Hmmm. That’s challenging, yes, but it seems you know it is, so that helps. Language is very much a linear, 3D thing, one letter, one word, one sentence, paragraph, etc., at a time. It cannot possibly contain higher-dimensional understandings.
Well, it can contain them, but energetically, not in the word structures. As we awaken, we come to realize we can read the energies, so we’re no longer locked into interpreting what the words are trying to convey.
Actually, it reminds me of these body-mind costumes we wear for our part in the 3D play — how they can’t even begin to contain the fullness of our awareness, just a ray, a reflection of that.
Everything here is perspective dependent. We get to choose how we view whatever it is, & our beliefs, attitudes, & expectations play a huge part in that. While it’s somewhat perspective dependent on the other side, too — our beliefs still help create what we experience — yet we’re released from the restrictions, the constriction of the body-mind thing, far more able to expand out into Who we truly are.
Everything really is connected, really is one. Quantum physics comes pretty close to conveying some of that. Here, the mind knows about things, but Heart Knows, just Knows with such a solidity it can’t be conveyed. I remember being “there” one time, realizing that it would be easier for me to deny the reality of everything that ever happened in my 3D life more easily than deny that Knowing. It just IS. It’s not something you question.
I haven’t found that the mind is even able to enter Heart, to go there, to have that experience. Heart’s NowHere is nowhere to the mind, literally. It’s awesome, so fantastic, so beautiful, so fulfilling, so endlessly comforting, so uplifting… could go on & on.
Nothing is as bad as it seems, as we’ve been made to believe. That’s just the Matrix mind hack. Once seen through, it can’t ever trap us again. Keep Heart-centering & you’ll step or stumble into it now & then. You’ll get the hang of it. It’s hard when who we take ourselves to be isn’t real, the ego-mind. That’s not going there with us. It’s camel-through-eye-of-the-needle time, LOL.