Great Awakening — The GCP
I envision a world where Love & respect dominate — where people are gentle & kind, not just to others, but more importantly, to themselves. Free will is still strong, so we do disagree, but with grace.
People no longer live in fear. It was long ago recognized that fear underlies all nastiness, all anger, all greed, all anxiety… In this world there are no governments — they’re no longer needed (not that they ever were). Even the word is offensive — from the Latin, it’s guverno = to control, & mentis = mind — to control mind. The self-governing require no external control.
Money has no place here, either, being seen for the system of domination, manipulation, & control that it was. Nor is it required, as technology has so shifted that all needs are generously met. We no longer have to pay to live on the planet of our birth — imagine that!
No one does business, anymore — it’s not required, all things being freely supplied. Even food is easily produced via personal gardens & replicators in each home. People do what they love by volunteering their time. All needs are met.
The Internet is a thing of the past, too, no longer useful in the presence of universal telepathy, distance being no object. We don’t just talk about things — through deeper sharing we directly, fully experience them. We live in a glorious freedom about which our ancestors could only dream. Earth & Nature are revered, no longer ravaged, polluted by heavy industry & misuse.
I could go on & on about our new world — the one we manifested as we found our way into Heart, into Love — into awakening. Our mental capacities are vastly increased, no longer blocked by the heavy-duty programming our ancestors received at the hidden hands of the dark forces, wearing the mask of benevolence.
We had been so heavily dumbed-down & made physically frail by the polluted food, air, & water, made toxic by our so-called scientific progress that delivered such gems as GMO foods & vaccines. Medicine was basically stone age, being “cut, radiate, & medicate,” never pursuing the source of the ailment. Natural remedies were banned. Truthfully, we did well to simply survive.
Why did we even allow such things to exist? We couldn’t see through the expert programming we all faced daily. We had no idea of our native power, either. Hard to believe, now, but most of us just didn’t see. We looked to the skies for invaders, not realizing the invaders were among us, all along.
There is such freedom, such grace of living, now. Some of our elders still recall how things once were — how what they had viewed as the terrible chaos of the Great Shift was precisely what was required to awaken the sleepers. The crashing paradigm helped so many move into higher consciousness, as the underpinnings of the previous society crumbled & just fell away.
We live much longer, now — up to three centuries or more as things continue to improve. War is a thing of the past, surviving only in the history books, having been overcome during the Great Awakening. Our children are simply amazed to hear that people used to arm themselves to injure & kill one another. That it’s barbaric just wasn’t seen, except by the military boots-on-the-ground. War ravaged their beautiful souls.
Not that there is total peace all around. We learned much from the way we’d been occupied — how it was so stealthily done. Not one shot was fired. We were kept focused on externals. People were trained to distrust one another & fear some external, off-planet invaders — not realizing we’d been conquered millennia ago.
We do have planetary & solar-system defense forces to protect us from those rogues & regressives who survive by conquering developing races. We have pacts with other benevolent races, standing together in defense of Life, Light, & free will. We’ve all learned that sometimes it’s important to “interfere,” to limit the dark ones’ ability to completely dominate, lest the tyranny take over their worlds, too. It did.
The prior invaders have all met their fate, dictated by their free-will choices. Those who chose to reform were taken off-planet for remediation. Those who stubbornly clung to their regressive ways were removed. Some chose to die fighting, others are now safely contained for their many crimes in this & other universes. Light Beings of many races — mostly human — truly had to unite to defeat such a powerful foe. (We even had some benevolent reptilians in our confederation ;)
Our DNA is now six strands or more, the children generally born more advanced than their parents. We learn from our children, now, unlike most of the earlier generations who thought they knew so much more than the youngsters. Simply everything has changed & shifted in beautiful ways.
This is what humanity could have been, was meant to be all along. Had the regressives not ever so slowly taken over, here — and had humanity not been so naive — this was our natural estate. Our original 12-stranded DNA was clipped by the marauders. Beyond that point we were no longer able to even see them, our senses being so drastically diminished. Our visual range, especially, was severely restricted, but all other sense were likewise curtailed.
The ones who conquered earth & our solar system were well advanced in their dark, dominant ways. They’d been conquerors for so long, it seemed they knew no other way. They were so long-lived that taking a few centuries to execute a plan was like an earth weekend to them. With their life-extension technologies, some actually lived for millions of our earth years.
Twelve-stranded humanity had once lived many centuries as the norm, but after the DNA alteration, were reduced to less than a century — but no more. Those shorter lifespans contributed mightily to the take-over, as no one lived long enough to see the dark plans in action, so stealthily were they implemented over long stretches of time.
We understand the dark ones much better, now, having compassion for the state to which they descended over unimaginable stretches of time. We see how they slowly cut themselves off from the ever-present Light of Source in pursuit of their dark path, eventually morphing into energy vampires.
Yes, many ate human flesh, but humanity did much the same, consuming the bodies of our animals, so we’re not arrogant about that. In large part it was due to our descent into 3D, where we were no longer consciously one with Nature. Had a greater fullness of Source entered into us in that state, it would have destroyed our fragile forms. To make-up for the divine energy loss, we consumed meats.
The animals understood. The native peoples who lived in harmony with Nature revered their prey. The hunt was both natural & sacred to them, & the animals cooperated, sometimes stepping out & offering themselves to feed the natives, the pioneers. With the introduction of money & industry into the native societies we separated out from Nature, descending far from our natural state.
What the animals suffered then brings tears to our eyes, now — but we just didn’t realize at the time what they experienced — even that they experienced. Even our ways of simple ranching grew barbaric at the time of slaughter. They suffered with us during the times of the take-over — they felt our (unacknowledged) pain.
We rose together, as a whole, Nature & humanity. Mother Earth & most of her animal species joined us in the trek into higher dimensions. We now live in peace & harmony, fully able to commune across all species boundaries. We now we celebrate life, instead of the death culture in which all were once immersed.
Many of us are now highly regarded as teachers. Having survived both the take-over & the chaos that spurred the general awakening, other races in similar situations look to us for guidance — how to move forward, to overcome. We range far & wide, back to using worm holes & truly advanced ships for travel — but not all. The shamans, the more advanced among us, require no external means of transport, able to travel wherever, at will.
Humanity has healed itself of so very much, yet we cherish the lessons we’ve learned. We won’t fall asleep again, that’s for sure — we won’t forget. We discovered — actually, we remembered — that we’d come in from higher dimensions to get this job done. It was taking too long, & humanity in that diminished state was no match for the conquering ones. They needed assistance, so many cycled down into 3D from higher realms.
It was so very strange, how entering 3D as it was, back then, caused even us to forget who we were, as Source-in-form, as higher dimensional beings. For most it took many incarnations to finally connect the dots — to integrate with our higher-functioning abilities. We were so misunderstood by one another, too, which made it far more challenging, but we finally overcame.
It’s so great to remember our past lives, to even have contact with our future selves, now. Oh, how we missed that! Unable to remember the many lessons we’d already been through, we kept coming back, learning again & again what didn’t work.
Then in came the uprising frequencies lifting us, along with the planet & everything else. As our DNA responded to the higher energies, we began to come back to ourselves — our true Selves — rather than the personnas (from the Latin for “mask or false face”) with which we’d so long identified.
It finally began really coming together as the great war was on the horizon— we were so very close. We’d been accustomed to war for so long that some were simply expecting it — not realizing how expectation brings things about. The awakening reached a sufficient peak just in time to pull back, to refuse to be driven into war any longer — refusing to step our of our rising consciousness into that barbarity.
Many turned to what they called God during those challenging times. The religions were one of those things that died hardest, so many being unwilling to let them go. Free will was — & is — still honored, however, so there was no forcing anyone into anything. Besides, it’s impossible to force anyone to awaken. Absent free-will choice, it won’t happen.
Thus many continued in some form of worship for a time. As our memories returned, however, we began to realize how badly our scriptures, our texts had been altered, as the light slowly dawned. Then, once we began to realize that the ancient gods — the ones the religions called God — were actually the invaders, the light really began to dawn. At that point, the general awakening could not be stopped.
We’re older & wiser, now, having come through so very much. Other races are simply amazed at what we were willing to endure to get this job done. They, too, take lessons from the teachers we’ve become, happy to share our journey with others. Our race is renowned across the Universe for the courage it took.
Not that the awakening only happened on earth, mind you. It was all part of the In-Breath, back into Source — the overall rising of the entire Universe. We’re not sure if it was Cosmos-wide, but some believe it was, & no doubt one day we’ll find out.
Meanwhile, what we know is that those on 3D moved mostly into 4D & 5D. Some who had come from much higher dimensions returned to their prior home turf, but not all. Some remained, having fallen in love with the inner beauty of humanity all discovered, to whatever extent we were available to that.
We realize, now, that we’re in charge of only the self — no one & nothing else. My free will doesn’t extend beyond myself. We no longer seek to control one another, but only to live in peace & harmony with our race & all others.
We’re all so different that we all have something precious to share, but only with others who welcome that. Otherwise we remain silent, in deep respect for free will. It was our saving grace & we cherish it in ever so many ways, the greatest of which is deep Respect for every aspect of The One.
Due to the overall rise in consciousness everywhere, no race will ever have to endure what we did. That was a major part of the goal in cycling down into 3D. We knew we were working to end such tyranny — we & all of the other benevolent ET & ED races who joined to bring this about — to shepherd us through it, in our greatly diminished 3D state.
We also realized that ET is rather a misnomer, as many of our friends are ED — extra dimensional, rather than extra-terrestrial. So are we — we had just forgotten our former state, very much by design of the invading race who generated such disaster & chaos, here.
It’s so funny, now, as we look back to just how suspicious we were, some of us totally unwilling to believe there was any other life in the Universe but ourselves. Oh, how we laugh to remember those days, those of us old enough to have been through the Great Chaos Period (GCP). Humanity is everywhere in this universe, not just here. Our very own families were those ET & ED beings, unknown to us at the time. ROFL.
What have we learned? To Love — that we are Love, as Source-in-form. We’ve also learned the power of enjoyment — to ever enjoy the Now moment. It’s all we have. We travel time as we once traveled space. Things are so different now, there’s really no way to convey it to our former selves, limited as they were — as they inadvertently chose to be.
All is well. All will always be well — we just couldn’t see that before, in our prior state. So few would awaken in that state — from that state — but that’s not the case, now. There is no end to our possible expansion in this realm of infinity/eternity we occupy. It’s such a great joy, just to simply Be. We even wonder, now, how we ever could have forgotten this — but those who went through the GCP remember. We will never forget — nor repeat that terrible time.
This is, or can be, our future friends. It all rests on our present-moment choices, on what thoughts we choose to entertain. We’re all telepathic, already — we just forgot, as we were programmed to do. Let’s choose to remember just Who & what we truly are, & get on with the Great Awakening. It’s time!
12:47 am, Thursday 2017/08/10, Mayan day 7 Reed / Ben