Exploring Cosmos & Beyond

11 min readOct 28, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

What riches will I find within, on this journal journey? What awaits my turning to it to be exposed? What direction will it take?

Mind doesn’t much like surprises — at least this mind. Since mind is that aspect of self that finds its comfort in belief that it knows things, it’s no shock that diving into this emptiness would make it uncomfortable. The secret lies in being able to just let mind be, let it do its thing while being ignored. Eventually, it quiets down. 😉

So much of the (or my) awakening trek lies in taming the mind — mentoring it into realization that it has nothing to offer, here, in this inner realm where emptiness abides. There’s no self, coming forward to offer its ideas, its perspectives, here, this being something distinctly other than self — more a lack of that than its presence.


I am unconcerned with what is speaking, here. That doesn’t matter, from this internal perspective. There is no two, no duality here — more like a void. At least, that’s how mind would perceive it, were it able to enter — which it is not. The “why” of anything doesn’t matter, here, either — it’s seen as irrelevant. In the presence of Is, there is no why, no how — only the is-ness, only being, only presence in/as that.

What is important, here? Nothing. Importance is a relative term, requiring other elements, other things to which it compares. There is no concept of importance, here — does not compute — a term with no meaning in the midst of no-thing. In a way, I guess we’d have to chuck the self, the concept of a separate identity, at the door to even enter in.[1] Like importance, self is a term that loses all relevance, all meaning, on going this deeply within.

Nor does curiosity exist, here, beyond awaiting the next words to flow through. But that’s less curiosity than it is simple attentiveness — just being present to this. How we approach this has everything to do with how it responds — or doesn’t — with how we perceive it. It’s actually great fun to set aside the sense of self on entering, here — to be enabled to set foot in the door. It reminds me of the camel & the eye of the needle story — nothing makes it through.

Being present in the absence of thought is actually lovely, forming a nice break, if nothing else. If we never leave the arena of mind & thought, we’re not aware of how it chases us around, interrupting & disturbing us. We can trust Heart to bring forward the deep things, anything “important.”

Yet Heart doesn’t think — it just knows stuff, which it shares with perfect divine timing.

Hey, even the body’s heart & gut have their own unique ability to think — to contribute to thought, producing neurotransmitters of their own. We’re a bigger being that most take ourselves to be, expanding our energy field far beyond the physical form many hundreds, perhaps even thousands of feet. Energetically, we’re massive beings, folks, quite unable to be contained by our physical form. It will be great when science gets around to discovering some of this.


It’s into a journey of personal discovery that Heart leads us. It doesn’t matter what science or history has discovered, up to now. The only aspect of any of this that would matter to us in this space is the presence of Belief Systems, for when we believe certain things, we vest a part of our energies in that. We identify with our beliefs. Those aspects of our being can’t enter, here, where it’s best (perhaps required) to be entirely open to whatever arises.

By the time we make it this deeply into our core, we recognize that any belief, whatsoever, could be inaccurate, could be “wrong,” in the sense that it doesn’t accurately reflect Truth. We find our way in via love of, loyalty to Truth, willing to surrender whatever doesn’t jive with that. We enter more as ears than anything else — just listening, just perceiving — just being aware.

There is nothing to which one can compare this inner space, beyond silence or emptiness. I don’t really know what a “void” is supposed to be, so I’m not sure that one applies — will have to go look it up when back in mental mode, lol. When you say, “just being,” it’s not something people can easily grasp, being so unlike anything with which which they may be familiar, except perhaps the deeper meditators among us. I don’t know, though, as I’m aware of people who have meditated for years, for decades, yet don’t seem to have come to this “space,” this empty openness.


One of the most comforting things the mind aspect of me has recognized is that this same “space” is equally available to us all. That makes it much more okay that not everyone has found their way in — just knowing it’s there for them, whenever they’re ready to make the trek — which has its brutal aspects.

Hey, losing your whole concept of reality is no small token fee. You respect people realizing they’re not ready for this. That’s much better than trying to force their way in — which doesn’t work, anyway, only leading to hassle & frustration, often a bit of envy thrown in. When we’re finally ready to make peace with the over-arching reality that IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS, we’re actually in good shape. That acceptance also forms part of the price of entry.

At that point, we’re willing to look openly at what remains of the self — the old identity, formed of all of those things we identified with along the way, the good & the not-so-good. All of that went into bringing us where we are, now — so it’s all good, just in different ways. Much of it went into making us realize that we’re strong — stronger than we thought we were.


We don’t initially come to this with any real measure of self-love — or even self-acceptance. It’s as we journey deeper into our depths that we come to appreciate the courage, the strength of our soul, even just for tackling some of the difficult things. We see how we not only grew & learned in the process, but also the measure of empathy we now have for those in similar situations.

We’ve grown in depth.

How distant is “empathy” from “empty?” It only lacks the “a” & the “h” — a sort of “ah.” In empathy we do set aside a certain measure of only being the self, entering in to what the other one experiences. Since no one truly knows the Inner Being, that which is at our deepest core, it’s good to be open to new self-definitions, to possibilities beyond what mind has yet experienced.

I’m convinced we’re not shown our deepest depths either, right away or all at once, out of sheer divine Mercy, for it would be too much for anyone retaining a sense of separation, of a separate self. That doesn’t exist, here — it’s truly absent. We’re an aspect of something far greater, something beyond mind’s ability to fathom or even imagine — yet self it is not. It’s almost anything but, lol — but that wouldn’t be funny to the one brought to this abruptly.


By now, many of us have had experience of our own Dark Night of the Soul — the seeming devastation of that. It’s no easy walk to take, plus there’s no way of knowing how long it will last. No doubt a number of us have suicided in its midst, in the deep feeling that all hope is lost, that no solace is available, not so much as an understanding friend or companion. It’s not a journey we take by two’s, but deeply alone.

It’s perspective shifting time, in spades.

Later on we can realize that the seeming devastation was only that — a seeming, nothing ultimately real. Yet, we’re so far from that when we’re in the midst of it that any other perspective may as well not exist. It just isn’t available to us, there. Later on we see that yes, indeed, something was dying, there — not the body, not the Inner Being, but the outer identity, the seeming self.

We see how the bulk of the pain was only mind-based — yet there’s no way that perspective was (or could even be) available to us, then. The Dark Night of the Soul experiences are the direct experience of parts of the separate self in the process of dying, of falling away. What was dying was how we saw ourself — what we’d identified with that could not make the trek we’d chosen, on deeper levels of being.

While that provides precisely no comfort to one in the midst of their first Dark Night, it can ameliorate the agony of later experiences, of future Dark Nights. While I suppose there may be some who endured only one such experience, I doubt there are many. As deeper layers of self are reached, they, too, must come up to be placed on the bonfire, the funeral pyre of unreality.

Our loyalty to Truth is what sustains us, what keeps us going. No relative truth is worthy of such loyalty, only that which smacks of the divine. The outer self has believed in so many things that lack this under-girding of Truth — quite unknowingly, even innocently. Yet, it’s True or it’s not, & there’s no rationalizing that will make untruth step up to become Truth.


At this level, it seems truly black or white, which smacks of duality. Yet, somehow it’s not that — for which I have no explanation. Much of this territory is just inaccessible to mind, try though it will to enter in. There’s a seeming boundary we cross between Is & is not. On the one side is divine Truth, on the other is temporal reality, there but temporarily. It’s like we’re crossing the bounds of finity into infinity — yet there are bounds, even of that.

La Luz — The Light — wikispaces

What could be a boundary upon infinity? Good question, for earlier on I’d have agreed that “nothing” was the answer. Within Cosmos, i.e., all of creation, there are no bounds. Infinity-eternity is truly the environment of all of Cosmos. Yet, there is something beyond, the ultimate core of All That Is — something that did not set foot out into existence, into any level of creation.


What is it that finds its being outside of all of creation? Not sure I can put words to this, but along with the everything that we see as all of Creation, there is also the nothing, the emptiness — here, I might use the word “void.” In this which is not there is no frequency, no vibration, no cycling of any sort. There is just Is. It may even transcend the realm of Is vs is not.

Source embodies all of creation, the entire Cosmos. It lives in, as, & through all of that, right into the subatomic level. Yet, Cosmos has no hope of containing all that Source is, for Cosmos is the action of Its Being, it’s Awareness, its creation. So Cosmos is more an emanation of That than being All That Is.

If we have All That Is, that implies an All That Is Not, doesn’t it? Yes, & no, or not really. “Not” & “no” ideas are absent in Source. They will ultimately be seen as illusory words, describing nothing that is True. Until then, they can be quite handy, useful for communication of ideas along our trek into deeper experience, deeper understanding.

I don’t mean to imply that I’ve gone to such levels, to the ultimate core, if you will, of Source. We see but through a glass, darkly, as they say, unable to speak Truth of that which is beyond our direct experience. Having said that, it’s also the case that, on entering the emptiness, within, we begin to approach That, to at least begin to be able to imagine it, to touch the hem of its garment.


What I’d say of this inner emptiness is that it’s a very full emptiness, pregnant with all of That, All That Is & perhaps All That Is Not. If it weren’t that our heads had been so crammed with endless beliefs, we’d be in much better shape to approach this.

As it is, we seem to have almost infinite levels of ideas & beliefs that must first be cleared. I don’t know if that will ever end, actually. The levels we first encounter are gross & apparent, but they become ever more subtle as we progress, working our way through, loyal only to Truth.

It is said of the 12th dimension that there is no form of any kind, there — yet there is presence, there is awareness, each one being unique, self-aware. The frequencies are so high as to be useless to even try to imagine, from here — yet there is frequency, nonetheless. There is existence, there is journeying possible to those there.

Within Cosmos there is duality on every level, layer, & dimension. The duality present on 5D would seem ultra-subtle to us — yet, not to them. Nowhere do you see the cacophony, the wild craziness that manifests in 3D earth, which seems to have no element of subtlety, but I don’t know. Perhaps. In a realm of infinity-eternity, it seems that literally anything is possible.

It’s fun, though, to realize that there is even something beyond Cosmos, itself — something quite other. We’re not speaking of matter & anti-matter, here, lest mind be tempted to chime in. This so far transcends that as the drop to the ocean, perhaps — but I don’t know. Will leave that to those of a scientific bent who find their way into these deep, inner regions, where all is but one.

Mind does actually help in our 3D trek, so I don’t mean to imply that it doesn’t. It’s actually a divine gift, yet we on 3D earth have no acquaintance with what mind is meant to be, how it functions when we’re in a pure state, well beyond The Matrix. It’s well to be accepting our present experience of reality, while also being aware that there’s ever so much more (& so much less) beyond that of which we’re now aware — both inside & outside of infinity-eternity.

Sure, it’s mind-boggling, but so what, right? Once we know that we’re so much more than mind or mind & body, that opens up broad vistas to explore. It makes mind proportionately less, such that its losses are viewed from a different perspective. This also lends its bit of comfort to the Dark Night of the Soul experiencers.

Source bless us, one & all, the nothing & no one 😆

[1] Of course we don’t “chuck the self” on our first entry this deep, within. We’re slowly shown over time, the more we go to this inner space, how self-less it is, to which we adapt at our own pace.



12:19 pm, Friday 2017/10/27, 1st, Mayan day 7 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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