Exposing Cabal — Exposing Self
There are just too many of us, keepers of the Light, present now on planet earth. Poor cabal. Oh well, they had their run; for millennia they were in charge. They’re not taking it at all well that the tables are turning, but that’s to be expected — arrogance being their over-riding vulnerability.
Last night cabal-lite joined at midnight, casting a binding spell on President Trump & his supporters. Those supporters would include me & so many others — numbers they’re not yet willing to admit, clinging to their claims that Hillary won the popular vote. Articles keep appearing, shining a light on the voter fraud in this or that area, but of course they’re mostly in the alternative media, not the lap-dog MSM (main-stream media).
This isn’t my favorite subject for journaling, but this is what is, what’s flowing through now, so it’s fine. Speaking of “spiritual” things is great, but spirituality doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s a walk-your-talk thing — something we live.
Absent its integration into our everyday life, it’s all but meaningless — often just a retreat from the world at large. That can be comforting, of course — it has its place. Yet a more mature spirituality is boots-on-the-ground, present in everyday activity, not just during meditation/contemplation or church time.
Free as a bird, that’s how I feel this morning. I & so many others got word of the spell-casting in time to do some sacred ritual, or just prayer, of our own. It’s funny, binding the binders — blocking their dark intent, only doing so with Love, coming from Heart, understanding how misguided they really are. No anger, no hatred, no fear or malice, here — just Love’s refusal to be controlled, to be manipulated, to be held down — prevented from following our chosen way.
Many will be angry, yes, on discovering the plot, the spell-casting, the arrogance of choosing witchcraft to limit what others can accomplish while exercising free will. I wonder how the spell-casters would feel were the shoe on the other foot — were they the ones having their free will thwarted by some spell cast to control them? There’s a thought.
Each of us has power over only one thing — the self — nothing else. We can choose our own way in the world, not that of anyone else. Any parent learns this — just try to control a child — see how well that works. Parents, overall, are more humble folks than the rest. It’s the same with a partner, a mate. There is no happiness in either trying to control someone, or in being controlled. It violates a Higher Law than any law of the land.
I’m not saying that witchcraft doesn’t work. It does — how do you think the cabal maintains such tight control? What I’m saying is that the outcome of that, or of any other means of attempted control, is hugely undesirable. It never works out well in the long run. It controls minds, even bodies, but never the soul, the Spirit, which cannot be controlled.
Governments also try to exert a great deal of control. At least in America, that’s not how we designed it. The control here is designed to be of, by, & for the PEOPLE — though it’s clear we’ve largely given over the reins to government & institutions.
Yet America has & retains a very special spirit — one of freedom & true liberty, of live & let live. So it’s quite natural that, as the cabal loses its grip on the reins of control, so does the government — precisely to the extent that it’s become onerous, burdensome, & controlling.
People are meant to be free. That’s our nature, to want to go our own way. It’s no one’s business to rein us in, as long as we do no harm to others in any way — physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially. In the presence of honor & integrity there is no need for the current control mechanisms that define today’s governance. They’ve got to go, & they’re on their way out. (Let’s have Natural Law, instead.)
That being the case, it’s no surprise that we have a President Trump, for that’s his clearly stated goal. His plans appear to be in harmony with the true, original American spirit, our deep love of Freedom, that which originates in Source/God. Our founding documents clearly state that rights emanate from God — not man, & certainly not government. We are meant to run government, not the other way around. Let’s give him a chance.
Dinesh D’Souza is the most eloquent speaker on what America is today & how it got here. He masterfully uncovers the history, the shady actions & intentions behind the current political narrative of both Republicans & Democrats. Our beliefs have been molded by the cabal over time. (Not just the government, but the schools, the judiciary, the society overall, being “owned” by the cabal.) There is little truth in most of our current beliefs. Dinesh exposes that so beautifully in intricate, factual, historical detail.
The actual beauty in all of this is that the sad state we’re in is largely based on illusion — on falsehoods, deceptions, misinterpretations galore. So for those who are sad, miserable, or depressed with the way things are, the way they’ve been going, he sings a heartening song of real hope. Absent truth, there can be no solid foundation for anything. Let us get back to truth, uncover & expose all the lies, all the slick tricks that have been played, & get back to our beautiful foundation, here in America.
For a long while we just let things go. We didn’t know how to change the American mess, much less the global one. Many tried, but it was largely unsuccessful, the cabal being so firmly entrenched behind the scenes. Well, that’s just not the way of it, today. I’m not saying D’Souza is some sort of hero or rescuer. I am saying he is a worthy voice, crying in the wilderness— one who deserves to be heard.
The many false narratives we’ve taken on as beliefs are up for grabs, now. In the presence of actual fact, of honest truth, they will collapse. Yet we must take to heart our lesson — that just sitting back, on the sidelines, can lead to catastrophe. We must — if we really want change — both educate our self about what truly happened here, & then play a role. There must be no more “silent majority.”
Absent the work that President Trump seeks to do — reforming government, education, & so much more — we don’t have much chance to bring about the real change we desire. He’s no saint, but never has a president been one, so that’s no matter. We must keep our eyes on him — hold him to high standards — but it’s time for the witch hunt, the Hitler comparisons, to exit, stage left. Enough, already! The hypocrisy is over the top — ridiculous.
The cabal, via the political left, did a masterful job of divide-and-conquer, finding every possible difference between us to bring to the fore, to pit it against the rest — or to pretend the rest were pitted against it. Can we not step back & see how this works — how it worked to tear us apart?
Have a look at various countries in Europe to see the ridiculous extremes that result from such activity. Years ago Sweden stopped reporting the ethnicity of criminals, fearful to even mention such a thing. Look where their PC (political correctness) took them. Nor are they an isolated case. Look to the neighborhoods in Paris where even the police dare not go…
That’s the blueprint, friends. The cabal wants us screaming for help, for solutions — which you can bet they’ve had written & ready for years. It’s the Hegelian dialectic — as David Icke translates that: “Problem, Reaction, Solution.” Create the problem — await the reaction — provide the “solution.” This is the main cabal strategy for the takeover of the entire world, & it’s been working! They almost had us — almost ready to eat out of their NWO hands, turning to them to resolve the whole mess that they engineered.
This is again where truth must enter in. If we are to win the world back into a state of humane sanity, we MUST educate ourselves. We’ve got to lose a lot of our innocence, our trust in everything. It’s time to look behind the scenes, to see who & what’s at work, & the direction they’re herding us. Unless we’re willing to squarely face their once-hidden goals, we’re vulnerable to their control — we’re sheeple or just sleeple.
Make no mistake, Heart is unconquerable. Who & What we truly are — the cabal is no match for that. Yet we’ve got to step up, to educate ourselves to the workings of the control mechanisms on display worldwide. Then we walk our talk, no longer the silent majority, too busy with living to take part in government, to have our say. Yet again, it must be a well-educated say — not the drivel some protesters want us to swallow.
The awakening is happening, to be sure. It’s certainly not what we expected. Many of us had our heads in the air, our heart in the earth, thinking even that some benevolent ET rescuers would show up on the scene. Some have been preparing to be taken off-planet, would you believe — having so given up on things here, feeling that evacuation would be the higher way, the solution to it all.
We’ve had spiritual loons, political loons, economic loons, philosophical loons — you name it, we had a group of whatever it was, preaching their own version of awakening. Many were well intended, sincerely believing they were leading the way out of the madness. Perhaps we’ll always have them, I don’t know. What I do know is that, for anything to have real power, it must be aligned with truth — truth which has been in short supply.
Now that earth’s frequencies are rising — witness the Schumann Resonance charts (abundantly available, online) — the people are rising along with it. While it’s been a very messy ride, thus far, that’s how it goes when the lies are going down, when new light is shining into the dark places so necessary to the cabal’s success. If they can’t do things in secret, in the dark, then they just can’t succeed, for their ways are so very dark that no one would willingly, knowingly accept them. Witness compartmentalization at work, keeping folks in the dark.
Soon there will be no darkness left in which they can hide & do their dirty work, their NWO planning, their pedophilia, their satanic torture & murder rituals. When all is exposed the choices are clear & apparent. No one chooses evil, intentionally. We are misled into it, bit by divide-and-conquer bit.
Now, yes, people will be angry on discovering the uber darkness of the cabal’s dirty deeds. That’s to be expected — deeds so dark it would take a devil to invent them. Each one will come to terms with this, hopefully privately, absent hangman’s nooses & the like. Let’s not neglect taking responsibility for the parts we played in this, friends — our many “sins of omission,” if you will — our looking the other way, refusing to see what’s been ongoing for ever so long.
Yes, we ALL played a part in creating our current situation, here on planet earth. Lest we rush to judgment too quickly, do spend some time coming to grips first, within — quietly — reasonably. Instead of “brutal justice,” let us turn toward self-education. Let us take time to ponder — perhaps watching a few of D’Souza’s many videos to get beneath the surface, to see how it all happened. Left, right, or center, all can recognize truth in his presentations.
I’m calling for a time of both self-education & inner reflection to lay a foundation for our future actions. By going off half-cocked, we’ll only make the mess bigger — leading to later regrets. Don’t we have enough of those, now? Can’t we all grow-up & mature, as souls?
To heck with gender, color, race or creed — to heck with simply anything used to divide us. We are one. There is but One. Let us begin to merge the work of mind with that of Heart — to find our center point.
Let us abandon all hopes & ideas of some sort of magical rescue, too, be it by ET or Jesus, the Mahdi, or whatever. WE are the rescuers we seek — the only ones present & able to do the work of waking-up fully to the insanity that’s been our daily fare for many centuries.
These myths of salvation — of rescue, be it from the sky or beneath our feet — have been craftily tailored to keep us inactive, in a state of forever waiting for someone/something else to do our work.
Admittedly, the religions are perhaps the hardest to let go, to release — to see through. Everyone has & will retain the right to choose their own beliefs. That will not, must not change. However, in order for earth to find her release from the current insanity, enough of us must see through the veils, the mists of confusion, finally spotting the once-hidden dark hands behind the scenes, setting all of this up.
Once sufficient clarity of vision arises, the way is so plain, so simple. Honesty, integrity, & respect for our fellow beings is the way, be they 2-footed, 4-footed, winged or finned, or the plant kingdom of Mother Earth. Above all, it’s time for a new respect for the self/Self, friends, which has been sorely lacking. That lack was used as a sharpened tool against us, to make us more easily led — or we could say shepherded, like sheeple & sleeple.
If this has elements of the understandings of our Native Peoples, the aboriginals, then we can recognize that & give them the honor they are due. Yet there is no one way that is right, in its current state, to follow, so let’s be ever so cautious about looking for leaders. That never works out for the overall good — & why not? Perhaps because we’re supposed to follow Heart — to trust in our own deep, inner guidance, once we find it.
We CAN do this, friends. Let us tread lightly on Mother Earth, finding new respect for both her & all of her beings, including the self/Self. As we set our own house right, within — only then, not before — will we find ourselves setting the world back on an even footing. No one — no one is better than anyone else. No one gets to rule.
Let’s put the nooses away for now, set the rifles down. This is no time for any sort of purge like that. (That will come, & it won’t be what we expected, either.) What purging needs to be done, now, is WITHIN. Only then will we be ready to right the world — & we’ll all have a great laugh, both on one another & on the self. Why? Because we’ll find that, by doing the inner work, the world purged herself.
10:12 am, Saturday 2017/02/25, Mayan day 10 Manik/Deer