Heart Vision for the Win
Breaking the Chains, Transcending Relativity
Humanity is intensely, awesomely, transcendently beautiful — who else sees this? Through what eyes are you looking? Mind doesn’t see things this way, does it? For that, it takes Heart, so let’s make the move, anchoring our focus there.
It’s always a choice, one we’re empowered to make.
Contrast & challenge are woven into our 3D experience. Without them there is little or no expansion. Though the hard stuff empowers our growth, it pains us until we find our way into Heart for a new look. That pain is valuable stuff, friends, a blessing in disguise. Which side of the coin will we choose to see? (Both, anyone? 😆)
We think we all see the same stuff, the people, creatures, & things, everywhere, but we don’t. This lies at the heart of every disagreement, every fight. We have multiple eyes, not just two, & those two eyes can be employed by both the mind & by Heart, offering radically different views of the “same” thing.
Little wonder we’re not always understood, eh?
Can we just laugh & move on, not making a big deal of it? Surely, we can, but then, why don’t we do this more often? Why do we linger & make a feud? It’s the Matrix at work. Our minds were long ago infiltrated, trained to see the cabal’s view as the “right” one.
Free will is unlimited, yet the Matrix design strictly limits us to duality, the relativity of 3D (which we don’t understand well). We all have this great power, this freedom of choice, yet we’ve accepted endless limitations. We’re afraid to venture out on our own, out of the Matrix, not wanting to stand out, to be misunderstood or condemned.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/04/22
“There are many situations, attitudes, lifestyles — even food choices — that you do not want to participate with. Through the living of your life, you have identified many wanted and unwanted aspects, and it is important to remember that none of those unwanted things can jump into your experience, because there is no assertion in your attraction-based Universe.
“The choices that others make cannot negatively impact your experience unless you include them in your experience through your attention to them. Things come to you only through your Vibrational invitation — and they remain only by your continuing attention to them.
“Your Universe is based upon freedom. Freedom for everyone to choose what they give their attention to, and therefore what they choose to experience. And your interaction with one another provides a contrasting basis that assures continual expansion…” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Seen by the cabal as mere herd animals, easily controlled, we allowed our wings to be clipped, but no more! The contrast, finally dialed up to an intolerable point, is forcing many to look up from their habitual preoccupations, to wonder if there might be a better way — & of course, there is!
Right & wrong imply absolutes, don’t they? They imply that someone knows, & that one has provided guidance to help the rest. Pardon me, but BS! Why do we trust others above our Source-in-form Self? Though all have the right to choose, we cluster into our preferred groups, accepting their answers, their ways as the “right” ones.
One day we’ll thank the challenges, the heavy contrast we’re now facing, for providing the impetus that inspired welcome change. For many long centuries, humanity has been as tamed sheep, willing to go along just to get along, to get ahead, whatever that means, lol.
We gave our power away, plain & simple (once we see it), putting cabal actors in the lead roles, allowing their shenanigans. That hasn’t worked out well for us, but only for them, so we’re now rejecting the fruits of our old ways. Good!
Right & wrong are relative both to who is viewing & from where they view, be it from the head or from Heart. Anytime we accept an either/or choice we’re boxing ourselves in. By letting others provide the options, we limit ourselves. Let’s make a habit of choosing the both/and view, instead, recognizing that we contain both, & then some.
We’re the only one who can limit the self.
No matter what they teach or what they do, no one can force their way into our inner world. No one can limit us unless WE enable that. The cabal tries hard to hide the good choices, but so what? We get to choose our course. It’s long past time to ditch trust & easy acceptance of anything, including these blogs — anything, everything.
It’s time to let the old ways go; to put Heart in charge.
The only one we want to follow abides within; that would be Source. The trick may be learning to listen with new ears, just as we’re learning to see with new eyes. Heart doesn’t speak with words, but with a deeper sensing that beggars description.
We sense many things as we go within, pulling our focus from all things external now & again. Mental & emotional sensings arise; these are not Heart (though they may be relevant, may guide us there).
Heart sensing goes beyond sensing at a certain point, becoming a knowing — a Knowing often shocking to our mind, which is not pleased we let something slip into acceptance absent its evaluation & approval. 👎
Oh well, deal with it, mind; just watch & learn.
Before we enter this Knowing we work through the many sensings, learning to discern those of mind & habit as our programming. So many things we never questioned, just accepted since the adults told us so. Those days are going, now, as Heart awakens.
Heart adds a whole new dimension to the view. Mind’s options are seen as on a flat plane, this one here, that one there; not so with Heart. Mind can only know about things, whereas Heart knows (& is) the things in themselves, thoroughly pretzeling the mind.
The mind wants solid, provable answers, but nothing is or can be solid, friends, in the relativity of 3D. CERN will never find the smallest particle since there is no such thing. What is the biggest number? We can always add 1 (or .0000001) to it & continue on into infinity/eternity.
Everything hinges on our choice of perspective & on how flexible we are. Belief in right & wrong makes us inflexible (by design). How we were brought up was quite tricky. We were given a problem, along with a group of potential solutions — a multiple-choice life. 😲
That is but the illusion of free choice, of free will. We let the cabal set up the gameboard, offering their chosen solutions, all structured to keep us in duality & thus easily managed. Witness the EU or the political parties, anywhere; always a this-or-that choice among their options.
By sticking with relativity, we didn’t imagine that those running the show could be aught but people like us. As we’re starting to see, there are depths of depravity commonly indulged by cabal types that rip us apart to even imagine. Not just pedophile, but pedovore — OMG, beyond unacceptable.
We’re wisely withdrawing our trust, no longer willing to give them free rein, free reign.
Friends, nothing whatsoever is what we think it is, what we were taught/programmed to believe. Nothing! As we let that sink in, our eyes open to vast new vistas. Our native creativity comes to the fore, long suffocated by our Belief Systems’ limited options.
Creator works through us. We are or can be the embodiment of That; again, it’s all about choice, the application of Free Will. We’ve been long taught to limit ourselves, our possibilities, but that’s nonsense. It’s just more evidence of the cabal invading our minds, tinkering with our reality.
They know we’re Source-in-form, but have worked hard to keep that knowledge from us. Why? They profit hugely by manipulating & managing us. The Power of humanity is intense. Of necessity, those on the dark side are vampires, energy vampires.
Having cut themselves off from Heart, from Source long ago, they must steal others’ energies to survive. They block their own flow. Thus, do they divide us to reap their harvest of negative energies. The lower we go, the better for them. Since we can’t, with physical eyes, see our own energies & theirs, we don’t know.
We (via our mind) can be fooled into self-righteous anger, a great feast for them.
By keeping us mind-centric they win, since mind’s realm is relativity where nothing is truly clear, everything can be argued. They train us into certain perspectives, then reward us as we operate within them.
We have so much to celebrate as we watch the chains fall to the right & to the left on our way out of their energetic captivity. Let us learn a new respect for our inherent Source Power, the power of our Being, our gaze, our attention.
It creates, simple as that.
What do we want to create, dear ones? In what sort of a world do we want to live, this Family of Humanity? Will we continue to let them divide us, to forever disrespect & judge one another? As we focus our attention within, training our mind in new, uplifting avenues, we’ll see the results play out on the world scene.
As we refuse to hate & condemn self or one another, to be nasty & arrogant, we win. As we choose to see the best, both within the self & one another in every situation, we win. We thereby energetically support our best options, feeding them rather than perpetuating the cabal-engineered Matrix of lies.
It’s not that hard, as you see. Everything gets down to perspective, to which perspective we choose in our perpetual Now. Eyes of Heart or eyes of the body-mind — our choice.
9:51 am, Sunday, 2018/04/22, 1st — Mayan day 2 Star or Rabbit / Lamat