Finding Neutral Gear

10 min readJun 20, 2018


We Shift into Neutral Prior to The Great Shift/Awakening

“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening,

When we successfully shift into neutral gear, we’re impartial. Take a moment to take that in — being impartial. We don’t really know what that means until we enter neutral gear. Only from here does our every belief stand out, lit like an illuminated billboard flashing its message, dimly at first, growing ever clearer as we go.

We may sit in quiet amazement in the presence of such clarity, stunned by what’s we’ve been blind to, by what’s been there, all along, unseen. Yet, now we see.

It’s direction-changing, if not life-changing, this new clarity.

We note the power of our focus, of going from external to internal, to discover a whole new realm, within. Our time in neutral is quite short, initially, thanks to the powerful momentum of our mental focus. We find ourselves back in the mind without knowing how we got there.

We may regret the move since no mind is impartial, so we try our best to find neutral gear, again. At some point, we spot the fact that we’re asking doing to deliver what only Being can provide, so we desist.

We just relax, releasing our grip on trying to control the outcome.

Water carves the riverbed out over time. So it is with our ways of thought, our beliefs. Deep channels we’ve carved in consciousness support the momentum of our energy flowing in certain avenues. Our desire to shift the flow won’t effectuate overnight. Within neutral gear, the impatience so much a part of any mind has no say, is not present — another hint illumining our current state, whatever it is.

Neutral — empty — peaceful…

This is an admittedly rare state for current humanity to occupy, but that’s a recent phenomenon. The history we’ve been fed is hugely made-up. We’ll soon have evidence, even proof of the lies, but that’s the mind at work, so it doesn’t matter to awakening; we let it go. (If it has value, it will arise again in perfect Divine timing as we coast [1] & allow.)

We somehow know it doesn’t matter, that nothing matters in the way our mind thinks it does. It just is — that’s Reality — & it’s enough. There’s something priceless in the pure Is-ness of it all. It’s fun, too, that contactee Alex Collier’s Andromedan friends call Source/God the Is-ness. It really resonates in Heart; not so much in the head.

Our mind continues to pop us back into gear frequently, sometimes in abject terror of what we’re viewing. The “N” for neutral also works for nada, for nothing, for no, for nein, nix, for nay, for never, for nee, for naï, for na, for ne, for né, for nò, for nej, for nei, for non, for nanni, for nahániri, for nem, for nē, for neen, for nennin, for nenn, for nie, for não, for nu, for nae, for neni, for nage, for not-what-you-think...

We contend with our strong mental-mode momentum.

We discover laughter as the best spice for every mental meal. We take time to pet the cat or dog that jumps into our lap instead of letting our mental focus cause us to ignore it or shoo it away. We don’t question so much as just Be, & it takes time & experience to grok what that is — just Being.

Whenever we’re in peace with whatever it is, that’s an indicator we’re in neutral. Good to savor, to simply enjoy. We’re learning to be empty, to make peace with that. It fits none or precious few of our (mind’s) expectations, taking us to deeper levels of being (beyond the mind) when we just allow.

We can’t know before we enter what we’ll find.

We have all of these stories about those who’ve awakened to a higher state, but they’re only about that, nothing like the direct experience of it. The mind will holler & shout about being lazy, not getting things done, perhaps being foolish. We get better & better at ignoring it, knowing it knows nothing of what we’re encountering.

Is being in neutral the same as awakening? That’s the mind, again, trying to master the unmasterable. When we’re in the mind, we’re in gear, & we know it’s not possible to both be in gear & in neutral. That helps, but let’s not make too many concessions to the wily mind lest it again lure us deeper in.

There’s none of that, none of the mind found in the neutral state.

We may be surprised right out of that state on discovering we have other ways, avenues of knowing & perceiving beyond the mental ones. We find an empty peacefulness, neither of which we’re used to, especially the emptiness. It’s just strange.

Can you see how this is a process (happening only Now) of breaking out of our body-mind-focused identity? While that may have seemed like our whole reality up to now, it is not. Some go their entire lifetime & don’t realize this until their deathbed, but not us. We’re uncovering a whole new (to the mind) reality, new realms & ways of being.

The mind is structured by its beliefs.

Since no mind can know things directly, it hypothesizes, tries out different possibilities until finding those it adopts as its own: its beliefs. What’s behind that? If we are not (just) the mind, not (just) the body, then who or what is directing that mind? Who/what is observing it?

Most of us recognize that we have a will, something that makes decisions for us, tendencies that carry across lifetimes. We tend to behave in this or that manner in certain situations. These momentums may or (more likely) may not be helpful at this time of awakening.

We may have become experts at getting things done, at setting goals then fulfilling them. We may be proud of that, considering it a real achievement. Now, suddenly we see things through different eyes, inner eyes, & nothing is as we thought it was.

Expectations regularly crash. When in neutral, we laugh. 😆

When in thought, we cry, shout, blame, or mope. 😞 😢 😨

It’s daunting, but at some point, we realize it’s only daunting to the mental aspect of us, not to Who we really are, underneath. We may feel, now & again, like we have a split personality, have multiple identities. We just watch.

It’s funny that, rather than having multiple identities, we’re losing the one we thought we had, invested as it was in the realm of the body-mind. Source is the Divine Dancer & we are the Dance when we, as the pseudo-self, disappear.

We’re not quite the Divine Dance yet, though Source is on the dance floor. So very much letting go is required to ditch the weights & chains preventing the full flow of the Divine Music. It’s always flowed in us, we just didn’t fully hear & attune to it, merge into it, allow it to move us as It would.

Source is an ever-ready partner, we just haven’t been showing up, laying the pseudo self on the altar to enable the union.

What if identity, itself, is something far beyond our ken, what we currently take it to be? What if we’ve been duped, as it were, made to act & behave in certain ways? How? Based on the teachings that became our beliefs, beliefs which structured our awareness.

There have been times of worldwide enlightenment on both this & other planets & dimensions within our experience. Most teachings given on present-day planet earth help us create the shackles that bind us. We don’t even see that WE are doing the binding due to what we’ve been taught, what we believe about what things are, how they work.

Somehow along the way, there was a clearly purposeful omission of the fact that consciousness is the creative mechanism; that everything springs from that. As we add this vital fact to the mix & give it a shake, OMG, what comes out is a whole different take on everything.

What’s a poor bloke to do, right? We’ve been lied to, intentionally misled to create in ways not favorable to us, but to them, the (once-ruling) cabal.

Now, step back from that & take a look at the “poor me,” the self-pity, there, along with the necessary blaming of someone or something else.

It used to be that we didn’t see that aspect of our behavior. We couldn’t unless we found our way out of the mind-centric daze. We’re discovering that the more we let go, the more beliefs we release (or at least table for later review), the more clarity is enabled, sometimes even Clarity. 😲

Over time, we see that we’re taking our power back. Our beliefs granted external things far more power than they merited, thus limiting the self. Once we recognize consciousness as the creator of our whole life experience, the view shifts, significantly altering the picture.

We go along for a time just observing, beginning to see conscious creation at work in our interactions. As we keep watch, we eventually see how every single thought counts — how it creates, energetically, either supporting our desires or (more often) thwarting them.

Now we see ourselves taking far more responsibility for this life quite naturally. We’re no longer so quick to blame. When in neutral, there’s no possibility, no existence of this thing called blame. It’s utter nonsense outside of the realm of our beliefs. What we create in consciousness is a real creation, so we can structure whatever reality we like. [2]

Things created in the mind are less real & lasting than those arising from Heart or the emptiness of neutral gear. The mental-become physical realities will have their day, lasting as long as it takes us to work our way through & beyond them.

Thus, we find ourselves in repeating situations, greeting ever new actors in the same (or quite similar) old roles. They may last a moment, hours or thousands of lifetimes — all entirely dependent on us.

It’s all good (& that’s a good belief to adopt ;-)

There is no endpoint in consciousness, in Reality, only the ever-eternal Now, the NowHere point of our focus within time/space. Heart is the portal into the Beyond, the both/and, the NowHere & the nowhere, the double-sided coin, the Yin/Yang. Yet, with our focus consistently on externals, we don’t discover Heart’s Presence, much less its supreme, serene magnificence.

The Reality we enter in neutral or Heart is eternal & infinite. Consciousness can easily sense the difference, even though it may not find the words to express it. The more “time” we spend in neutral, just allowing, just Being, the better.

This comes along with a great deal of releasing, jettisoning the old ways. We keep noticing that’s not really something we’re doing, it’s just happening. Things that make ya go hmmm. 😶

Once we gain some Heart-centric stability, more often slipping into uncomplicated neutral, we begin to recognize our access to the Internal Guru, the Ultimate One, the Source-in-form Self. I can’t tell you the grit & determination it takes to make your way out of the mind maze, but it’s do-able, though not done by the self. 😉

Just about everything we discover seems bizarre to the mind.

Thus, it’s in our best interests, overall, to ignore more & align less with the mind, ours or anyone else’s. It makes a great cup of coffee, does a great job on the test, but awakening is well out of its range; which is initially quite strange.

Okay, so parts of awakening are much like a Twilight Zone in their strangeness. In neutral, we’ll be shown how that’s the mind’s perspective, how we’re not limited to that. We’re more in the land of the both/and, the all-inclusive, able to shift perspectives with greater ease.

Clarity Grading —

It’s a bit like choosing which facet of the diamond through which to gaze upon your eternal Now.

∞ ⏳ ∞ ⏳ ∞ ⏳ ∞ 💖 ∞ ⏳ ∞ ⏳ ∞ ⏳ ∞

It’s so deep & a lot of fun! as many long ago realized & shared down through the ages. It’s both our true, underlying Reality & a much-desired state.

That much-desired part? Can you see it as the mind’s view? Since it already IS, to “much desire” it is to put it off into the future. We’re not splitting hairs, here. It takes eyes of Heart 😍 to penetrate infinity/eternity. ∞ 😍 ∞

Awakening’s ever-available-ness is a delight, a welcome relief to accept. We don’t have to perform in certain ways, jump through programmed hoops, to somehow “earn” the innate perfection that already is. We just clean house, sweeping out old beliefs (e.g., “It’s not ever-available”) to welcome & relax into Is-ness.

Finally, this remains a personal time in which it is NOT wise to try to figure things out. Don’t think, just Be. 😉

You may have fun thinking now & again, but it’s well to realize that the mind carries no spiritual answers. Those are Heart properties. We learn to be ever guided by what feels best to us, not what the mind dictates, so we find ourselves making ever-better choices, experiencing better outcomes as we go.

How do we know they’re better? By how they feel! 😆 Let’s enjoy the increased clarity, sometimes even Clarity, of the view. 💖 🌏 🌈 🌟 ❄️ 💥 ❇️ 🌠 ️☀️ ☯️ 💖



10:23 am, Tuesday, 2018/06/19, Mayan day 8 Transformer or Death / Cimi

[1] We coast, being in neutral gear. 😉

[2] What consciousness creates begins in the subtle, unseen realms that do exist, in spite of what any mind may opine. As we align & are consistent in pursuit of a certain creation, it becomes more likely to manifest. Its last step is where most block it — the allowing, the releasing of all expectations to the contrary (including subconscious ones), that enables it to show-up in/as 3D.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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