Gave this great, uplifting story 50 claps — but I do have a warning to offer from my own experience. I came in somehow Knowing that only Love is the way, that Love will always win over whatever arises. It’s been a bruising ride to learn otherwise — well, sort of.
There are layers & levels, of course, & only Love wins on some level, but not necessarily in our 3D experience. How do I know? Raising a very challenging daughter taught me through what seemed to be terrible travail & unspeakable pain; the pain of rejected Love? Yes & no, mostly no.
By offering only Love & understanding, endless compassion, it seemed she just got worse & worse, making terrible, self-destructive choices. She even spent time in a facility when I refused to let her throw her young life away, running with a bunch of losers — it was rough, to say the least — but the Love never wavered one iota.
Move ahead a few years & I’m having a Twilight-Zone drive to the sheriff's office to turn her in for serious theft. Time is all out of whack, as is the road in front of me. The drive took forever & took no time at all, crying rivers of tears all the way. It was beyond strange, but I somehow KNEW I was doing the best thing, even though so much within me rebelled against it.
Fast forward another few years & she shares with me how that somehow may have saved her life, the one she was throwing away. She shared how that’s what it took to get her attention on what she was doing, the direction she was headed. She’d somehow felt lost & bereft when my only response to her was this endless Love & acceptance, tolerance for her “mistakes.”
Go figure, right? It was the hardest lesson I’ve learned in my 66 years & I’m still not sure I got it right. It’s funny how it turned out that she was my teacher. She just needed boundaries I was refusing to give.
Being attuned to the moment, the NowHere, is the best way to tune in to what’s needed, to what’s best; & it won’t always (or even often) be what the mind thinks it should be. That’s perhaps the biggest kicker.
So, by the time we seem to get something figured out, when we look within, we realize we know nothing — nothing at all — & somehow that’s best. Go figure, LOL. Ain’t Life grand? You bet it is!! Love goes well beyond any of our conceptions.