Had to sleep on this one. Then today’s Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote was perfect to share with you:
“Be less intensely focused on the problem or the question, and feel more anticipation of the solution and the answer.”
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14
There is zero fear in our natural state of oneness. Fear is the product of the dying ego, terrified as it perceives its upcoming demise. Fear is unreal to Who we really are, as Source-in-form. There is no two — of anything — in that One, so what is there to fear?
The “personality structure” is not who we are, it’s a function of the ego, the phony self we take ourselves to be. We’re programmed to identify with the body/mind & as we do, the ego/personality is created — by us.
Creation — divine Creation — actually works through us, but the BIG kick (to the ego) is that we are most definitely not who we think we are. If Source/God were a spherical, faceted crystal, each being would be a facet, a unique perspective of Source — yet still all One. We seem to be separate, but our oneness underlies that.
Sounds like you did tap into that Oneness. People come back from NDEs sometimes sharing experiences like that. You might benefit from looking into the NDEs people share. The thing that may help is to accept the emptiness you found, the no-me-ness, & just be an observer.
By thus stepping out of the head/mind & into Heart (our deep inner core we can connect with via the central chest area), you’ll be able to be an impartial observer of any fear or other negative emotions. Those are artifacts of the dissolving ego, but when we own them, participate with them, we hold ourselves back.
In any case, don’t worry about anything. As we come to realize that consciousness is Source’s vehicle for creation, we see how we bring the things we fear or try to push away to ourselves — by our focus on them.
We are greater, FAR greater than our body/mind vehicle has — or could have — a clue about. The missing piece of that is that we are most definitely not who we take ourselves to be. The phony self falls away during awakening, as our frequencies rise beyond where unreality can sustain itself.
I’ve no idea if this is helpful, but you don’t need me — or anyone. As Source-in-form, you’ve always got what it takes. You chose this lifetime with full awareness/acceptances of the major events it would include. You wanted that. Nothing is as terrible as it seems — not to Who we truly are. Let go of ego/personality as you identify more & more with That, the I Am That I Am.
Focus always more on what you want, not what your ego fears or dislikes. You’ve got this! Find a way to relax into it. Follow your inner guidance which generally comes as a sensing more than as thoughts.Your inner Being Knows & can be trusted. It’s a matter of making wise use of free will.