Git ‘er Done — Be Home Now

6 min readJul 28, 2017


“These eyes, through which I hoped to see God, are the eyes through which God sees me”

I have a precious video to share with you, but first the inspiration behind sharing it. Many have heard of Harald Kautz-Vella, a gentleman very much on the awakening trek. This video presentation is special beyond belief(s), & for multiple reasons no mind will grok (deeply comprehend).

First, my title hints that our true Home is the now — the NowHere, actually — not off in other dimensions. Center within as you remember, never a time was, nor will ever be, when it wasn’t simply now.[1]

No one ever lived nor ever will in any time but now, be it the Middle Ages, tomorrow, or a trillion “years” hence. From our individual perspective, it can only be now, even when remote-viewing past or future.


To Who you truly are, earth “time” is not real. Lost though we may often feel in this 3D realm not native to soul— & even though no mind will ever get this — it is always just now. (Even reversed, it’s “won” as we find our way into now — that crazy, seemingly empty nowhere of the NowHere.)

Humanity’s beauty abides in Heart & in our great diversity, my friends. Today’s rampant chaos offers a powerful opportunity to step back from mind — which ever evaluates & judges — into Heart. For one so much in the flow as Harald, nothing distresses. He sets a beautiful example of release, of simply riding the (now) wave, from which all can benefit, as I’ll explain — sort of ;-)


Who among us doesn’t have a family member or friend who sometimes irritates the heck out of us? Whoever you are, you’re either not fully living, or perhaps you’re from another century, from some mountain retreat or monastery. Yet, LOL, even in our monastic lifetimes, let us recall that we don’t escape all irritations, either. So let’s let loose & have some fun as we go deeper within.

Why all of this build-up — why don’t I just embed the video & let you watch it? For those in that much of a hurry, you can always skip down to the video. Yet be aware, as you do, that it’s only & ever mind in a rush — Heart never is. (So doesn’t Heart’s way sound more in-Joy-able? ;)


Why? It is because it makes all the difference whether this video is viewed from Heart or from mind. It offers a great opportunity for truly useful self-observation. If we never step back from mind, then we don’t really know how to do it. It’s certainly not taught in today’s schools.

I don’t think I’ve ever come across a better opportunity to put this to the practical test. Believe me, you’ll know by the halfway point[2] whether you’re in head or in Heart. Then, if I’ve done my job well, you’ll laugh during the awkward points. (Don’t worry — you’ll know, as you just stick with your now.)

This is also a great chance to take a test-drive from Heart. Your experience will be quite different, depending upon your choice. Were I a classroom teacher, I’d offer this video experience to my classes. It enables us to make our life a far more pleasant experience — not seen (nor even see-able) until we find our way into Heart.

Hopefully, I didn’t give everything away ahead of time — you were able to observe your own experience of both the great seeds of Wisdom presented, yet also the group dynamics. Those stuck in mind may not have been able to watch the whole thing, due to their own mind’s frustration with the gentleman also trapped within mind. (Some in the comment thread quite agree with you ;-)

This is an excellent example of being caught-up in mental processes which block our perception of the offering’s depth. While great blessings & benefits accompany a genius IQ (Intelligence Quotient), we also see how it can be a detriment on the awakening path — a shocking idea to mind. :-D


It’s deLightful, how something — anything — can be viewed as blessing or bane — either/or OR both/and. It’s a choice-point between 3D duality & triality, or higher consciousness. Our particular experience of life rests on our perspective, yes? It’s all about what angle we choose in each now moment — very much subject to free will.

The sleeple & sheeple are shocked to be told that their joy in life is ever so much within their control. We’re taught & programmed to blame traffic or circumstances — or irritating companions — for our current mood. We’re further programmed to “be nice,” to be kind to others & to just “suck it up.”

What a hodgepodge we make of things, doing our best to please everyone but the Self! Who comes along to reveal that we’re the one in charge of our life — that we owe no one & nothing allegiance but Source, but Higher Self? Instead, we’re taught to play the Matrix games & play them well, competing with others for our place at the table, our trophies of whatever sort. What a mess!

It’s little wonder we become tangled-up, both inside & out. Thanks be, it’s a time of that great awakening, foretold for ever so long. We’re really blessed to be living NowHere, friends. Then too, we’re a (potential) blessing to all Life. We came into 3D for this, whether we remember it yet or not. (No, you’re not from 3D, but then you likely know that, or you wouldn’t be reading this ;)


We’ve just got to shake this whole Matrix thing off — admittedly, no small task. Hopefully, you’re taking advantage of that lovely boost offered in the current chaos likely rampant wherever you live.

How you use it is quite up to you — whether you choose to grumble & groan along with the rest, or to just smile, & let it be the useful, even precious reminder to go within — to exit self in favor of Self.

Again & again we’ve come down into 3D to get this general awakening done. Funny (& not so funny) how easily we forget, as we’re once again clothed with “coats of skins” — the 3D body-mind thing. A dense realm it is, but not for much longer, dear ones. We’re well & truly getting it done, this time around — us & Universe. Can’t you just feel it?!

My hope, of course, is that you’ll take this video experience on board as a great test or reminder, not just of Who & What You truly are, but also of how your use of 3D free will is both critical & so very much in your hands. We get to choose! It doesn’t get much better than that, at least not until we’re more firmly ensconced in 4D & 5D, or wherever we’re headed.


Don’t forget, you didn’t originate, here — no one did. Yes, you may well have been here for some tens or even hundreds of thousands of earth years — but time is nothing — no thing at all — to Who you actually are. Just as we travel the trails & roads here, in higher dimensions we travel time quite as easily. It’s no real limit, there.

Nor can the divine Beings we are, as Source-in-form, be limited or restricted in any real way. Our true Home is eternity/infinity, which contains no limits, neither beginnings nor endings, neither set-backs nor detours, nor whatever garbage labels mind chooses to invent as excuses for not being in the NowHere sanctuary, ever accessible within.

Let’s spread our virtual wings, friends — exercising our true nature as rays of the divine, here to bring our earth family Home — that is, those who choose to come along. No forcing, remember — no need to force those who are every bit as divine as we are. Let’s just enter Heart in every NowHere as we git ‘er done ;-)


[1] now vs Now — The “now” that mind perceives is not the Heart experience, which is represented as “Now.” Further fun = ‘now’ reversed is ‘won,’ indistinguishable, when spoken, from ‘One.’

[2] This points to the earlier interactions more so than to the powerful discussion around “evil” near the end.

10:20 pm, Thursday 2017/07/27, Mayan day 6 Storm / Cauac




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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