Expanding into Union, Within & Without

Divide-and-Conquer BS

10 min readNov 22, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

When we get over thinking we’re a body-mind walking around, life, itself, takes on a whole new meaning. Science certainly doesn’t help us get there, being stuck in their materialistic paradigm, but that’s okay — for them. Many of us want something else, something deeper, something that makes more sense of our life and this chaotic world.

Why the heck is there chaos everywhere we look? Perhaps it has more to do with how we’re seeing it than it does with what it actually is. Good news doesn’t get the ratings, as they say — or perhaps that’s just an excuse to bury us under mountains of depressive bad news. Even when good things happen, the MSM gives them a negative spin.


We’re so deeply divided-and-conquered that we see everything through divisive lenses. Confirmation Bias at work affirms our views, yet most of us are unaware of this effect. Try having a reasonable conversation with someone holding sharply different views & see what you get. Often it’s a lose-lose result, neither convincing the other one of anything.

Yet, hold on — when we’re talking like that, it’s almost always about externals, about what we’re seeing or hearing “out there.” What if that whole approach is somehow flawed? What if we’ve been set-up to continue in chaos & discontent, to fail by approaching things that way?

Just like in the sciences — let’s take Medicine, the “health” field — the discussion almost always surrounds the effects, mitigating them, rather than looking into the realm of causation. So, if the world of effects may be a no-go, no-win discussion context, what about moving to the realm of causes? What might this perspective reversal expose?

Well, depending on who you are, on what Belief Systems you now hold, it could go anywhere, so let’s narrow it down. Whatever “problem” we view, it’s only problematic due to our beliefs around it, & around how things work. Since every coin has two sides, we can always flip that coin & see a more positive side. Yet, coins exist in the realm of effects, the restrictive physical world.

Can we bypass even the two-sided coin as we move into its foundation in the realm of causation?


Underlying all matter is an amazing unity, a oneness uniting everything, reflected in quantum physics. While most of us haven’t (yet) had the direct experience, the amazing feeling of touching down into that underlying wholeness, more & more are going there, gaining at least a whiff of that.

It’s among us that this positive, uplifting discussion can go forward, exploring new territory — well, new for the sleeple & sheeple types still drinking the divide-and-conquer kool-aid.

What do we find as we delve beneath the 3D surface this way? We get a kick in the ass at first, seeing how our beliefs don’t align with what we uncover. We see how things just aren’t how we were told, taught, & even programmed to believe they are.

To look only in the world of effects for confirmation, for our experiments’ results, keeps us boxed-in.


It’s like you’re within the central Russian Doll, absent the awareness that you’re nested within a larger group of dolls. Trying to explain everything based on what you experience within the tiniest doll leaves out the bulk of it all.


What if some of our effects originate in the outer-doll realms? We just wouldn’t know. We find many plausible explanations for why things work as they do, but our explanations can never be coherent & complete, excluding the bulk of the territory, as they do.

We could perhaps expand to encompass the next container doll, thus expanding our purview. That would be so exciting — viewing a much wider range, we have a larger context in which to view all prior experiences. More things make sense, now, shifting & morphing our old beliefs. Within our broader context, those things look different. It’s quite disconcerting, at first.

The same things happen each time we expand our view to include the next doll. Our wider view, our new perspective, illuminates the weaknesses of earlier, more restrictive beliefs. While this analogy goes only so far, it’s still useful. It breaks down, eventually, as there is an end, comprising the largest doll which contains all the rest.

As spirit or soul, our realm is infinity/eternity, so both we & it are uncontainable.


The chaos of our external environment is signaling a change, a time of growth & expansion. We’ve outgrown the restrictive space of the tiny, inner doll. Unless our vision & our views expand we just go on creating chaos, not realizing that there’s a broader context which goes a long way toward re-framing much over which we now argue & fight.

Thus, the causes for the chaos are not found in the external world, the inmost doll.

Cosmos, itself, is layered, much like the dolls, only infinitely, without restriction. We could call these layers dimensions, distinct from one another based on frequency. To rise in frequency is to enter the next layer, to expand into that larger context for life. Though many among humanity aren’t yet aware of it, we’re layered that way, too. We have multiple “bodies” beyond the physical one, the inner doll in our analogy.

People label them differently, but most can understand that we have a sort of mental body, an emotional one, too. There’s also an etheric sheath which can be seen to contain them all. Some are even able to see these finer, higher vibrating bodies, often called the aura, yet our auras are far more expansive than that, invisible to human sight at their outer reaches.

We can’t even be contained within a large house, expanding out into our environs as we do.


The broader environment I’m suggesting, here, isn’t yet experienced by many. Why not? We reside in the boxes crafted by our beliefs. Confirmation Bias helps us stay boxed, unable to take possibilities into account that abide beyond our restrictive beliefs.[1] We all have them — no one is immune. Once we’re willing to open our eyes (inner vision) to consider broader possibilities, we begin to receive confirmation for that, too.

If you believe you’re a human being with all sorts of built-in restrictions, you’re locked into the box of your own choosing. By teaching us that this is what we are, that this is all that we are, the Matrix traps us, setting us up to be manipulated in endless ways. We are SO MUCH MORE, friends, but until we’re willing to grapple with that, we remain stuck.

The cabal creates endless boxes by using the all-pervasive divide-and-conquer strategy, trapping some in this one, some in that. The Matrix, itself, is the biggest box, containing the smaller ones. The net result is the us-against-them meme, repeated over & over, almost anywhere we care to look.

As long as we stick with the physical, materialistic inner doll, that’s our life.


We believe our personal beliefs are better than everyone else’s, that we are “right” about things, thus making others “wrong.” Unless we expand beyond the realm of our inner doll, there’s no escape. Many of us feel trapped, locked down, unable to resolve even who we are, much less the meaning of life.

Since there are no satisfying answers to the “big questions” within our self-chosen, restricted environment, we are, in effect, stuck.

We need not be. Nothing binds us, nothing is able to restrict Who we truly are — nothing but the self, & it’s done via our beliefs. Those holding the most beliefs are the most self-restricted among us. It does no good, sharing the broader view with them.

These people believe they’ve already got things figured out, since they’ve done the research. These have the most to lose by expanding their perspectives — do you see? Their whole world is at risk of collapse by listening to our divergent views.

Through our beliefs, we’ve literally structured our lives. We experience some internal collapse with every new perspective we take on. It’s not us collapsing, but our prior beliefs, yet we’re so identified with them that it seems to be us. We really feel that way. We’re actually fine, we just don’t realize it, yet; nor will we until we ditch the relevant old beliefs to integrate what we’re discovering.


This is such an exciting journey, friends. The available expansion is magnificent, charging us up, eventually giving us a whole new lease on life. Changing any belief has the power to do this to a certain extent. Once we’ve expanded beyond enough of the boxes, the dolls, we see that which was at first shocking in a whole new light. That which rocked our boat, earlier on, now brings us into a new coherence that clarifies many things in new ways, from new angles.

It’s a rocky ride, I’ll say that up front, taking us through some unsteady, hellacious times where we can’t seem to find our footing. We go through phases of feeling betrayed, wondering how anyone could have willingly taught us such things as we’re now seeing right through. It causes us to wonder, not just about the belief we’re questioning, but about literally everything.

It’s almost psychedelic, [2] at times, changing our reality as it does, unsettling us.

The “why” questions are best left to the side when times are personally rough, in favor of sticking to the more simple “what.” This helps us more quickly ground into whatever we’re discovering. While the “why” takes us off on mental journeys, the “what” can spur expansion, meanwhile grounding us in our NowHere experience.


One of the biggest shocks is to discover that the mind isn’t a valid guide for this trip, this experience of expansion. It isn’t the mind into which we’re expanding — we’re going beyond, well beyond that particular container. We begin to see how using mind for everything keeps us contained in the smaller dolls of the body-mind world.

Expanding out into the mind does take us beyond the most restrictive capsule, the inmost doll, into the mental realm that’s not restricted to the brain. In this (mental) doll that contains the body doll, we find ourselves more able to spread out into other possibilities, into creativity, imagination, & dreams. We love this doll, too, for its awesome usefulness in dealing with the 3D world.

If we’re not willing to go beyond even the mind, however, we’re still in a box.

As we expand out into the emotional body we take a step beyond the mind. While our emotions are generally laced together with both our body & our mind, they also take us beyond those. How? We witness our feelings sometimes clash with our chosen beliefs.

We want our emotions to roll with our beliefs all of the time, but they don’t. The emotional capsule is a larger one than those of the body & mind, containing them both, yet also enabling us to transcend them.

The etheric doll is larger, yet, containing all 3 inner dolls, giving us a broader expanse to view, to experience. Many don’t yet realize that we leave the body in dreams, as well as in the NDE (Near-Death Experience) or OBE (Out-of-Body Experience), wandering about in our astral or etheric form. We enter realms considered impossible by the 3 inner dolls, yet due to our direct experiences, we know these realms are real, too.


It’s the boxes structured by our beliefs that keep our exploration restricted to things that make sense to the mind. It’s our free will at work, even though we may not yet realize it as such. We think these restrictions come from outside, from “the way things are,” & that we must conform to get along, to find success in the (external) world.

Since free will is the Cosmic Law, here, we don’t see the many ways we’re restricting ourselves. We don’t realize that it’s not external things that must change, that it’s us.

We’ll stay stuck until we’re willing to examine our systems of belief. Though we’ve been tricked into compliance in endless ways, we don’t yet see it that way. The mind is also layered into unconscious, subconscious, & conscious arenas, & by overt & subliminal programming, our unconscious or subconscious participation may be achieved, even absent our conscious consent.

We may firmly believe that we’re for this or that, unaware that we’re against it, underneath. We’re conned into working against our self in so many rotten, underhanded ways. Due to both our innocence of the hidden games being played against humanity, as well as our trust in the untrustworthy, we go along with the game — that is, until we don’t, until we rebel.


More & more of us are no longer willing to play ball with the cabal & their devious ways. We’re waking up to so many things, so many tricks & deceits at work, everywhere we look with new eyes. As our frequencies rise, as our context, our environment expands, we see more clearly, now — right through much of the BS.

It’s exciting to discover that what’s called for is simply WITHDRAWAL OF OUR ENERGIES from the cabal Matrix game.

No fighting is required, friends — against each other or anything else. We don’t know the why of it, yet we see the cabal collapse occurring as a result of our refusal to participate, to play their deceptive games. My belief around this is that it’s due to our innate & massive power, as Source-in-form, that we’re able to have such an effect, though I admit this is just a belief at this point.

We’re not the enemy of anything but the ruling “elite,” the cabal — not of our brethren. Any time that we find something turning us against any group, any person, anything, let’s just stop. Call a full halt to look into the underlying belief that’s being used against us, manipulated against harmony, against our oneness. I guarantee you’ll find one or more of them as you look & feel deeply into it.

Heart remains the best “place” for our contemplation around any of this.



[1] All beliefs, by definition, are restrictive.

[2] Psychedelic: from Ancient Greek psukhḗ, “mind, soul” + dêlos, “manifest, visible.” Thus, to make visible to the mind or the soul. 😉

About 10:30 am, Wednesday 2017/11/22, 1st, Mayan day 7 Earth / Caban




Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness