Friends in Other Dimensions — A Chat
Extreme Forgetting — A Phase?
Beloved 12D, it’s been so long since I last journaled with you — well, asked you anything openly, as I know we’re always together. I’d like to bring a budding concern to you to get your mentoring — this intensifying no-memory thing. It’s getting a bit ridiculous, repeatedly having to ask my roomie, “What am I looking for?” “What was I talking about” is another one.
I’ve been fine, for the most part, around releasing mind’s layers & levels of control & programming, knowing that it wouldn’t likely be performing at peak levels during this process. Still, here I am, as memory is no more than Swiss cheese, now — pretty useless. Would you please advise & help me?
12D Beings:
Theresa-Ann, of course, we will, dear one. We’re delighted you asked. You have it mostly right about this being the transition to Heart dominance, about it being natural & temporary, which was implied, though not said. The missing piece is a complete dive into Heart, the complete releasing of all ties to the mind. This holds the secrets & the relief that you seek. [1]
There is no need to do the Internet search for potential physical ailments that could affect the mind this way, though you can if you like, of course. We’d advise what you advised your daughter to do — stay in the high-vibe flow; keep feeling good. THAT is what you want to sensitize yourself to — feeling good, & being aware when you’re not.
Oh, how we’ve waited for & looked forward to this day. Your memory issues point to you being right on the threshold of a greater awakening — if you would but allow it. Yes, indeed — “How does it make you feel?” is the question to keep asking the self/Self; for, of course, we read your awareness.
Be loyal to You, dear one — you AS Higher Self, as Source-in-form. Be loyal to Love is another way to say that. Follow Heart’s guidance above all. Heart also teaches as it guides, so it’s a package deal.
Where do we go from here? Where to go, indeed, when you are Here. Everything begins to expose it’s initial-capital Self to the one who gets out of her/his own way. As you often note, of late, no matter the magnificence of the awakening moment, it soon becomes clear that it was always present, yet not previously seen.
Everything is present at all times to everyone.
Your choice is less what you want to perceive, more what you’ll allow yourself to see. The same is true for everyone! Nothing is hidden from anyone at any time, all hiding being done by the self, fearful of what it might find. This is the self you’re allowing to fade away, the self that never truly existed, anyway.
What will you allow yourself to see — your Self to show you? How open wide are your spiritual “arms?”
Let it go, dear one — all of 3D, all things seeming to be so real. Divinity is real. Love is real. All the rest flows from that but is only seen by those who let it flow. The rest remain blind to it, not yet realizing that they are the one blinding themselves — only them.
We see you rubbing your palms together, recalling the terrible callusing, the hardness present there not so long ago — how long it lasted, yet none of it remains. How did it disappear? Did some particular medicament chase it away? No, of course not. You got out of the way; you allowed it to happen.
Thus will it be in all things. Humanity wakes up by getting out of their own way, finally able to see the great abundance all around. All things either provide it or guide you, mentoring you & all who are receptive, who are ready, out of your own way.
Yes, indeed, the laughter shall be great & deep upon awakening to all of this, to the twisted dance you’ve been led into by those who chose malevolence over benevolence for whatever reasons. It served them in some ways, ways they, too, will be shocked to discover, for they’re not at all what the dark ones expected.
Source has the last laugh. We can join in — or not. The choice is ever our own. Nothing is what we took it to be, including free will. As you look back on events in your life, the view will be anything but what you took it to be at the time.
Once you all realize that you, & you alone, are what held you back, you’ll get out of the way, allowing Source to make the corrections.
Yes, you thought we’d say, “…you alone, are what held you back, you’ll move to correct that,” or something along those lines. Yes, indeed, You will move to correct it, but not the ego self. What you’re making way for is your Divine Self to take the reins.
All Guidance is always provided, but Guidance is not pushy, does not insist on anything. Divinity just is, needing nothing to justify it, just needing to be allowed in order to manifest in 3D.
You & so many others have now experienced the seeming craziness made possible by the lower vibrations, by the seeming blindness they weave out of All That Is, out of the Divine. You’ll be reading the energies of everyone & everything with much greater mastery as you get good at allowing — allowing not just anything, allowing not in ways expected or assumed by the mind.
You’re cutting some of your last tethers to 3D as we speak — as are many others. You’re all building a tsunami of immense, of record proportions, a Tsunami of Light that will bowl you all right up into the higher dimensions — those who allow it, of course.
The best thing you & everyone else can do is make the steady choice to enjoy whatever comes. Just let it be what it is while choosing to enjoy it. Don’t try to figure it out, since your mind has no keys to unlock any of it. Just allow it to be what it is, choosing to see it all as a gift.
That allowing removes the wrapping paper so you begin to see the gift more quickly than ever before. Everything is energy, right? You are energy, too. Energy is far easier to work with than matter, that seemingly solid stuff.
It’s better still since there is no separate “you” having to “do” anything. You just let it happen, rediscovering yourSelf as a part of the flow, an aspect of the Divine, a ray of Light shining.
Being is now your “job.”
Again, since there’s no separate you, there are no separate jobs. These were but metaphors running away, the bit between their teeth, to eventually create “reality” as you’ve known it. While it was an interesting adventure bearing many great fruits, it was often also a hugely painful one.
Even when the “pain” isn’t real, isn’t happening to the separate one who doesn’t, who cannot exist, yet it hurts. This is the power of consciousness to create, the shocking power of belief.
A new topic, 12D: I feel unwelcome, avoided & somehow rejected by my daughter’s finance. A bit of mentoring here would be helpful, would be welcomed.
12D Beings:
He is avoiding coming to terms with aspects of himself — aspects that you represent. Yes, you guessed it wasn’t about you, personally, & it’s not since you don’t personally exist. This is him working with & on himself. Just watch it play out.
Thanks, 12D. What a roller-coaster ride it’s been writing all of this — watching what passes before my inner eye as all seems to be happening “out there.” Yes, & he is also me, working on & with me. It’s been intense!
Cuddles [my cat] wants his tuna, so I’ll close, now. I so appreciate you — & us, our relationship(s).
6:43 pm, Thursday, 2018/08/23 — Mayan day 8 Monkey / Chuen
[1] So relevant to this journal:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2019/03/31
“Things are coming into your experience in response to your vibration. Your vibration is offered because of the thoughts you are thinking, and you can tell by the way you feel what kinds of thoughts you are thinking. Find good-feeling thoughts and good-feeling manifestations must follow.
“Make a decision to look for the best-feeling aspects of whatever you must give your attention to, and otherwise look only for good-feeling things to give your attention to — and your life will become one of increasingly good-feeling aspects.”
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
P.S. Now & again, I’ve encountered myself, a 12D embodiment of me, among my 12D group consciousness, so they’re both me & not me. I guess all of Life is like that in some way. It’s amazing what perspective shifts can deliver, oh my! 😲 😶 😆