Hi Aaron — will give it a go, so if we both stick with Heart here… let’s see what arises.
This is deep, I know — not seen on the surface, not seen at all by the mind, but all is just One. Science comes close sometimes, so we could call it a quantum-entangled whole, for instance. It’s also the case that all of humanity is telepathic — but most, not knowing that, don’t see it, taking all thoughts as their own.
So we have that 2-sided coin, what seems to be on the surface, then the underlying union as the deeper reality — again & always (with Heart), the Both/And. Seeming opposites or elements that negate one another, yet both being the case, what we see being largely (if not wholly) dependent on our chosen perspective.
We also have the human/Divine thing running, use being here, seeming to be human, yet the deeper identity — the Real one — being Source-in-form. Again, though they seem to conflict, they actually don’t. Both/And, free will & perspective determining what we experience.
Okay, so much for the groundwork. As to mind necessarily distorting things in order to present them, this perspective is balanced on the fulcrum of the Both/And, able to see it both ways & to choose.
It is precisely because mind is unable to even enter Heart, is restricted to relativity’s realm (see What Is Truth?), that it can report nothing of the deeper, what some call the spiritual realm. If it doesn’t actually know Truth, only duality’s relative version, it cannot present that. Do you see?
Via the human mind we cannot know Truth, the deeper, core version in which no two even abides. Separation, itself, being perhaps the biggest illusion, one we are not free of until we abide in something beyond the mind.
This is absolutely nothing against the mind, which does its best. Humanity’s mind was long ago conquered & trapped in the Matrix engineered by the those behind the cabal who are never seen or identified. It was a mind hack that took millennia to install, bit by tiny bit.
It does NOT limit us. No, it’s very very slick, causing us to self-limit, to self-scold, to treat the self & others with callous unkindness. We see it on display every day. It is what happens when we’re divorced from the Self, the greater Being we are.
When that is made into some sort of myth, we’re set-up for the take-over to roll into high gear, & it did. Hillary was to be the crowning glory enabling them to come out more into the open, knowing humanity was tamed, was, in effect, enslaved.
Throughout this long, long process we had both Higher Self/Source & our freedom ever available, but when we don’t know that, we can’t even conceive of it, so of course we don’t take advantage of what’s always right under our nose. Thus, how precious is our Great Awakening!
Truth, real Truth, cannot be presented by words, mind’s favorite tools. It’s too deep for that. Heart may hear the words, but it reads energy, being far less concerned with any words. Even in silence, it knows.
Hope this helps. I’m always rather amazed to see such things tackled via words — things that can’t really be expressed that way. To the extent the communicating parties take advantage of knowing they’re so very much more than just a body, just a mind, but Source-in-form, walking the earth, then the possibility exists for the really deep communications, for the Truth to flow.
That’s my take, anyway, FWIW. 😉