For the Big Win, Allow, Don’t Resist
Mind Can’t Unlock This
Friends, we don’t know squat, as in, we know nothing. You’ve seen the quotes from Einstein, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Sir Isaac Newton & crew about the wisdom of knowing nothing. Have you come to the realization, yet, even for a brief second? [1]
Here’s how Marcus Aurelius puts it in his Meditations:
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
Our minds won’t get us out of the current pickle, the chaotic mess life on earth has become. That takes Heart & an entirely new perspective on simply everything. Are you game? It’s actually quite enjoyable once you make the choice to just see, to step into your vastness & be Who you truly are.
Watch your mind at work. If it’s saying, “This is obviously BS, total nonsense,” can you just step back & observe that? You can, of course, but will you choose to? Destiny or density, the choice is ever ours.
A good sense of humor helps. 😆
We, the awakening ones, are leaving our minds in the dust in many ways, most of them major ones. We were long convinced to actually identify with the body-mind, with our mental take on 3D life. Now, we’re finding we’re so very much more, discovering the body-mind as merely the costume we wear for our role in the play.
It’s tricky, though, for the way it enters is as a thought, an idea that we (as the body-mind) are more. Until we find Heart, we don’t feel or directly experience that more-ness. We’re programmed not to, filled full of beliefs that prop up the storyline we’re fed.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2019/05/18
“Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience. They can hold their opinions, but unless their opinion affects your opinion, their opinion matters not at all.
“A million people could be pushing against you and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back. That million people pushing against you are affecting their millions of vibrations. They are affecting what happens in their experience. They are affecting their point of attraction, but it does not affect you unless you push against them.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 2/21/98
Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)
The tricky part is learning how to just observe. That works best when we find our way into Heart, which is but a word for something we well Know, yet worlds away from something that can be contained by any words.
When you believe you’re the body-mind, how the heck are you supposed to step back to observe it, right?
Heart territory is rather strange. It’s off limits to the mind, so Heart’s Knowing is not a mental process, is not based on mental ideas. It’s a realm in itself, one of direct experience, & even those words fall far short of that to which they point. We go from thinking about being to actually Being. We go from having ideas about something to actually experiencing that something, directly.
We just Know.
This is nothing your mind is ever going to grok so you can stay there until the cows come home & it won’t deliver what you want. It can’t, so it’s no fault of the mind. It’s just due to What Is — & to What Is being inaccessible to any mind.
Our mind is like a camera taking pictures, images that only represent what they display. The map is not the territory. The images on the TV are not in that box, though sometimes we forget.
We have free will so you can be stubborn as long as you like in clinging to mental perspectives. That’s your right & I’m not here to question or challenge that, just to point to other, broader possibilities. The mind is a fantastic, simply awesome tool, but it’s unwise to mistake it for Who we are, to thus let it limit us.
The ego-mind & the Source-in-form Self are as separate beings, the one being a false creation, the temporary creation of free will, the other infinite & eternal.
In other words, these things will never make sense to the mental aspect of you. We learn to let that part of us go. As we loosen its grip on Who we are, our experience of Life expands.
Identifying with the body-mind limits us, as I hope you let yourself see. We were taught to identify with our calculator & with our costume. Since they’re both totally awesome, that was fine, even great fun for a time — but no more!
The Great Awakening beckons & we’re moving on.
The hardest thing may well be surrendering our beliefs, which we’ll one day laughingly see as BS, as limiting Belief Systems. That time comes for each one when & as it will, so it’s not our job to dig around in others’ beliefs. They have the same free will you do, & they have the full right to make their own choices.
This is never a situation of “I’m right & you’re wrong,” or vice-versa.
They don’t need us to teach them anything, dear ones. They’re Source-in-form, too, just as we are. They’re on their own chosen time schedule, their own route. Where they’re going is their business, not ours.
Our job, if you will, is to first go our own way, but also to get out of their way as we can. Nor do we need them trying to run our show.
Whatever happened to “Live & let live?” You’d think it had vanished somewhere along the line, judging from people’s behaviors, the extreme intolerance & pushiness on full display. It’s people feeling entitled to run other people’s lives, to take charge of what they’re to think, say, or do.
There’s a mighty big dose of arrogance behind all of that, but we don’t see it until we’re ready. (If we stick with the mind we may never see it at all.)
It’s just crazy!
We do ourselves a favor to see through the craziness. Again, Heart is the best vantage point for any of this. Heart’s deep, inner Knowing is always there for us, just not when we’re perched in the mind. By choosing to be mind-centric, we use our free will to reject what Heart has to offer. That’s okay, of course, but it’s well to be aware that’s what we’re doing.
Just that awareness helps us center more deeply, within.
There are no answers anyone can or will give in a book, a lecture, a letter. (Perhaps this is why fiction is often so powerful, so useful.) Heart Knows that’s not how this works, that it makes no good sense. The whole idea of it violates our uniqueness. We’re all One, yes, but the whole point of Creation rests on our uniqueness, on what we, as (seeming) individuals bring to the table.
The Truth, the Laws are written on our inward parts, as they say. It takes marshaling our free will to choose, to find our way within before taking the next step. We’ll be there to greet us, friends, as our Source-in-form Self welcoming the self of our own making, helping us slip the bonds of 3D earth, of the mind & its beliefs to soar in the vastness, the infinity of What Is.
Then, when we come together with others also awakening, we’ll be jaw-droppingly amazed at the harmony of our truths, of our innerstandings. Like the notes of a great symphony played on celestial instruments — us — we’ll forever inspire & be inspired as we let Heart lead.
11:47 a.m., Saturday, 2019/05/18 — Mayan day 3 Storm / Cauac
[1] “…for a brief second,” because the moment we let ourselves slip back into the mind, it vanishes. The wonder & the beauty is that it ever awaits us — in Heart. We’re the one leaving, not it. 😆