Good piece. The common theme for me was time — all the arguments partaking of various perspectives involving time. Yet, different experiences of time are possible by all of us. Sometimes it drags, others it flies — what is the common denominator? Our investment in the present, in the NowHere moment as we go along.
Black-budget science, about which precious little escapes the secrecy, has long been exploring time travel, with various & questionable results. As an example, one who participated in that as a youth is lawyer Andrew Basagio. So the info is available for those seeking it out. Time is not what we take it to be. Psychology has experimented with time, too, forcing wakefulness over extended periods, the result being a seeming insanity, a loss of normal mental function.
Consciousness, itself, hasn’t been explored sufficiently. As that which underpins philosophy, it deserves more & deeper attention. It doesn’t take belief in an external God to experience what can be called spiritual states of awareness. Another root issue, here, is our self-definition — iffy, at best. “I think, therefore I am,” could also be stated, “I am, therefore I think,” more reasonably, IMO.
If we define the self as merely mind & body, we lose out on the “more” it could be — that it is. We don’t experience that due to the self-created thought box being so small. What if we are multidimensional? What if those dimensions are separate, not in time-space, but merely by frequency, much like colors? What if they all co-exist, now — here — accessible as we shift in frequency?
The self — consciousness, if you will — is foundational, fundamental to simply everything. We don’t yet have an acceptable definition for that — likely, we never will, it being undefinable. Yet, that doesn’t stop us from exploring it, experientially. Words & thoughts are but the land of maps, whereas direct experience is the territory they seek to describe.
What’s not widely recognized is that words & thoughts are strictly limited. Just as the map is not the territory, nor even much like it, words & thoughts cannot deliver the direct experience, doomed to only be about that — never the real thing. Thus is both academia & science, literature, too, endlessly making assumptions about the territory on an irreparably flawed foundation, as long as consciousness is all but ignored.