Gracefully Stumbling into Emptiness

4 min readMay 26, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Who has encountered the amazing Emptiness? Will start capitalizing it to distinguish it from all of the mind’s ideas about what it means. No mind has a clue about this direct experience of/with/in/as the void. Experiencing it even just once changes you, altering your sense of reality, your ideas around what is.

Yin & Yang Wallpaper —

Our mind is in the way, of course, but it’s not so much our mind as our attention to the mind, to what it has to say. We can withdraw our attention from that, placing it in Heart for the deeper, broader, vaster view. Still, it’s not even a “view,” since that’s relative, requiring a this & a that — a you & something you’re viewing. It’s not like that; not at all.

The mind can only know about things; it does not experience the things in themselves, as Heart can. The Emptiness is not & cannot be contained in the realm of relativity, which always requires the two. It’s not possible to explain the Emptiness in a mind-friendly way — it just doesn’t work.

Those still believing that the path into awakening is a mental trek don’t yet have the broader view. That view is off track, incomplete, the yang absent the yin. The mind’s arena is circumscribed by relativity. There’s no ego even possible in the Emptiness since there’s no separate self, there. We don’t lose Who we are, we just get a totally different take on what that might be, how it might operate.


Becoming less attached to our beliefs is certainly helpful at bringing us a bit closer to the Empty experience, for beliefs blind us to other perspectives. We use our beliefs as tools, as weapons to judge one another, calling those who agree with us “right,” & the rest “wrong.” That’s just garbage, at least from the Empty perspective; better said, it’s nonexistent.

In our native realm of infinity/eternity, there are endless perspectives, endless options available. If we seem stuck, forced into anything, it’s due to our previous choices that wove the capture net.

Once we recognize how consciousness, itself, is THE creative force, we enter a whole different ball game.

We no longer feel the need to convince or coerce others into our POV (Point of View). We’re fine with them making their own way through the seeming maze, fully supportive of their POV so long as they’re doing no harm. We don’t get (or want) to choose for them, nor let them choose for us. Free will rocks!


Don’t you have to be an individual to exercise free will?

Yes & no. In our human forms, we’re playing roles we chose before incarnation. As Higher Self, we’re making the best choices, certainly not working against ourselves. The sticky part is how our mind is cut off from our Higher Self or Source-in-form awareness — UNTIL we choose to make room for That.

In the Emptiness, free will isn’t the case because it’s not supported by what is & is not in that “space.” We’ve entered into the Is-ness. It’s not a 3D or literal space, anywhere, it’s an aspect of consciousness that few have yet explored. There’d be more exploring if it was even mentioned in our upbringing & education, but it’s not.

The Emptiness takes you in; you don’t enter it, you allow it.


Tremendous surrender & letting go of all you held dear — your very conception of reality must become soft & flexible for entry there. Everything you think you know is in the way until you release it, allowing for other possibilities. It doesn’t invalidate what you know, it just views all from a vastly different perspective.

It adds to you while subtracting — the both/and, once again.

That may be why so few have the experience, for it’s not something you learn about, but a very direct experience that takes over your awareness when you align with it — when you allow/enable it.

In this Empty “space,” the flow of Clarity is enabled. Understandings come in on the flow to the extent we’re ignoring our mind’s offerings & opinions about it. This Emptiness clears the deck, allowing Knowledge to flow into our awareness, we know not how or from where; it just appears.

Yin Yang Galaxy PopSocket —

It’s a clear & simple space, offering vastly different perspectives on everything, expanding our boundaries by seemingly contracting them in the midst of its nothingness.

Best not to question it if you land there, as that takes you straight back into the mind which cannot go where you’re going. Simple, clean, we learn to just Be in the Yin/Yang of What Is & What Isn’t; the benefits & blessings of that.

Meet you there, if you like. Continual Heart centering lays the groundwork. Beyond aligning with this, there’s nothing I know of that we can “do” to have this experience whose essence is Being, not Doing. When we’re ready, it just appears. Eschew fear, for that also boots you out of this lovely, pure awareness.



10:30 am-ish, 2018/05/26, Mayan day 10 Wind / Ik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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