‘Good-bye’ = ‘God be with ye’ — & Other Word Fun
Let’s have some great fun with words, a bit of grammar & semantics. It helps to center, within, as we play — using mind — yet anchored in Heart. This is actually Part 2 of Spells & Curses — Spelling & Cursive, but rather than look into the darker side of word uses, we’ll play with what’s not generally noticed in everyday language use.
It’s destiny or density — that is our choice. While there’s precious little difference between the words, there’s a world of difference in the results.
The etymology (origin) for “good” shows its Old English origin as “God.” Just as in “good-bye,” the letter ‘g’ is often used for “God.” Let’s start at the beginning with “being” & “begin.”
We are human beings — in “being” we are grounded in Source/God — see see the ‘g’ (for “God”) on the end of the word. We can also see it as “be-in-g” or “be in God.” Do you see?
Now take that ‘g’ & move it to the middle to get “begin” — with God right at the center — always the best state for beginnings. If we do that while also leaving a ‘g’ on the end — you’ve got beging — being rather needy. To spell it right we double the middle ‘g,’ but don’t we all start that way, as infants needing others to care for us? Then, too, it’s as infants that we’re closest to our Source — thus the 3 g’s.
Let’s move on to endings. Just for laughs, perhaps it’s time for all atheists & agnostics to cease using “good-bye” on leaving. Why? “Good-bye” is an Old English contraction for “God be with ye.” Hey, I told you words contained hidden meanings, well beyond folks’ current awareness. (We’re not well educated, these days.)
We’ve all felt “alone” at times, bereft of support. Yet a closer look finds “all one” — from Middle English — hidden, there — reflecting our reality as Source-in-form, in the All One.
“Apart” comes to us from the Old French “a part.” We’re all “a part” of That — never “apart” from the All That Is.
Even in the simple, oft-used “this” & “that” we find “is” & “at,” which are clearly related in their usage. “This is,” while “that” is “at” some distance. Having fun yet? We’ve only begun ;)
Going beyond etymology, in “whole” two words that seem rather opposite are wrapped into one — “whole” & “hole.” While “whole” denotes a fullness, a completion, “hole” points to an emptiness, an absence — rather interesting. We might also “hole up” in a cave or cavern. Of course the “whole” would include all, including the emptiness of any “hole.”
“Rein” & “reign” are fun, too. We “rein” in a horse to bring it to a stop or otherwise control it. Likewise, royalty “reigns” over the masses, exerting control. Again, note the ‘g’ for ‘God,’ central in “reign.” Remember the “divine right of kings,” whose authority was believed to originate in God?
No, these things are not accidental, though mind might write them off as such. Language is a far deeper subject than is commonly recognized, much less understood. Even the origin of the word “grammar” may well be rather spooky. Comprising writings dating as far back as the 10th & 11th centuries, a “grimoire” is a textbook of magic, of spells & invocations.
This predates most current etymologies for “grammar,” which tend to link it to 1849, from Old French gramaire, “grammar; learning.” “The Ars Notoria is the oldest portion of the Lesser of the Keys grimoire, dating back to the 13th century. However, the texts contained within are a collection of orations, prayers, and magical words which date back to well before the 1200s.”
Are you seeing the depth, here? Don’t let it spook you, friends — ever remember that you are Source-in-form. This is precisely how so many things are kept hidden from us — yet the truth is available. Mistrust is fine, even recommended, but fear feeds the dark side.
For those who haven’t read Part 1, I’ll quickly cover “spelling” & “cursive,” in which “spells” & “curses” are easily seen. The native word for “spell” is Old English spellian “to tell, speak, discourse, talk.” Interesting, huh?
Isn’t it also a bit odd that our control point on the computer is dubbed a “cursor?” Makes ya wonder, huh? It’s actually from Latin cursor “runner,” also “errand-boy." LOL
Note that “greed” is contained within “agreed” — another one that gives us pause. Of course it is well to watch for hidden greed in all of our agreements — just a thought.
We find that “owe” is contained within “owned.” The relationship is clear — it’s not much of a stretch to realized we’re a bit “owned” by the one to whom we owe money.
On a much lighter note, the astrological sign “Pisces” represents a pair of fishes, right? Mix the letters up to get “pieces,” no accident, I suggest. Actually, “piscis” means a bony fish, “pisces” being the plural. Just playing, here, as “pieces” is found nowhere in the etymology.
There are often multiple options for one word — take “opportunity,” for instance, from Old French opportunite. It can be seen as an “open portal to unity,” or as “opposed to unity.” If that one seems a stretch, consider that the one who takes an “opportunity” often does so by leaving the pack, going off on his/her own.
Further, as consciousness rises we’re leaving duality behind — so very 3D. Thus, an example like “opportunity,” with its seemingly opposite possibilities easily fits into triality. It can be both/and, not just either/or.
Summing up, let us stand back a bit from our language to better observe it — withdrawing our innocent trust. An important aspect of awakening is withdrawing all trust in aught but Source, which both goes very deep but is also not negative. When centered within, negativity just doesn’t arise. Everything is known as beneficial, even when it isn’t obvious to mind.
As we learn more of the unspeakable darkness that’s so much a part of the cabal, today & down through the ages, we’re at first shocked. We, ourselves, could not even conceive of the dark deeds that form so much a part of their whole lifestyle. It’s revolting to even think of raping an infant — much less terrorizing it before offering its innocent life as a sacrifice. So how can I say that everything is seen as beneficial?
Center in Heart — it’s a must — for mind on its own could never go here. It is clearly & obviously NOT beneficial to that child or its parents — that’s a given. This takes stepping back into your realization that we cannot die, just for starters. It takes abandoning the programmed mind, so necessary to exit The Matrix pseudo-reality in which many still abide.
“Courage,” from the French, contains both “cour” (heart) & “age.” It can be seen as the coming of age of the heart. Many simply won’t go here. They won’t be willing to seemingly set aside their decency to explore things so offensive to their morals & values.
That is eventually seen as purely mind stuff, but until we enter the nowhere — portal into Heart — into the NowHere that is, was, & will always abide in perfection, we cannot find our way into the transcendence necessary to innerstand what’s being shared, here.
You don’t lose your humanity by awakening — it remains. You would defend that infant in an instant, given the opportunity. Yet this is both/and, not an either/or experience. Your humanity is distraught by the concentrated darkness that so many call evil. Yet we can also recognize those who are so deeply lost, so disconnected from Source that they perform such acts — on a regular basis.
Find your way into Heart, dear ones. Comfort abides, awaits your Presence, there. Mind must be left to the side for this — yet until we’ve had some experience via dropping old Belief Systems BS, this sort of adventure remains unthinkable — & it is.
Mind is NOT nor will ever be the portal into awakening. This is precisely how humanity is caught, trapped in a world ruled (seemingly) by mind. It is not — or rather it is, but only until you withdraw your free-will consent to be so ruled. Then you exit The Matrix.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re Republican, Democrat, or Independent — or none of the above. Such things only matter within The Matrix — they have no importance within Heart. Nor does it take some great big awakening shock to come into these deeper “understandings,” which I prefer to dub “innerstandings.” The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Look at the Masters down through the ages — do they look distraught? Do you think they’re ignorant or innocent of any knowledge of the dark side? What many don’t reckon with on the approach to awakening is that it also includes awakening to the darker aspects of 3D life — which is not real in any deep sense. It’s reality is entirely created by us — & is ever so temporary, at that.
Everyone walking the earth has both a dark & a Light side — no exceptions. Yes, even a christ — which is a title, not a name — everyone! The eternal Beauty of Life is that, as we rise in frequency/dimension, there is less of the dark present, more of the Light. At some point it becomes wholly Light, yet even Alex Collier’s 5D Andromedan friends indicate that they contend with a bit of the dark, there.
The 5D dark would be hardly noticeable to us in 3D, of course — so very subtle that we’d hardly recognize it as dark. Yet it’s there. They tell Alex that it’s either 6D or 7D where the dark disappears — I’ve forgotten which. Just imagine, friends — living in an environment of wholly Light — what that would be like!
Such realms are available to us. Many of us actually cycled down into 3D from such realms. So say many, including Alex Collier’s Andromedans. Are you willing — for you are able — to entertain such a concept? What we discover as we’re awakening is that our perspective enlarges — hugely. While we can only take the step that’s before us, in our NowHere moment, it’s ever a journey of broadening perspectives.
Some among humanity who feel so very trapped, who feel miserable much of the time — can you see how this could be due to their narrowed perspective — their inability to see or envision the Beyond — the vastly larger picture contained in eternity/infinity? Will you choose to step back, to entertain such possibilities? Comfort is, after all, not so far away. It’s actually always right where you are — & the entry portal is Heart.
I suppose it’s possible for some to actually lose their soul. Traveling on the dark side for endless eons starves the soul, which is ever an aspect of the divine. Yet that’s not the case with us, friends — not by a long shot. Our very suffering is the call of our soul to return Home — to so rise in frequency & innerstanding as to leave all suffering behind.
This is quite possible, as I’m sure you know. It is entirely possible to be both aware of the world’s pain, yet also be aware that you are an aspect of the divine, having a 3D experience on planet earth. The Dark Night of the Soul is something we all traverse — often more than once in different guises. KNOW that this is okay — that it serves the higher purpose of the soul. Walk bravely on, dear ones. Relief is truly in sight.
Yes, it takes aligning with Light, which turns out to be both easy & terribly difficult, at times. Later on we realize that the difficulty was only a seeming — brought on by our BS Belief System nonsense. It’s on us to awaken. No one & nothing — no path, no guru or teacher, no savior — can come along & gift us with awakening.
Buckle down, everyone. Realize (real eyes) & accept this do-it-yourself aspect of awakening. At some point we recognize that we, ourselves, are the only one in our way. Waking-up is very much an inner recognition, an acceptance of the so-called burden of awakening.
It’s a joy & no burden at all! Every bit of the suffering, the burdensome aspects that we endure will fall away — but not until the time is right — as we align with Light. Our best & finest tool is free will, which, somewhere on the awakening path becomes Free Will — tool of the divine in/as us.
Don’t think that mind can ever understand any of this. Again & again I repeat — mind is not the right tool for the awakening job. It just gets in the way, until we manage to place it in the back seat, simply along for the ride — a useful tool. Until then, mind is what keeps us entangled in The Matrix.
So are we, too, along for the awakening ride. Slowly but surely — & some have a bit of this instantaneously — we begin to recognize that we are the dance, Source being the dancer. It’s VERY big stuff, friends — yet it’s found in the little, everyday things ever present in our Now. Go within.
Remember, the only step anyone can take is the current one. Be determined. You can’t fail at this. One lifetime is as nothing to Who you truly are.
8:01 am, Thursday, 2017–07–20, Mayan day 12 Road / Eb