Getting From Here to There
Awakening Shocks
If consciousness creates, how does it do that? What is the master mechanism? Why don’t we always get what we want? First, it’s internal — of course — & most of us spend our time outward focused. We’re pouring our consciousness into the world of effects, neglecting the realm of causation. Not wise.
Once we realize we need to turn inward, most of us are awkward with that. We’re easily bored without something to capture our attention, so we turn to our electronic devices or our friends, seeking diversion, unaware we’re still creating as we go. We’re sloppy creators.
That master mechanism is vibration or frequency.
In the absence of equipment able to measure our energy frequency, we must go by how we feel, by what we sense. This also requires an inward focus, use of our Inner Senses.
It’s time to get to know ourselves better, to become more comfortable in our own skin. Major perspective shifts are upon us whenever we move out of our distracted mental focus & settle down into Heart, which opens those Inner Senses.
Feeling good is more a choice that we were led to believe. As a result, we’ve turned over our power to externals. You can catch yourself at this anytime you’re pointing the finger of blame “out there,” somewhere. That makes no sense at all to Heart, to Who we really are. It’s time to take responsibility for how we feel, not just for what we say & do.
Until we do so, we’re basically self-castrated.
Once we develop an inward focus, it’s time to look to our beliefs. These guide how we live our life & no two of us hold the same set of beliefs. Since all beliefs come to us second-hand, it’s time to delve inward to discover our personal beliefs. Many of these were taken on in childhood so it’s well to evaluate them with an eye to discarding those that are less than useful, that didn’t keep up with our growth.
How do you feel right now? How self-aware are you?
How comfortable are you with being alone? It’s easy enough to recall a time when you felt really great & compare that with your current state. While you’d think you could also compare your now-feelings to a time when you felt really awful, that isn’t advised. Why not? Because consciousness creates.
We’re creating constantly with every thought, every inclination, every word & deed. We can’t get away from our creative power, no matter how messed-up life seems to be. Whatever seems to be the case in your life tracks back to your beliefs & attitudes, your chosen perspectives. Like it or not, it’s all fruit of your own creative powers.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/03/10
“When you play the What-If? game, look for things that make you feel better. There is never a situation in which there is not a way out — but, out of habit, most people continue to choose the “lack” perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices. But as you hold to your intention to look for evidence of Well-Being and thriving and success and happiness, you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things — and so those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Humanity is currently receiving many hard lessons. As we look around, now better able to spot what’s behind the scene, we’re faced with the marked contrast between that & our old beliefs. We were clearly too trusting of those who proved unworthy of any trust, & it hurts.
We’re sick at heart with many new discoveries, with the realization that massive pedophilia & human trafficking have long been ongoing. Many cry tears of pain & regret that we let all of this happen, not yet knowing what we could have done to prevent it, to have used our creative powers in more benevolent ways.
We cry out, “Why is there massive, widespread corruption? Why are things in such a horrible mess?!” We’re not yet taking responsibility for our part in creating the current situation. Our inward focus is required to help us sort things out, to clarify our vision.
Let us abstain from pointing fingers of blame, for we all participated in this creation. If nothing else, we let it happen while our focus was distracted by the external world, sucked into our gadgets & social media, seeking ways to feel good. We let our guard down.
There’s no avoiding the pain that comes with our awakening.
As we take our power back, we don’t allow ourselves to wallow in suffering. We choose to make good use of this pain, to let it spur us into a quicker awakening. We learn from our mistakes & the misbehavior of others. We put it all to good use. Heart does that.
We take comfort in knowing that the one & only constant is change. The ups & downs of every life are a given which we no longer resist. We’re finally shedding much of the programming that was called education, that didn’t live up to its potential. Now, with our inward focus, our Inner Senses, we can see through so much of what we once didn’t notice or just accepted as “the way things are.”
They don’t have to remain like they are; we’re still in charge of our life.
We’re remaking ourselves, raising our standards across the board. We’re no longer willing to tolerate the vile corruption, so we’ve set out to clean house. Let us be sure to begin & end with the self/Self lest we have but a minor impact. Let’s not waste time trying to clean-up the world of effects, the externals of life, since all of that originates with consciousness.
By the end of the century, we’ll be able to look back — yes, from our next incarnation — & see clearly the forces that are now at work. One amazing discovery will be the vital impact we each have on it all. We’ll see clearly how it was each individual awakening around the world that turned things around.
Right now we believe we must gather in like-minded groups to bring the desired changes, that we must seek out good leaders. This is a completely external focus, messing about in the world of effects, seeking to influence them. Any real change first takes place within, only later manifesting in the world of externals. “As above, so below; as within, so without,” will be common knowledge in the 22nd century.
Right now, we’re in process of taking our power back as humanity, as individuals.
Some are already moving to take their Power back as Source-in-form. We’ve long identified with the bodies, the minds, rather than the eternal Spirit we actually are. As we tap into the Divine Power of That, we’ll see things really begin to change. It will be obvious after this time of major perspective shifts.
Back to how we create. The more we align with our Inner Being, our Higher Self, the greater the Power that flows into our creation. Our Spirit is the ultimate source of that Power, it’s connection with Source. It takes finding our way into Heart to make the direct connection. Heart-centered ones are more aware of their energy, their vibration, whether it’s creating what they desire or not.
We’re quick to adjust our energies, our consciousness, to bring them in line with our Inner Being, who is always upbeat. We let our Inner Being be the one doing the creating. We become the Divine Dance. We know that our beliefs are a garden which requires our attention since they’re what shapes our energies, what guides our creation.
One day we’ll realize that 98% of what we were taught wasn’t true; that it served the cabal’s purposes, not ours. We’ll also realize that this chaotic time was vital to the overall awakening. When people are so deeply asleep to Who & what they are, to their creative powers, it requires a shock get their attention, to awaken them from their sleep-walking daze.
We have endless possibilities from which to choose as we move into awakening. We move from our limited sense of the self into responsible empowerment as the Self. We find our way into joy, into feeling good regardless of what’s going on around us by maintaining a consistently higher vibration.
Our vision expands immeasurably as we ditch the old programmed beliefs, no longer wearing those blindfolds.
We are as unlimited as we choose to be, but it takes a Heart focus to go there, one ever centered NowHere. We’re far less arrogant, knowing that, compared to What Is, we access but the merest taste of that while embodied.
It’s really great when you realize you know nothing.
This isn’t a myth or nonsense, but an actual fact. Most of what we think we know gets in the way of our greater Knowing. We’ve been so thoroughly programmed that it will take years to work our way through. We’re good with that, since our Now-centric presence is not impatiently off in the future, wondering what’s ahead, nor mourning the past. We just Be.
There’s no “How-To Manual,” no “To Do” list that leads to awakening. Looking for such things is a product of mental programming & our reliance on what the mind thinks it knows. We set all things mental to the side on this inward trek.
Radical change is on the horizon, like it or not.
How we greet that is a matter of choice. We make better, wiser use of Free Will as we awaken. Taking real responsibility for our state, for our life, opens amazing doors into unimagined lands. We are a mighty race that lost our way long ago.
We’re reclaiming that majesty, one Now at a time. Our biggest gains come with what we release, opening ourselves to reconsider, to allow our perspectives to shift. It’s time to ditch the arrogance.
Since you can’t get there from here, it takes a good deal of releasing what’s here. “There” will actually come to us once we let go of our current take on things. There’s no seeking involved. Let’s be willing to admit we were grossly misled on just about everything. Let’s just be open. It’s a great place to begin. 😆
3:10 am, Saturday 2018/03/10, 1st, Mayan day 11 Serpent / Chicchan