Hey Goat777, thanks for sharing your take on things. We’re clearly different facets of the gem on this one, as I don’t see myself as being under any sort of power or subject to the external administration of karma.
Yes, we have benefactors & soul family in the higher dimensions close by, which is great. No doubt they step in now & again in exceptional cases, but overall we’re in charge. I think it boils down to the definition of “we,” of the “I.” Are we the body-mind, the ego-mind, or Source-in-form, the Higher Self or Spirit? It’s our choices there that really count, that go far to determine the direction & outcomes of our journey.
We’re always Who we truly are in the eternal NowHere, being at once in all dimensions, all times & various forms & no form. The mind doesn’t process such things well, which is fine because it can’t. They’re well beyond it. Thus, it’s our reliance on the mind, the ego-mind that gets in the way of our awakening, our expansion.
Who we truly are is ever & always in charge. Free will is the kicker. It can be seen as the wrench in the works or the greatest possible freedom to empower our adventure. How we see these things is far more powerful than any mind can know, for it’s the Creative Power of Source flowing through us, creating as it goes.
Thus do we work both for & against ourselves, precisely as we’ve long been trained here on 3D earth. We’ve been largely asleep, engineered to be that way by some intruders who long ago found their way into our paradise. NowHere has come the time of The Great Awakening, perhaps also seen as the Vedic In-breath of Source/God, pulling the dimensions up higher — all of them.
We don’t really know, nor can we here in the (3D) dream of seeming physical manifestation; yet we are also & always Source, Source-in-a-form, so we have access to That. From Source comes a Knowing now & again — unmistakable — so such things can be Known, just not in any mental sort of way.
Our body is a universe in its own right, a conglomeration of atoms, cells, organs & various structures, each one a communal being cooperating with the whole, its destiny pinned to the whole. We, as the body, are much like that as members of a far vaster structure in the Oneness of All That Is.
Just as we don’t view one cell in the body as having a great adventure or making great accomplishments, those are made by the greater community, the body. So it is with us, the 3D, body-mind us, which is but the merest bit of what we could call our Greater Self, our Source-in-form-ness.
Our challenge has been that we were both physically modified, as humanity, as well as programmed/trained to self-identify as only that, leaving the inner Being completely out of the picture. We were taught to seek & find all deeper meaning in physicality, to require 3D “proof” for anything important. It’s all nonsense when viewed from another level, a broader perspective, but we’re not ready for that until we’re ready. No one is in charge of the self but the self/Self.
Whenever we’re ready to take up our Higher Calling, it’s there for us. Meanwhile, it goes on without our conscious awareness. We have great laughter in store, as well as some pretty challenging stuff, but we’re up for it, no doubt whatsoever; just not the 3D phony being we take ourselves to be. Gotta first awaken to our Source-in-form Self as rays of the one Sun.
Thus, my favorite saying for which I’ve forgotten the attribution: “These eyes through which I hoped to see God are the eyes through which God sees me.”
The Internet is unreliable for research since history is ever written by the victors — which have long been the globalist cabal types. Now that we’re well & truly awakening, they’re well & truly going down the drain, so our Great Adventure is finally back in gear.
We once likely had 12 strands of DNA & were not resident in this low, 3D frequency, but that’s all fine, too. It just is what it is, & there are many such adventures possible when your native environment is infinity/eternity across all dimensions & none (i.e., the emptiness).
BTW, it’s fun to encounter another soul/Being of great depth, another adventurous one willing to explore What Is. 😆 I’m not offering any of this as a correction for anything you’ve shared, just as yet another perspective. The perspectives, too, are infinite, & we all get to choose, that free-will thing being rather more powerful than we’ve yet taken account of.