meant to chronicle our trek, but when the history books are either altered or written by the invading victors, we go off track. It’s inevitable, nothing for which we need condemn ourselves, being simply what is. For the most part, each one is doing their best, even those lost in seeming evil.
We know not the pain they’ve endured, the basis for their choices, & there, but for the grace of Source, go we, friends.
We’re pretty good at owning the good parts of our nature & everything else, but haven’t yet come to the threshold of recognizing that we, as the One, also contain the supposed bad. Think Yin/Yang, the wholeness it represents. That’s us, folks. We keep rejecting the bad, refusing to own our part in that, thus rejecting our wholeness.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/01/19
“Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience. They can hold their opinions, but unless their opinion affects your opinion, their opinion matters not at all. A million people could be pushing against you, and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back. They are affecting what happens in their experience. They are affecting their point of attraction — but it does not affect you unless you push against them.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 2/21/98
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
No one born on earth doesn’t lie, cheat, or steal at some point in their life. We’re not living in the best environment for the purity of Truth to manifest. It may be in very subtle ways, the white lie to spare someone’s feelings, the things we do when trying to “get ahead,” whatever that means We’re not totally honest with ourselves or with others. We hold back.
It’s all good, friends. It’s how we’re finding our true Self in this 3D realm. It’s how the Universe expands.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/14
“As you are in your physical body, with Source flowing to you and through you, you are continuing your eternal life. And even when you don’t know it, even when you feel bad, even when it feels like things aren’t going well, Source Energy is still flowing to you as unconditional love. The Source Energy that creates worlds is flowing to you.”
Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/8/14
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
“Good” is likely from “God,” the fount of all goodness. “Evil” is not, is but a relative concept. Source doesn’t create devils & demons — we do that. How? By our poor choices, our misuse of free will over great swaths of time, which eventuates in some losing their way, misusing the creative power, creating the dark energies.
The Source energy flowing to us is always pure, it’s what we do with it in our power to create (as Source-in-form,) that manifests the “bad,” which is really just the lost.
Let’s remember that the sun shines on the just & the unjust alike, playing no favorites.
We are not better than others because we’re a queen, a monk, or a pastor, nor worse than others in our criminal behavior. ALL that we see (& do) is but a manifestation of what we are, within. There’s comfort in knowing that Divine Justice is also an aspect of Source, well able to deliver the fruits of our actions to everyone, the “bad guys” included.
Divine Perfection is built into the Cosmos.
All is equal at its core, & in the One there is no two, so all comparisons are strictly a thing of relativity. Comparisons are mind things which we can set aside in favor of the Heart journey. Let’s be about this Great Awakening, where we finally come back together in higher consciousness, making ever better choices as Divine Love in action.
9:57 am, Sunday 2018/02/11, 1st, Mayan day 10 Flint / Etznab