Getting It Together for Awakening — 1 of 3
What is real, folks? What are your beliefs around that? And who can say what is real, what is not — whom do we trust as the arbiter of reality, for heaven’s sake?
I no longer trust science for such things. Many scientists do their best, having honor & integrity — yet, these are the ones who don’t go far. Like anything else, any other field — including government, simply any field — it seems compromises are required to rise to the top. Money is intertwined & in various ways — within The Matrix.
Perhaps, like me, you’re aware that we can’t even define the self, at this point. So what are we doing, trying to define the universe & all that’s in it?! It’s ludicrous, really, & the examples are endless that illustrate it. This is no thesis, so I’m not going to cite chapter & verse. Most of us are at least somewhat aware of these issues.
Where from here?
I see two major components — the Family of Humanity, & the individual — that are critical, at this point. We’re either awakening, or we’re not, & since that’s a personal choice, I’m happy to leave it up to each one. You know my choice.
Our society has gone clearly haywire. It’s tough to find a trustworthy organization of any kind. The decent ones are prevented from significant growth by the overall corruption at the top, enforced via the monetary system & corruption in government(s).
It could be argued that we have more of a corporatocracy than the democratic Republic on which America was founded. It seems that greed rules the day, be it underlying or obvious — that feeling of not enough. Our world is full of seekers for many things — all feeling somehow incomplete.
Well, that’s what was — not what’s to be, what’s arising. All of that is crumbling, as we speak, not destined to last even another decade. Are you prepared for the collapse? It’s not a bad thing, folks — it’s excellent, really.
What are your core values? What’s most important to you? Whether or not you see it around you, we have an ongoing general awakening taking place, & you’re part of it. We’re returning to sanity, I’m happy to say — waking-up from the nightmare of “normalcy” imposed on us for these last thousands of years, perhaps longer. So there’s much to celebrate. It all depends on our focus — what do we choose to see? From what perspective do we choose to view it?
When we place our attention, our focus, on what’s wrong with our world, we don’t help anything. That just feeds the beast, for great energy flows over the lines of our attention. Let’s begin shepherding our focus into what’s wonderful, what’s awesome — the things we would choose to expand.
Just the energy of our personal attention on those things helps them grow & blossom
What do you appreciate? Place attention on that. The energy of appreciation is powerful stuff. We’ll be amazed by these things, once we’re high enough in frequency, with our inner senses open, to actually perceive such energy as appreciation is — as it carries. We are the creators of our world, dear ones. We’re waking-up to that.
There are sufficient numbers now awakening for this to take-off like the veritable rocket-ship
Humanity has long been both dumbed-down & made to be frail, to be ill — but that’s going away with the crumbling cabal & their false Matrix reality, built-up around us in our sleeple, sheeple state. The beauty, here, is that such as we are — Light Beings come “down” from higher frequencies to get this job done — cannot long be held down. We’re breaking-out all over the place, as I hope you can see. If not, while I feel for you, I won’t be slowed down in my trek.
While I don’t know if the label will stick, this time we’re actually already in, now, some call The Great Awakening. It will make it into the history books of children, as yet unborn. We have some rough waters, ahead, but we’re well equipped to move to high ground, distancing ourselves from the sinking ship of the dark ones, often called the cabal. It’s just a word, but it will do, for now.
Consciousness — that’s what creates. We’re each crafting our own experience of reality, & attitude plays a major role. It’s also something over which we have control, individually. That’s how this awakening is happening — one-by-one, people are waking-up, recognizing the many lies & half-truths on which today’s society is structured.
In these rising frequencies, what is not Truth is crumbling
There will be no mass rescue mission, no single savior, either, whether from the skies or the other dimensions. We don’t need that, so that’s great. What we need is to individually awaken — that’s our job, right now — a job in which many are heartily engaged. You would be one, or you wouldn’t be reading this.
There will be mentoring, yes — we’ll have support from other, more advanced races — our star brethren. We are them, friends — we’re the boots on the ground, here.
They’re not alien — they’re us — we just forgot
Consciousness creates, with every thought, every intention we set. Not only that, we’re all linked-up, in more ways than I can enumerate. Quantum-entanglement is but one concept that helps convey the actual unity of literally all that is. Nothing is separate from anything else, & that includes people, animals, Nature — you name it. Even the stars & planets are conscious Beings — I kid you not — one with All.
We’re already all One — that’s a done deal, & it always has been. The rub, the glitch that enabled creation of The Matrix, was forgetting Who we truly are, & the awesome power we wield, which is tremendous. No one bothered to tell us about that, but we knew it would be that way, coming in. We also knew we’d awaken sufficiently to begin remembering for ourselves — as we’re now doing.
Everything you require will be brought to you — once you learn to get out of your own way. That’s the patch for the glitch — realizing how we’ve been steered into ways & beliefs that have us working diligently against ourselves & one another— against our Self, as a divine Being.
So as we begin to witness the collapse of The Matrix, it’s high time we pulled out of that sucker. It has nothing to offer but pain & servitude, of which we’ve already had plenty.
It’s time to question our every belief
This is best done now, ahead of the oncoming revelations that will upset many an apple cart as they arrive. Shocking things are on the horizon, but not nearly so shocking to the awakening ones.
Once we find our way into Heart, into the internal realms, we enter “the peace that passeth understanding,” as it’s been called. There’s an unshakable calm steadiness in Heart that’s simply amazing. You know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you’re eternal. Death loses all of its sting. Fear goes out the window, for good — unless we let mind bring it back in.
The biggest steps we can take now are to question everything — every belief, every thought. Nothing whatsoever is what we’ve been taught, what we’ve taken it to be. This is no time for blame, fear, or shame — none of those lower energies are good for anything — they are the chains keeping us bound within The Matrix. Cast them off!
There are elements of truth & beauty within every religion, especially the Eastern ones. We focus on the good, setting the rest aside. We take the steps, as guided by Heart, just letting Heart lead the way. It will all come out fine. In your Heart, you already know that, so why not find your way deeper, within?
There doesn’t need to be the least bit of suffering, no matter what happens. Heart never suffers. That’s a Matrix energy, not one of Light. If there’s suffering, look to your beliefs — you’ll find it’s basis, there. Radical change is on the horizon. Those best equipped for it will be those who’ve questioned all beliefs, eliminating them as they went along, replacing them with higher understandings that came to them — once they were willing to just be open, to be empty.
A rough time will be had by the remaining sheeple & sleeple, but that can’t be helped. They’ve had the very same opportunities to awaken that we all did — they just made other choices. That’s their right, friends — let them go. Many of them will awaken, as well, it’s just that they’ll have a rougher time while getting there.
Their souls chose to take this route — they’re up to the challenge. It will bring out the best in them, at some point, at many points. We’ll all be amazed, as we gather over whatever beverage we may have in the New Earth, sharing our experiences of the Great Awakening. We’ll learn delightful things from one another — how we all found our way.
It’s ceaselessly amazing to me, how on this trek, every new bit of Truth I discovered, as I look back, had been there, all along! It’s those Belief Systems at work, editing all of that out. Yes, this was purposely done to humanity — of course it was.
We certainly didn’t do this to ourselves — yet we let it happen. Let’s remember that. We began believing more in externals, groups, in organizations, even in others, than in our real Self. Heck, even believing in the human self is better than the groups-and-others gig.
One way or another, it’s a time to turn away from all things external, turn around, & face the self/Self. Otherwise, we’ll not see nor realize how very wonderful this all actually is — chaos of crumbling, included. It’s also an important time to make friends with the Now moment — the NowHere — stopping mind in its tracks as it tries to lead us off into past & future.
Three basic things: 1) Go within, 2) Stick with NowHere, & 3) Ditch the old thoughts & beliefs. These all go well, together, supporting one another, bringing us ever more deeply into what’s been called awakening. (More on that, later.)
Each one of us is critical, too — the Power of One
We don’t enter Heart until we find & stick with our NowHere moment. Only from within are we able to see right through those old, ridiculous beliefs. It’s a package deal 😉
All of this is within the reach of simply everyone. The only way we can be excluded is to self-exclude.
Don’t allow yourself to get sucked back into the crumbling structures as they go down. Sympathy is one nasty way to do that, just pulling you down, sucking you in. Recognize the divinity in everyone — their innate ability to make wise choices for themselves. Wish them well, & move on. It’s the best “service” you can offer, along with your own awakening.
We don’t know what their divine plan is behind taking such a challenging path, not choosing to wake-up sooner. Trust that there is a plan, there — just like yours — not consciously accessible to them. Everything will well & truly be alright.
For support in this understanding, you might want to delve a bit into the vast body of NDE literature & videos. They all report — well, almost all — of the serenity experienced on passing — how swiftly & completely the old just falls away, it’s unreality clearly pierced, seen through.
All is well. Keep reminding mind of that when it gets out of control. The 4th thing I neglected to mention, above, is subsumed in #3, to chuck the old beliefs. We must take the control of our lives away from our minds. They have no ability at all to take us into awakening, so if that’s where you’ve set your course to go, it’s time for you to dominate mind, no more the reverse.
That about covers it, for now. 😉 Bon voyage!
About 10:00 pm, Sunday 2017/09/24, 2nd, Mayan day 13 Flint / Etznab