Hmm — happiness, huh? Looking to anything external for that doesn’t work, but perhaps for a very short while. The connection between expectations & our internal contentment is ever so valid. For me, what worked to bring lasting peace was turning inward — being willing to face whatever I found, rather than pushing it away. To work thru it, whatever it is, was/is the right road for me.
Yet releasing all expectations, both internal & external, may be the largest slice of the pie — much easier said than done. Still, it’s fun, & that’s important. As we move in whatever direction Heart calls us, we just can’t go wrong. Gotta be strong, but that’s do-able, too.
As I look at images on the web, I find more joy & happiness among ppl in poorer, much poorer lands than ours in the USA. Nor do I feel anything that radiates joy & contentment on the faces, in the demeanor or actions of the very wealthy. Cross that one off of the list — if it comes, fine, but if not, I’m no less happy for that. 😉