Heart Also Thinks — Practical Application
Enjoyment Empowers
The Matrix is as a fence restricting us to the land of the body-mind. Though nothing can fence us out of Heart, if we can be made to believe we’re only physical, we effectively limit ourselves to 3D. The creative power of thought was absent from every school curriculum, so we were effectively roped into a limited arena, unaware how we participated in the roping.
What do we lose when buying into that constrictive story? We self-limit to level 1 in the multi-level game. What if we are multidimensional, right here where we are? Why does no one teach us about our unlimited, infinite/eternal nature? What are they trying to hide — & why? How does it serve them?
The Family of Humanity is divine, one of many such races throughout Cosmos. When we identify with these bodies, our multidimensionality remains but a myth. We take down the false fences as we awaken to thought as a potential superpower.
Who wants to go free, to shed the Matrix program of passive acceptance?
It’s a daunting task, but we’re rebels at heart, friends. We’ve been living an uncomfortable fiction for so long we’re now chomping at the bit. It’s hard to imagine a more exciting time to be alive, to be emgodied (deLightFull ‘typo’) on planet earth. We came in just for this, so let’s git ‘er done! 😆
Over thousands of generations the invading cabal imposed their framework, fenced us in. We’ve been tip-toed [1] into it via the likes of Hegel & his Dialectic of thesis, antithesis, synthesis, the cabal’s favored way to resolve opposing views. As David Icke dubbed it, “Problem, Reaction, Solution.”
“The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution. If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we do not know how we are helping to implement the vision. When we remain locked into dialectical thinking, we cannot see out of the box.”
This is our time, friends. As we begin to recall how we came in for this, to set both ourselves & this planet free, we’ll bust out of every trap, every limit, every lie that’s been fraudulently imposed as the “truth.” Not only that, but we’ll have great fun along the way.
There’s no need to await any rescue, no need to put off great joy into some mythical future. That already exists, awaiting only our choice to recall Who & what we are, as Source-in-form.
This is no small deal, but rather the work of the ages to come out of our shells. They are false, but until we recognize them as such they’re powerful restrictions on our liberty, our Divine Freedom to just Be, to go our own way.
The time to leave the herd is Now & we’re the ones answering heart’s call, not to blow the Matrix up, but to leave it behind.
Many whose vision is still limited are primed & ready to fight, to kill, to do whatever it takes to unseat the cabal. There’s a beauty in that. No doubt some of it will be necessary, but let’s not forget that the light vanquishes the darkness at the flip of a switch. We are that Light & it illuminates as we enter Heart.
We are SO much more powerful than we know!
Just as President Trump is playing multi-level chess while his enemies play checkers, falling, right, left, & center, so can we. The price for that is to exit the fenced-in mind’s limits via a complete perspective shift. I don’t care how brilliant you are, Heart is far wiser, adept at the multi-level game the mind doesn’t even see, stuck as it is on the battlefield of duality, 3D relativity.
None of the mind’s ways or ideas can oust the invading cabal. 😲
Once we realize we’re multidimensional, we can recognize the mental realm as the lower level of the game & take it to the next level for the win. The mind doesn’t comprehend that the way out is by going in, entering the portal of Heart where the Matrix blinders cannot go.
So easy to say, but oh, my, it’s an amazing challenge to implement. While stuck in the mind, we seem trapped at every turn & thoroughly locked down, but note the word, “seem.” Everything is but a seeming to our mind. None of it is what it appears to be, so no mind can figure it out. Oh, how we’ve tried!
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself, NO MATTER WHAT.
Enjoyment & appreciation form the skeleton key, able to unlock every door, ushering us into Heart when that is our intent. Stay out of the head with this! That’s right, do not think about it, else you choose to remain trapped. If mind had a way out, we’d have found it by now, yes?
We & the many prior generations have worked long & hard to go free. Our ancestors weren’t equipped to break out as they still believed, still trusted, not yet recognizing the invaders nor their conquered state. Kept on the defensive, busy looking to the next battle for victory, they were sufficiently distracted to not notice their chains — but we do.
Humanity has been waking-up for generations, but only now is it getting sufficiently intense on the world stage to make it hard to stay asleep. Things are crazy out there, & one day we’ll be glad things are in such a seeming mess — again, note, “seeming.” It’s no mess, it’s what the beginnings of real Freedom look like.
Chaos is the loud knock on the door, the peal of the Freedom gong. 🔔 Nothing from our past holds the answers we seek, the necessary strategy for the win, but Heart does. The New World we’re entering/creating holds precious little resemblance to anything we’ve known, so don’t look to the history books (all false, anyway) for guidance.
We all play our parts, we all have different roles which only Heart knows. Rather than gearing up for the fight, it’s time to let go, to release the old ways & means that limit us to the lower game levels. Many are already finding the Wisdom that shines from the phrase, “I don’t know.” We don’t!
No mind will deliver this win.
The fullness we seek abides within the shocking, amazing emptiness we discover when pursuing the self/Self. Your mind will take many a whipping as Heart brings it back around to its original mission — to be the calculator in our hip pocket, not the Gestapo, the boss running the show. We’re quite flipping the table on the poor mind, which will be more than confused until it surrenders to Heart.
If all of this sounds too theoretical, even mythical, I’ll close with a practical application. Most recognize the twilight time between waking & sleep as different, as somehow special. It is. During these times we pull back from our waking cares & concerns as we fall asleep, as we’re leaving 3D.
To perform this experiment will require that you keep a notepad & little flashlight by your side on the bed. (Don’t use your phone or anything electronic, due to their frequency emissions.) Center in the mid-chest area while relaxing, firm in your intention to more fully awaken, saying prayers if that’s your way.
Source/God is Love, so feel Loved, enfolded in That as you let the body go for the night. It is during these times that Heart speaks, sharing flashes of illumination. Even if old memories pop up, don’t forget to enjoy whatever arises. All is for our benefit, our blessing, but we’ve got to see it that way to reap the fruits.
Mind can’t see this from any stance of resistance.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017
“Whenever you are feeling less than good, if you will stop and say, Nothing is more important than that I feel good — I want to find a reason now to feel good, you will find an improved thought.
“Anytime you feel negative emotion, you are in the mode of resisting something that you want, and that resistance takes its toll on you. It takes its toll on your physical body, and it takes its toll on the amount of wonderful things that you are allowing to come into your experience.”
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Ideas come. That’s what the notebook is for, so just use the flashlight & jot down the date & the idea — just a summary, a phrase or two. Don’t take it to the mind, but stay firmly Heart-centered. On turning the light off, I sometimes watch the journals internally writing themselves. I don’t lend them any thought, merely observing, enjoying as I fall asleep.
How is this an experiment? You will notice that you’re sometimes too close to sleep, so you don’t write the idea down. It’s so clear, so simple, so very obvious that you just know you’ll be able to remember it. You won’t. There is no way that you’ll be able to recall the thought — because it wasn’t a mental thought.
As they’re not within the mind’s realm, no mind can access these Heart gifts.
I have literally gone over & over such a gift, repeating it to myself many times to be sure I’d remember on awakening, but it never works. Level 2 of the chess board is not available on level 1. For me, this is beautiful evidence that clearly distinguishes the two realms, the difference between a thought & a Heart thought. This is evidence of our multidimensional nature, our access to that.
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, friends. When you feel you can’t enjoy something, find a way to at least appreciate it, if not for what it is, now, then for what it will bring. As we shift our attitudes, leaving behind the victim thing, our whole life shifts. It lifts. All gloom just fades away as we persist in our firm intention to awaken.
All of Cosmos is opening to us, is there for us. Of course, it’s a process, yet at the same “time” it’s also already the case in the Triality of the both/and. The either/or realm of opposites is level 1 of the game. We’re not restricted to that by anyone but ourselves.
We’re far more Powerful than we yet realize, but the point isn’t the Power, but rather the enjoyment of our NowHere experience. We’re headed Home, friends, but Home is never elsewhere, it’s Now, Here, ever present in awareness.
We just need to spread our wings, once we realize we have them. 👼
There is no external enemy to fight, now or ever. Whatever fighting we do is but part of the game. When we fight while in mental mode, we lose, even though the battle be won. It’s another experience, entirely, when Source is in the lead. Source never loses. Even in the death of the body, Source wins for we never die. 💀
CAUTION: What we win won’t be what the mind expects.
From the mental perspective, Heart is a great big nowhere, a nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As we go from being the chess piece to the multidimensional Chess Player, we dance with Source. From there, with persistence, we one day find ourselves as the Dance, itself; an ephemeral thing from the mind’s perspective, but Source-in-form as experienced via Heart.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018–02/08
“You cannot judge the value of a life by its quantity. It is by the joy that you are feeling. The more joyful you are, the longer you live. Let yourself relax and breathe and be free and be joyous, and romp. The optimum physical life experience is to have plenty of things that stimulate you to desire, and an awareness of the way you feel, so you’re reaching for thoughts that feel good — so you’re wide open, so you’re tuned in, tapped in, and turned on. We promise you, the timing of your death is always chosen by you.”
Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 9/7/02
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
9:06 am, Thursday 2018/02/08, 1st, Mayan day 7 Eagle / Men
[1] “Tip-toed,” because the cabal tactic is to take tiny steps, nothing to which we can object on the face of it. They seem relatively harmless, so we acquiesce. We don’t see how they’re manipulating time via their willingness to take a century or more to accomplish a certain end. We don’t see their Master Plan; thus were we tricked into the Matrix slavery.