Healing Relationships — Self 1st, pt 2
How did the questions from part 1 go? Were you honestly open to what arose, there within? Honesty, especially with self, is mandatory along the Heart trek. Anything less is a betrayal of you — do you see? Just as you’d lend an ear to a friend, a partner in need — now we begin to give the same grace to the inner self.
It’s time to finally be there for you, willing to feel whatever arises, to spend quiet time with it. This won’t always be difficult or challenging, but sometimes it will. There’s a lot of repressed material, just awaiting a welcome to come forward, to be heard, experienced. This is not a time to be seeking answers, ways to “fix” what arises, oh no. That would be mind interference with this work, which is purely & simply to lend an ear, to sit with the self & just allow it to be.
We’re taking some initial steps to mend fences with the most fundamental relationship anyone could ever have — you with you. There’s hurt locked away in there, don’t we all know. Remember how good it felt when you had a caring friend or relative simply willing to listen, to let you vent? That’s what we’re about, here — no solutions required, just the cleansing, healing action of being heard.
Mind is all about action plans, about repairing what’s broken, about finding solutions. That plays no part here, believe it or not, so let’s not go there. Just let the inner self be heard. You’ll find it’s enough as you move into this. If we’re unwilling to pay attention to or listen to a partner, chances are good that relationship won’t last long, or will lose whatever enjoyment it once held.
You deserve to be heard.
Sit with that a moment, if you can slow down enough in this crazy, fast-paced world. You deserve to be heard — you merit that. You’re worth it, in other words. We try to cover-up our own inner pain when in the presence of others. The down side of that is that we get good at it — too good to realize that we’re growing more distant from who we are, from our own sensitive inner being.
This is an amazing alchemy, once you get it going. New levels of relaxation are enabled as the tension begins to release, the subconscious feeling of being constantly repressed. The beauty here, too, is that there’s no need to hide when it’s just you & you — no worries that someone will take you wrong, will misinterpret what you meant.
Just you with you, no pressure, no concerns.
You might try out the 3 questions from part 1, again, after a few sessions of just allowing whatever arises to be seen, felt, acknowledged. Those questions around truly loving the self, around your sense of self-worth can be as powerful as you make them, as you allow them to be. Much like a child, once it has a receptive, allowing person with whom to share, slowly comes out of its shell, relaxing into the warm welcome it senses.
Mind will be interfering, but of course. That gets ever more okay the more you’re willing to ignore what it has to say. What we’re after here is the sensing, the feeling of what’s arising. We may not even know why we feel bad — have no idea what it’s about. That’s okay. Just be there with the feeling. I find laying down, relaxing to be the best way, but go with what’s working for you.
You may cry, you may not — it doesn’t matter. Just so you’re willing to be with whatever feelings arise, that’s the point. It’s really quite simple, in a way, now that mind isn’t in charge or involved. So much of this is wordless, coming with no concepts attached, & that’s great. It’s more likely to be Heart work absent the words.
The body, itself, may want to have a say. We lock our fears & emotions into our cells when we don’t allow them to flow. The body’s messages, too, will be wordless — just feelings, just aches, just sensations. Our only requirement is to be there for the self as if we were our very closest friend or partner — that’s it. We don’t have to do diddly squat, friends — just be. You may be surprised at the healing balm this brings to you, overall. It’s what friends are for, only now we begin to treat the self as a close friend — something most fail to do.
We’re not trained, not taught this deep level of affection, of caring for the self. It’s absent from today’s Western society for sure, so it’s no surprise we’re all in the state we’re in, uncomfortable in our own skin. There are all of these pressures to perform, to not disappoint, pressures from every side. Many of us are people-pleasers, caring for those around us, those at work, caring for family before we tend to the self, who often gets left out.
Be on the alert for any sort of dissatisfaction with self or others, even for society, itself, to arise. This is best rejected on site, for it partakes of mind & not Heart, where all are welcomed, are equally, infinitely Loved. What we don’t yet realize is that we’re actually perfect, with no improvements needed at all.
If that sounds crazy, get down into Heart, where it’s already so.
We forgot that we came down into 3D from higher dimensions, dear ones. We’re not native to 3D earth — no one is. We all came from elsewhere at some point in the way long ago. Even if you can’t go there at this point, there’s no need, as the sense of Who you are is ever available, in Heart — you’re Source-in-form. There is no imperfection in That, which is always whole & complete.
No, we can’t bring the fullness of that, nor even of the higher dimensions, down into form, here. But that’s not what’s going on, anyway. What we’ve got available, here, is a ride on the rising frequencies back into higher dimensions. That’s where more of our perfection already abides, full-blown. It’s not a matter of working our way up from the bottom to merit or earn some sort of advancement.
“Home is where the Heart is” is far more truthful than we yet know. The home of our innate perfection is found via the portal that is Heart. There is no time in Source, just Now — so there’s no future in which anything need be earned. It’s a done deal, Now. Yes, it sounds patently ridiculous to mind, but then if you’re attending to mind you won’t be taking this ride, something to consider when making your choices.
Time isn’t what we take it to be, nor is space, for that matter. On this journey simply everything we thought we knew will be blasted to smithereens along the way. It’s nice to know, though, that it won’t all descend on us at once — we’re never given more than we can bear at any one time. Thus, the more we’re willing to simply be with the self — to sense, to feel what arises that’s been long buried — the lighter our load, going forward.
I can’t explain to you how this works, this lightening of the load. I can describe it, but you’ll have to discover it for yourself, as it works somewhat differently for each one. I just know that when that terrible, heavy feeling comes along, where it seems nothing will satisfy, nothing whatsoever draws me or looks like an appealing way to spend my now, I go to my bed & open myself to just be with me.
Sometimes it really hurts, deeply, but often it’s just a general miserable feeling — not all that heavy, just quite unpleasant. I lay there with the intent to completely relax into whatever it is — to just let it be, to “have its say,” so to speak, only it seldom comes with any words. Most often I don’t even know why I feel this way — no idea. Nor do I need to know. That will come, or it won’t. For me, it’s about 50/50, knowing or not knowing.
Sometimes it’s crystal clear, as something unpleasant arises from my past. As I witness it arise with a sense of openness, of willingness, I’m shown scenes from long ago. I sense the old feelings that accompanied whatever it is, but with a difference — now I’m centered deeply within. Today, my perspective is different. Most often I recognize something long buried, not looked at in many years.
Due to my placement in Heart, I’m in touch with who I am now, the long road I’ve traveled since then, the great growth & development that’s occurred is all present. I see the contrast, there, realizing that I wouldn’t have felt that way if this happened, today — I’m in a much different space. This enables me to see how little good it does to keep this thing buried, out of the light of day, not participating in my development since then.
All of this goes together in such a way that I’m amazed that I’m still holding on to whatever this is, enabling me with relative ease to just let it go. I may fall asleep during this process, & I always awaken refreshed with a lighter feeling, by far. It’s as if that old thing never existed. It just needed to be first seen — then released.
See, I told you things were much simpler once we left mind to the side. We begin to get intuitive with things, though the truth is that we already were, we just weren’t in contact with those levels of our being, that’s all. It’s actually already all there for us, which we slowly discover along the trek into Heart. While it’s a never-ending journey in the interior realm of infinity/eternity, yet it’s amazing how swiftly we move, as long as we’re true to our NowHere moment as much as possible.
It becomes ever more possible as we align with it. ;)
11:11 pm, Friday 2017/10/20, 3rd, Mayan day 13 Seed / Kan