Going Home

Spotting Assumptions Mistaken for Truth

6 min readJan 19, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

We will necessarily begin this journal by looking at just who & what is “going,” & by asking what is “home?” 😉 😆

Well, perhaps not, but let’s step back a bit from being so mind-centric to spot some of our endless assumptions. Most of them go unnoticed; all of them when we’re firmly focused in the mind, which cannot see outside of itself. Have you noticed?

We can’t use the mind to evaluate the mind, much as we like to try. It’s not successful.

It’s like asking the government to evaluate itself, asking the Fed to audit itself. What sort of results do we expect from such nonsense? It’s clearly untenable, but do we see that? Or do we just go along to get along, questioning nothing, accepting the status quo?

We landed ourselves in our current state via placing entirely too much trust in the system — in the government & in elections, especially. We trusted both to do what they promised. And what did we get in return? Why, just what we deserved for such foolishness: the current mess. 😉

There’s nothing wrong with where we are. If we choose to wake up, open our eyes, & learn from the current chaos, we’ll be the better for it — better than if we’d never let things go this far. I’ve heard several wise speakers say, “Life happens for us, not to us,” & I quite agree. What’s your take?

No matter what challenges come our way, they’re designed & delivered solely for our benefit. That’s a perspective that few currently take but it’s available to at least consider. When the feather-light whisper doesn’t get our attention, the spoken word comes next, then the light tap on the shoulder, & so it proceeds…

We do the same as teachers for our students, as parents for our children. Would Source/God do less for us?

While many of us don’t wake up to this process until we cross over, living our entire life blind to these blessings while seeing them as problems, that’s happening less, now. It generally takes finding our way into Heart to gain this angle on happenings, but it can also be partially seen from the mind of those who allow that Source/God exists as a universally benevolent energy or force (no religion or belief system required).

How would you live your life differently if you knew that life happens for you, not to you? What changes might arise?

By “Going Home” in the title, I mean going Home in consciousness, finding Heart, then living life from there. It’s vastly different, but no one can prove that to you but yourself, so I won’t try, just offering it as a suggestion, a possibility.

As we continue to take our power back, to once again make our own decisions, going the ways that seem best to Heart, things shift. We come to the end of many a rut, stepping up out of them we know not how.

One thing we learn along the way — something that brings great laughter, eventually — is that we know nothing. All the fine things we think we know, we discover these as the very things blocking our movement into a greater awakening. We laugh a lot at this inescapable fact. 😆

As we give up the habit of taking our opinions & beliefs from others, be they the media, friends, coworkers, or even family, things shift. We discover that finding Home, finding Heart, isn’t such a hard task, after all. We stumble into it often enough.

How can we fix the thing we don’t see, the problem we don’t know we have? Such things continue along until we finally spot them, don’t they? Well, it won’t hurt to open our eyes a bit wider & begin to scan for such possibilities. They abound.

Quote 5–1.bp.blogspot.com

We’ll spot them first in others, viewing them as their problems, not realizing that the whole reason we’re seeing them is due to their relevance to us, to our life. That realization comes along later, with that 20/20 hindsight we hear so much about when we’re young.

We don’t yet know that we magnetize our every experience; that something in us brings it to us.

Age & experience actually come bearing beautiful gifts. “Live-and-learn” is the way 3D life works. We get to choose how alert we are, how much we perceive along the way. With our noses buried in our tech toys, we’re less likely to see much of what’s really going on, but we’ll notice that as soon as we put them down for a real break.

If you can’t go a day without your cell phone… well, fill in the blank. You’ll know by how the attempt makes you feel. We don’t require others to tell us what to do, what to think, or how we should feel, but we seem to be sliding down that drain, of late. Maybe it’s time to look up from all the tech to take in the view, have some real face-to-face conversation not interrupted by our tech; to actually notice the sky?

Just a short essay to say hello to the many also awakening as I am, so surprised at what we find when we get back to a few basics — those that we choose for ourselves, LOL. We don’t need to follow someone else’s list of “The Top 10 Things I Did to Succeed,” or someone’s video showing us how.

I Am Unique — Askmeaboutmyhair.com

Humanity is in process of taking our power back. That looks different for each one of us, so perhaps we can begin to give ourselves & one another sufficient space to once again craft an old-fashioned thing called a Comfort Zone. What a unique idea in this day of mandatory tolerance of the intolerable, of forced speech & imposed values & thoughts, oh, my!

Somewhere along the way most of us forgot to have fun, that life, itself, was meant for our enjoyment.

We all but lost sight of that, but we can rescue it — and ourselves — whenever we like. It’s all a matter of personal choice. Let’s agree to at least consider giving both ourselves & everyone else room to be whoever they are, room to breathe, not trying to force them to understand or adopt our perspectives.

What a great life we can all have IF that’s our choice. Honor, Respect, Integrity, Truth, Compassion, Love… there’s ample room for all of these & more, but to adopt them requires some housekeeping. We’ll have to kick their opposites to the curb. I’m game. What about you?



Friday, 2019/01/18, 1:17 am — Mayan day 13 Storm / Cauac

Day 13 is considered Ascension day, the culmination of the current cycle, akin to our week. The suggestion given for the day of Storm is: “A Great Day to: Count your lessons as blessings, and your enemies as angels,” by MayanMajix.com.

Yup, life doesn’t happen TO you, it happens FOR you. The secret to Going Home is all in attitude & perspective changes that no one else is qualified to specify. It makes Life so much more enjoyable, so much more fun to discover these things for ourselves.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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