Eyes of Mind vs Eyes of Heart
As is most often the case, “I” have no idea what to write, here — no clue what this journal will reveal. Any essay begins with a concept, a title — mine begins with/as/from a blank. It’s best that way, I’ve found. Mind writes the titles, drives the essays —these journals come from Heart, seat of authentic power — seat of our Being, here on earth.
Who am I? What does that matter? Who are you? Therein lies the meat of everything — sticking with self, with Self. Those awakening among humanity — awakening earlier than the many who will — are in process of stepping out of polarity, out of duality, entirely. (Another journal on that, later.) While that’s something mind cannot process, cannot comprehend, the awakening ones are wise enough to be unconcerned — fearless.
Some hesitate due to attachments — to mate, family, friends, even to possessions. These are still in the clutches of mind to some extent — fearful of not being understood, perhaps of leaving their dear ones behind. That’s fine — we each get to make our own choices. It’s no one’s business to judge another in any way — to presume we know better or are wiser, or any such nonsense. Let us just leave them alone.
Let’s trust in the power of their own Heart — yes, their Heart, as well as ours. Let us know we are no better — & no worse — than anyone else. Ah, does mind fidget over that? That’s an opportunity to look within, to spot a blemish ready to be removed, excised — released. What many discover is that our real work here, our real alchemy, resides in vision, in seeing — through eyes of Heart.
Everything we see is an opportunity to grow, to expand into That which we truly are, as Source-in-form. Once we spot something in self it loses a certain power over us — if it is noticed, identified, truly seen. Thus does the unconscious become conscious, thus does our mastery spread — not over others, over anything external , but over self, over mind. Our true work here is ever within.
Some believe they are here to help rescue the world, the ecosystem, perhaps the people — to help wake them up. That can be a bit of a delusion if it’s not coming from Heart — one that keeps them forever outward-focused, unavailable to ever-present inner guidance. This is not to say there aren’t many great & helpful lives lived that way — ones that contribute greatly to us all.
Yet if awakening is near & dear to our hearts, that’s not the shortest route. It cannot be, for it leaves mind in charge — & mind will never find the way — it can’t. So it doesn’t matter if you don’t have that high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) you always desired. No amount of mental prowess can unlock the door to one’s Inner Being, to Heart. Gurus/teachers are not gurus due to their IQ.
Many have long known & spoken of this, leading people into solitude, in ways of meditation, yoga & such. It’s no secret. Yet anyone who believes there is some pathway, some method of any kind that will unlock that inner door is mistaken. Pretty simple, really — all methods are ways of mind, mechanical. Nothing works for everyone. (Trans-humanists are among the biggest mind captives.)
If I just do A, B, & C, in the right order, at the right time, in the right way — I’ll find my way in. Not. Were that the case, then the devil, himself, could practice your method & join you there. There’s a thought, LOL. Ready to abandon reliance on methods, yet? Our biggest, even only challenge is to get out of our own way.
What this & so many things amount to is the huge challenge to abandon mind & its ways. Mind freezes in abject fear at even the thought of being set aside for a moment — long enough to meditate or just be still— much less forever. Our largest opponent is ever the self, mostly the aspect of self that is mind. It must be mastered/subdued to awaken, to move beyond the surface that appears as 3D.
Do you believe earth is round, or flat with a dome? It doesn’t matter, yet if you find yourself caught-up in such discussions, that’s operating solely in mind. Once we enter that sacred, silent Inner “space,” never again will we give any importance to such matters. Pursue them if they’re enjoyable, but only for the fun. They take the awakening one nowhere s/he wants to go.
Be it flat earth, ETs, hidden Illuminati/cabal secrets, or whatever, it just doesn’t matter. Once upon a time I would’ve said, “Believe what you will,” but now I sing another song: believe nothing. It’s a time to let simply all belief systems go, to recognize them all for the BS they truly are. Further, they just hold awakening back, perhaps simply by keeping our focus both outward-directed & in mind — locked in time/space.
Those are harsh words, but only for mind. They’re music to the ears of Inner Being, ever Present where you are. In today’s world electronics keep most of us captivated. There are some words to inspire fear in mind, which does not even want to imagine time away from the constant techno-presence engulfing most of the world.
Most are unknowingly enslaved to their electronic gadgets, over-use of which can be seen as mental masturbation. If you can’t go a full day without your gadgets — including cell phone & Internet — then you’re hooked. Addiction comes in so many different forms. Social media may be the best barometer of such dependency. These things keep us firmly ensconced in mind, which amounts to entrapment in the superficial, 3D world.
Notice, please, that I didn’t say these things are bad. They are not. They are just there. It’s our use of them, our dependence on them, that’s the point. We can get a rough gauge of our state of consciousness by noticing what we do with our time. Not so much what we’re doing, externally, but how much of our time is occupied in mind. Do we carve out any still spaces to be present, within?
I’m not a believer in methods, remember. I’m not saying there’s anything at all we can actually do to awaken. There is not. Awakening is more something that just happens — yet there are many things we can do to align the self with awakening. Perhaps the biggest of these is to set our intent to eventually abandon mind’s dominance.
Clearly, this isn’t something you can just decide to do, & then bam! It’s done. Your mind will have a great belly laugh on you for that, for it’s ever so wily, able to thwart such moves & be 3 steps ahead of you. At first its actions will be easily spotted — if you’re looking from within, of course, being present. Its early moves are coarse & obvious, reflecting how ridiculous such a concept as abandoning mind is to it.
Later on, however, each one will discover how very creative, how slippery mind is in changing tactics when it discovers that you mean business — that you truly intend to transcend it. Mind will bring in every nasty trick, every horrible (or delightful) thought it can muster to dissuade you — to keep you distracted, occupied yet a little longer with its doings. It just can’t bear to be ignored.
Okay, so many of you well know this, already. You’ve been there, done that, along with me. It keeps us humble, friends. Don’t ever think you’ve totally mastered the mind. That’s when it’s got you; you won’t see its next trick coming. You may take it to be originating in Heart, when it’s really mind, just playing that part. (BTW, many channelers get caught-up in this one.)
Okay, I just stepped on a few more toes with that last line. Oh well — just know that Heart cannot be offended. It doesn’t work that way. Whenever something puts us off, the first place to look is within. Though I forget its origin, there’s a lovely saying I injoy: ‘It’s just as harmful to take offense as it is to give it.’ Adopting that as a belief brings so much peace into the world.
Yes, I just spoke of actually adopting a belief — when earlier my suggestion was to abandon them all. Let me clarify. In the earlier stages of the move out of head, into Heart, one finds it impossible to abandon one’s beliefs in a vacuum. Just as you can’t prove a negative, you can’t replace a belief with nothing. Who can manipulate nothing around, placing it where s/he desires to see it?
One soon realizes that, to master mind’s trickiness requires some trickiness of your own. We’re cases stuffed full to the brim with endless beliefs, many of which have long ago migrated to the subconscious — inaccessible to conscious thought. Whenever you read or hear something that stirs you up, chances are that it’s one of those beliefs rising into awareness.
This is good. Yes, being bothered or upset by things can actually work in our favor. It’s an opportunity to spot a belief, & consciously choose to abandon or modify it. How do we do that? First, just observe it — just watch. Then, when it comes to you, replace it with a better belief, one that more closely approximates truth, as you currently understand it. (Hey, we can’t do better than our current best, after all ;-)
Over time, as you reinforce the new belief, it quite supplants the old one. That’s been my experience, anyway. As we move on, we replace the new belief with one yet closer to truth — & so it goes…
Mind is fidgety. One of its addictions is moving around in time. It’s seldom willing to just be Present, now. Spending most of its time in the future, viewing either what it hopes will be, or imagining how terrible this or that could be — or what we have to buy at the store — mind is restless. The rest of its time is devoted to the past, where memories & your self-opinions reside. Start noticing how many negative comments are a part of your internal dialog.
Mind spends a good bit of time beating us up. Yet when we’re outwardly focused, we hardly even notice the ongoing inner chatter. We just take it for granted. This is normal, right? Well, you’re not “normal,” friend, & you never were. You’re Source-in-form! There’s no norm for which you have to settle. You can, instead, lay all norms aside in favor of just being yourSelf.
We are all free, you know — it’s an illusion that we’re trapped in any way. Well — that set some more internal buzzers ringing, here & there. Yes, I felt it. (So do you — we’re all telepathic.) Let’s look at that. What aspect of your being do you think objects to it? Would that be mind?
Such words as that line about not being trapped cannot be heard & interpreted by mind, which has no clue about what’s being said, here. Truly, it does not, so to have any hope of actually injoying this or any of these journals, please center within & hear them there.
Your Inner Being is all-knowing, friends — yet of course it takes being there to experience them — to actually hear them. My suggestion remains to take anything that somehow bothers you as a present, as a gift from Cosmos to you — or perhaps from Higher Self. It’s all in how things are seen, yes? And for that, we get to choose.
Perspective is ever a matter of choice. No one insults you; no one forces you into anything. We all do that to the self, & the alert ones soon recognize their own mind at work.
Yes, we’re all well & truly free. Yet we’ve got to claim that. I’ve made the biggest steps in that direction by choosing to extricate myself from entrapment within mind & its workings.
It also helps to know yourself, to identify as Source-in-form. Many believe that Source/God abides within — yet don’t truly know that, or they wouldn’t put up with being a permanent captive of mind & its ways — unconsciously, unintentionally lost in the Matrix.
A different sort of strength is required, here. Some typical strengths, such as the high IQ, can actually be a hindrance in this work. Strength of will can be your biggest “problem” now, yet on the other side of that coin it is your biggest strength. Again, perspective is key. How we see things is critical, is the pivot on which a whole life can shift.
I’ll close with one last topic that can be useful — I’ll call it “poverty consciousness,” but this means so much more than monetary poverty. You could be as rich as Croesus & be as poor as the homeless vagabond, so hear this from Heart ;-) Those in poverty consciousness are most often mentally in the future — focused on what they want, not at all focused on what they are, what they have. Thus, in actuality their focus is on what they lack.
Earlier I spoke of mind as being our captor. For most of us it is — yet that doesn’t make it our enemy. Once again, the other side of the mind coin, if you will, is its usefulness. It can actually be tamed & harnessed as a great asset.
At first, we work with it — mind being in charge, as it were. Later, it works for us — Heart holding the reins. We actually reign, from Heart, over our own kingdom, our dominion, which is self. So Self reigns over self.
Mind can be useful, once it’s mastered. Let’s spot mind at work, whether it be noting evidence of our own poverty consciousness, or our own feathers ruffled over something we perceive. We are viewing our beliefs in action, friends. In every now moment we make choices. Underlying all of them is how we choose to perceive, be it through eyes of mind or eyes of Heart.
Let’s make better choices, that’s all. It’s ultimately quite simple — though of course, easier said than done. Still, no need to make it into either a war or a race. I hope many will make the choice to just Be — in the NowHere, whose other side is nowhere — the void.
10:22 am, Wednesday 2017/02/22, Mayan day 7 Kan/Seed