Feeling Good
Power of Personal Choice
As long as we’re focused on the world of externals, we’re giving our power away. We not in charge of how we feel because we’re not in touch with ourselves — our Self. Consciousness is the realm of causation, not the external world, which is the realm of effects. We’ve been so hoodwinked that most remain lost in the Matrix while the rest are awakening.
We are as empowered as we choose to be. We’ve had every sort of block & deterrent placed between us & our Inner Being, thus the Matrix game we’ve been playing. It stops when we’re ready for change, finally ready to look & step beyond our rather miserable comfort zones. Are you game?
We lost ourselves somewhere along the way. Crazy as that sounds, it’s what the awakening ones discover. The money system is at the root of the mess. Were it removed from the playing field, everything would be forced to shift. This artificial sense of values we’ve adopted would crumble in short order if money was absent.
New, transitional monetary systems are on the way in. Many will be gold-backed currencies or those backed by other natural resources native to the countries involved. Though it’s a major step in the right direction, it still leaves us using currencies. If there was no money, there could be no cabal with such powerful means of control. It’s worth pondering. Follow the money.
I like what contactee Alex Collier shares about this, that his Andromedan friends & other advanced civilizations don’t use any form of currency. They recognize it for what it is, a means of control, nothing more. Still, we’re so immersed in the currency culture that eliminating it all at once would be too shocking. Makes sense.
Alex’s Andromedan friend says it’s strange to them that we must pay to live on the planet of our birth — a distinctly different perspective. 😉
Meanwhile, our challenge is to divorce ourselves from the sense of happiness or misery that surrounds our financial state. Money doesn’t bring happiness. We need only look to the very wealthy to see this borne out. Do Maxine Waters with her millions or George Soros with his many billions look happy to you? They only want more; it’s built into the system.
If our happiness doesn’t depend on the size of our bank account or the wealth of our possessions, wherein does it lie? We can’t know until we begin to release the hold money has on us & return to ourselves. We’re not very good at seeing ourselves clearly, but people have made every sad compromise over money or sex.
Yes, we’ve been horribly manipulated, but it’s time to say, “So what? What is that to me?” The only one who can extract us from the mess is ourself, ourSelf. We’ve got this, but we must first take our power back & begin making other choices, choices that won’t make sense in terms of the Matrix.
We’ve come to believe that those closest to us, be it our boss, our mate, our children or friends are in charge of how we feel. When they don’t act in pleasing ways we’re upset. We set out to change their behavior, don’t we? How much sense does that make, when the only one we’re in charge of is the self?
They’re not in charge of our happiness, we are!
In this age of the Great Awakening, we’re coming to our senses, returning to common sense which has been stripped from our schools. The programmed children being cranked out by our public school system will have the hardest time with this. They’ve been betrayed, wasting their time taking in lies, distractions, & distortions of truth.
Slowly but surely we’ll return to taking responsibility for ourselves & our world. Though we didn’t do this, didn’t ourselves install the corrupt Matrix over society, nonetheless, we allowed it to happen on our watch, as did our grandparents & the generations before them. The time of reckoning is upon us, so it’s all up to us. How will we fare?
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/03/05
“A belief that the behavior of others must be controlled — so that your observation of that good behavior will make you feel good — leaves you feeling vulnerable to their behavior.
“We would like to help you to understand that neither the good feeling you find when you observe wanted behavior, nor the bad feeling you find when you observe unwanted behavior, is actually the reason that you feel good or bad. The way you feel is only ever about your alignment, or misalignment, with the Source within you. It is only your relationship with the Source within you (with your own Inner Being) that is the reason for the emotions that you feel.
“While it is nice to find things in your physical environment that enhance your good-feeling alignment with your Inner Being, your understanding of why you feel good will make it possible for you to feel good regardless of the behavior of others.
“Understanding that the way you feel is really about your Vibrational relationship with your Inner Being — with the Source within you, with the expanded version of you who resides inside your Vortex — gives you complete empowerment and absolute freedom.”
Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)[Emphasis added]
Who will choose to take charge of their own life, to step back & rethink it all? Whether we’ve all been somehow chipped or not, we’ve definitely all been programmed. It was inescapable, so let’s not be hard on ourselves (as we’ve been taught to be). When we move into Heart all of that begins to shift.
Our minds cannot lead us into awakening. There are many kinds of awakening, some of which are definitely mental, but they don’t hold the power of a spiritual awakening, a Heart experience. Later on, we’ll look back in amazement at this time when many were actually convinced they were the body, that spirit wasn’t real because it wouldn’t fit under the microscope.
We’ll be amazed at how far down this programmed road we were led. We’ll be amazed that we were willing to go there, shocked & amazed. Meanwhile, this is our current reality, so it’s up to us to grapple with it & find new ways to define success. The monetary one is a joke, one our vision hasn’t sufficiently cleared to see how ridiculous & unnecessary it is.
Your solar plexus may be tense reading this, contemplating where we are, how lost we became. Continually centering in Heart is the best antidote to any negative feelings. We’ve had the solutions on board all this time, which is yet another shock. How could that be? How could we have allowed ourselves to be so taken over when we held the answers, all long?
It doesn’t matter. We forgot that this 3D life is a stage play & that we’re playing a role, one we actually chose to play. We took this to be reality, to be all that is. We’re more than ready to execute the actors playing the villain roles. We’ve been horribly misled, so let’s just admit it so we can move on & return to Heart & common sense.
They still exist & it’s all about our use of free will.
Leaving the pack can be hard; we know that. It holds many back who haven’t yet reclaimed their power from the beast, the cabal, the Matrix — call it what you will. We were made to forget that we’re the creators, here. Anytime we find ourselves blaming someone or something else for our problems, let’s remind ourselves that we’re Source-in-form. Nothing can master That, but we’ve got to identify with It, first, to enable the Divine Dance.
Our beliefs are running the 3D show simply because we’re so powerful. If the cabal & their ilk weren’t so afraid of us, they wouldn’t have had to install such a repressive, restrictive, massive set of controls. Let that sink in. No one can reclaim our power for us but us. It’s not something we can be given, since we’ve had it all along, just unclaimed.
We all play the game of forgetting to enter 3D earth, even the bad guys. We may discover, much later on, that some of those playing the dark roles were really us, Light Beings of some stature. This chaos was a needed stage to help wake everyone up. The Great Awakening wouldn’t happen without it, so we’ll be thanking them for the dastardly roles they played. 😲
This is a call to release our old ways of viewing everything, to be willing to reconsider as we find our way into Heart living. We are far more beautiful, amazing, & expansive than anyone yet realizes. We get inklings every day, be it in ourselves or others. Beauty also surrounds us, but with our mind-centric eyes ever focused on the negative, the beauty isn’t seen.
That doesn’t it’s not there, just that we’re programmed not to see it.
Though I don’t like the idea of a prison planet — because Who we are can never be imprisoned — yet, from a certain perspective it’s true. It’s the greatest time, ever, to shift our perspectives on simply everything, one at a time as they arise in our experience. Perspective is a powerful tool, so let’s reclaim it & quit accepting everything we’re told as the truth.
Humanity must come back together to do this successfully. We can be at one another’s throats, unwilling to listen to ideas that diverge from our own. Let’s ditch the arrogance that says we’re right & those who disagree are simply wrong. Let’s reexamine that! It’s a poisonous fruit we can reject.
Respect is needed, both for ourselves, but also for everyone else. Heart wouldn’t have it any other way so let’s find our way there. We’ll find that everything we truly wanted we have, right within. It’s time to take our mind out of the driver’s seat where Heart belongs.
9:39 am, Monday 2018/03/05, 1st, Mayan day 6 Sun / Ahau