Hacking Division, Restoring Union
Humanity is beautifully awesome at heart — we all are, even the ones we may slip & call jerks or creeps. We all misbehave at times, but there’s no getting away from the oneness of the Family of Humanity, no way to exit our bubble of oneness within the All That Is. Our world is also awesome beyond our mind’s ability to perceive, yet who sees that? Who lets it in?
Who rejoices in the ever-present uplift available with a shift in perspective?
Humanity, the Light Beings incarnate here, are the 99%. The creepy cabal we let run things for so long is the 1%. We’re currently issuing their eviction notices, many seeing their demise in the writing on the wall but still unwilling to give up their power & dominion.
The 1% are blind to the divine Beauty rampant in every Heart, having long ago blocked off their own by taking the left-handed path.
While they get to choose, thanks to free will, so do we. What they don’t get to do is rule & control the rest of us. We allowed that for a long time, but that’s all but done, now. We’re fed-up!
The darkness required for dark to operate fades away, overcome by the rising frequencies. We’re waking up, bringing too much Light onto the scene for their dark agenda & doings to remain hidden. Without secrecy [darkness], they cannot continue, cannot succeed.
We’re in The Great Awakening, something Heart celebrates with rising appreciation, seeing the end of our caged days just ahead. All worthy answers are hidden within, not somewhere “out there” in the world. As we learn to become truly Present, locked into the Now of it all, we become much better observers.
Observers of what? Of ourselves, always the most important one to watch.
Why is that? The only one we are in charge of is the self, period. It’s not up to us to craft someone else’s beliefs, to change their mind about anything. That’s their job. It’s their life, & free will is equally distributed. We can offer info & ideas, yet we each get to make our own choices. We can be free to live & let live so long as we harm none.
Sounds great, right? The cabal did a good job crafting the Matrix over the centuries, this mental trap most of us occupy. They use certain strategies & tactics that were long hidden but are now coming to light. As we find our way into Now, into Heart, our Presence there helps us spot them, such the current divisiveness-on-steroids.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand,” as we’ve all heard. With divide-and-conquer as their main strategy, the dark side did excellent work keeping us at one another’s throats, fighting each other instead of going after the bad apples among us. Time to see & stop that wherever its ugly head appears; to cease fighting or bashing one another.
This divisive cabal strategy becomes obvious in many YouTube comment threads. People are taking their personal beliefs so seriously that they attack anyone who sees things differently. Those who don’t attack directly may tell you they’re unsubscribing because they find your particular perspective so offensive it makes anything you say worthless. 😲
So wait — does that mean you must be right (i.e., agree with them) 100% or you’re not worth their time??
I don’t know if there’s something in the air or the water to make us go after one another this way. To this older gal, it doesn’t make sense. With no kindness nor even basic respect, they tear into someone who dares to share their honest perspective. Can they not close the article or vid & go find something else?
Is the nastiness merited — or useful?
I’ll use a health video on magnesium along with the round vs flat earth topic to illustrate, but this is NOT really about flat-earth, so please don’t get sucked into that. I don’t care either way. Not being mind-addicted, I don’t need to know. To me, it just is what it is & I’m fine with that.
Why does this even matter? Because consciousness creates our reality!
We have the thought police on patrol, who would forbid us to believe the earth is anything but flat. No open-minded discussion required as they’ve already decided what’s true. They’d mow the dissenters down if they could, permitting no divergent views, poor dears. Being so deeply into that one perspective, they don’t see how lock-step they become.
It’s a wonderful health video & comment thread I’ll use to illustrate our situation. The speaker believes our earth is round & takes about a minute to shows how it took 2,000 years to be widely accepted — but the entire point of the vid is health. It offers s a beautifully shocking yet simple exposition of the ability of Magnesium to resolve endless health issues — most health issues.
After using sixty seconds to use the flat-to-round-earth shift AS AN ANALOGY [starting at 5:26], you’d have thought he launched a bomb! He was attacked throughout the comment thread, the beauty & power of his exposition completely ignored by the flat-earthers.
Reading through the negative comments was okay at first — after all, I’m a strong proponent of everyone’s right to make their own choices — but I’d met my match, letting it get to me after about the 20th one. The nasty disrespect on parade was sometimes stunning. The oddest thing may have been how they completely ignored the wonderful, inspiring subject of the video, some even unsubscribing.
In other words, FE was irrelevant, off point.
We leave not just our words on the page, but our energy signature, our frequency as we write. This flat-earth-only energy is so powerful that I highly suspect it’s been engineered by the cabal to manipulate us, I have no idea how. It’s just doesn’t feel natural.
It’s not natural to so lose perspective that we can only see or think of our own view, refusing to allow others their perspective of choice. People are on the offensive on the flat-earth topic, allowing no real discussion, only toeing their line. No thanks!
This is that vid, which is almost guaranteed to be exciting, to be helpful in some way via the quantum leap in health it offers. I was almost in a sacred space over it, but the comment threat (interesting “typo” for thread) popped my bubble.
In this case (& many others) the flat-earth discussion is off-topic, adding nothing but dissension & disrespect. We don’t brow-beat people into changing their views, you know — how does that work on you, dear flat-earthers?
This is a plea, not just for this topic, but for whatever topic that might set us off, to please take a pause in Heart before commenting. Such comments don’t invite discussion, they shut it down. Further, they would never issue from Heart, from someone fully Present in any Now.
This is important because consciousness creates our reality. Ponder that.
You can say & choose to believe ANYTHING YOU LIKE — just show some basic respect & intellectual openness in your presentation that allows others to join in. The nastiness is really not appreciated. We shouldn’t have to suit-up in armor to enter a comment thread, lol.
What do you think that particular consciousness is creating? It’s pretty clear on the scale of nasty vs nice.
Let’s not allow the cabal to have the last word by continually ripping each other apart. Let’s see the divide-and-conquer at work. I hope I can be forgiven for seeing either flat or round earth as being shockingly unimportant.
It just doesn’t matter to some, but how we treat one another DOES matter, always.
Some people scold their dog for excess barking, but some say not a word before smacking the pooch sharply. That’s what I see happening, here, letting nastiness & short temper rule. It’s edging in Antifa’s direction, though they’re the extreme. (Not every FE comment was negative, of course.)
What we do, say, or believe is far less important than the energy we put into it. As frequencies continue their rise, we become ever more energy sensitive. Did you know we’re already telepathic — all of us? Well, we are, but when you don’t know that, you don’t see it that way, so you never realize you’re receiving thoughts not your own.
We’ve blinded ourselves when the truth was always right in front of us.
We’re going from being hugely unaware & not very observant into awakening beings embodying all of Cosmos — quite a switch. Self-observation & sticking firmly to the present moment may be our two best ways to accelerate. Once we step back from our actor-in-the-play, the body-mind carrying “our” name, we’ll have many a great laugh at how very seriously we took ourselves & the whole drama of 3D. 😆 😆 😆
American Conservatives have learned & are learning the hard way what happens when you’re too polite, when you bite your tongue rather than let Heart speak up. The yin/yang draws the perfect image encapsulating the truth that each of us contains the whole, both dark & Light. No one is perfect, no one totally lost.
Let’s be stubborn, friends, in coming together, in refusing to be parted over trivia, pointless to our eternal soul. People matter! We all do. My prayer is that we find our way into the compassionate kindness that totally thwarts the cabal’s efforts to keep us apart.
Together, we’re quite dangerous to them.
It’s not what we’ll say or do, it’s what we ARE they fear, for it’s consciousness that creates everything. That leaves us all equally empowered, which they want to keep hidden.
If we have excess anger we feel must spew or burst, let’s direct it at the ones truly making the messes rather than at one another. Better yet, we can step aside (as ego), allow Heart to take over — not knowing what It will say — & just observe as we speak. I find that consistently the best way — letting go. 😉
Super early on Tuesday, 2018/06/12, Mayan day 1 Storm / Cauac
“This Trecena [the Mayan “week” of 13 days] starts with 1 Cauac (Storm/Rain) — purification, activation, dynamic force, healing, nourishment, compassion, gathering energies within.
“Tempestuous energies, emotional energies, the storm gathers within. Separate thinking and emotions from awareness. Watch the storm wash away the ego, allowing room for the new consciousness.”
From the Mayan Majix Newsletter, 2018/06/12