Examining Mind — Great Laugh at self’s Expense
We have to find our way into Heart, folks. You can tell on the YT comment threads who’s found their way in & who hasn’t, just yet. Was just accused today of being a troll — this, on an uplifting comment straight from Heart. It’s so easy to tell where someone’s comments originate where you’re centered, within — you can feel it — it’s obvious.
Mind can’t read the signals — it’s too occupied with what it thinks it knows, poor dear — entirely unaware that it’s being bypassed by huge numbers of us who’ve left it behind for a much more favorable situation. There’s telepathy — then there is Heart — not the same — a different kind of knowing. We all have both, however, so why not have the fun of exploring the differences?
If you’re convinced that only certain people are telepathic, you’re cutting yourself off. You are, too — everyone is. But when a mind thinks it knows something like, “I’’m not telepathic,” it blocks all evidence to the contrary. It’s not being mean — it’s just what minds do. They craft your reality, based on what you think — actually trying to serve you — to make your wishes come true.
Perhaps these are different ways of viewing than those to which you’re accustomed, but they’re widely available — depends on our use of free will. Seriously, it really is time to start watching how mind works. It’s either your servant — or your master — & you get to choose. The choice seems patently obvious to me, but I’m not choosing for you, you are.
In trying to serve us, as long as we’re stuck in mind, it’s actually screwing us up — that aspect of us so determined to awaken. That desire doesn’t originate in the head, but far deeper, within. Mind says, “Okay, you want to awaken, let’s pursue that — let’s find out what everyone else said about it — let’s find the smartest ones & follow them.” Heart might be below head, but mind functions in duality, a lower level. Via Heart we have access to the higher dimensions, to ways of being about which mind can only dream.
That’s overly simplified, of course, for it’s the whole body that grants us access to the beyond — not just Heart. As the kundalini rises, the 3rd eye opens, the DNA restructures… all thing work together to support our rise in awareness. Yes, the body is going along on this trek. Perhaps some hadn’t considered that, but it is — if that is your choice.
Are you up to it? Do you want to take the ride? People everywhere are headed this way, some just don’t yet realize the price that’s required — the move out of head, into Heart & the surrendering of so much that follows. You don’t see the next step on the path until you take the current one, in the ever-present NowHere, gateway to the nowhere, beyond.
People like the one who called me a troll for my comment are being bypassed everywhere — & don’t realize it. Their Heart knows it, but until they touch down, there, they just don’t. They’re quite unaware — stuck in mind, which thinks it’s so smart, that it’s got things figured out — & it does — just not the important ones.
We may be a bit embarrassed as we start making this move, as we begin to realize how foolish were were, in some cases, before. That’s mind, too, & believe it or not, mind is not you — just something you’ve identified with for so long that it’s grown comfortable. This trek is anything but comfortable at times. So we not only move out of mind, we also break that comfortable link — the assumption that mind’s thoughts are our own. They are not.
Mind is akin to a biological computer — it goes the way it was programmed. We’re the programmer, & the programming code is our thoughts, which eventually morph into our Belief Systems — the master code. Separating out from mind can be a real b*itch — it gets right down to identity — just who am I? What am I. Descartes’ answer is a typical mind-generated one: “I think, therefore I am.” Sorry, Descartes — you’re stuck in mind.
It’s easy to see that, “I am, therefore I think,” makes more sense, yes? Being comes first, not thought. Those anchored in mind have a completely different experience, even of thought, than those anchored deeper within. To them, mind is in charge, mind is the knower. To the Heart-centric one, Heart is the Knower. Don’t really know how to describe this, but Heart’s Knowing is so clearly transcendent of anything mind can produce.
It’s a process, folks — one that starts with our intent to simply look at things differently. It becomes a wild ride as we put Heart at the wheel, demoting mind (eventually) to the back seat. We don’t realize to what extent mind has taken charge of our lives until we put our foot to this path. No one can tell you ahead of time what you’ll discover. We can leave a bread-crumb trail, that’s about all.
We gain a Presence, an awareness that keeps us silent a lot more of the time. We begin to recognize the danger signal, which is when mind is so convinced that it knows something — anything. While that sounds crazy before you set your foot to this path, it’s the eventual outcome — realizing that mind doesn’t know anything of consequence. It’s knowledge is like data to a computer code — flat & largely uninteresting.
If the young man (making an assumption based on his YT name) had been on this path, he’d have chosen silence rather than making a nasty comment. He’d have been able — having some distance from the trees — to have seen the arrogance of mind at work — & simply observed himself, rather than commenting.
It’s funny — just got the notice that he came back & replied to my response to him. Let’s go see what he said. Okay — here comes the fun — his troll comment was not addressed to me, which he just very kindly informed me. There are lessons, here, & I’m laughing at how the way YT is handling comments, today, creating such tangles. If we don’t clearly address our response to someone, things like this can happen.
So what are the lessons? First, when I get a nasty comment, I almost never reply — this was one of those rare instances where I did — felt the receptivity in this guy. While his later comment proved this out, perhaps I could have just questioned him, rather than chiding him. So my attunement, while good, could have been better, here.
We’re ever & always learning & growing on the Heart path. Something enters that isn’t a humility, but from the outside it looks that way. I’d call it simple receptivity — unlike mind, we’re always open, always available to new or different perspectives — do you see? When we catch ourselves being the least bit arrogant, we can identify that as mind at work, & just ignore it.
Underlying every step of the way is a deep, abiding knowing that it’s all good. In our lives there can be nothing that is not good, better, or best — or simply amazing. Nothing “bad” can transpire, not in the territory of Heart — which is the whole wide Cosmos, my friends. It’s all about perspective, do you see?
Am going to upload this journal, then give a link to the commenter. He’ll get a chuckle out of it. Here are the relevant comments on a Max Igan vid:
Me: Max, I love the calm, cool way you present the most difficult of topics. One can feel your inner Peace — no ranting, just what you see, how you see it. You’re a voice of Calm in the storm for many of us. Ppl don’t seem to be very good at thinking for themselves, these days — they just want to be told, what’s going on, who is doing it, is it good or bad? Kinda creepy. So right — WE are the solution. Loved the Frankenstein analogy :) ~♥~
Reply: how much do they pay you to troll lol_
Me: Strider — How sad — someone comments straight from Heart, & you can’t feel it, can’t sense it. Mind too much in the way? That’s usually the case ;) ~♥~
Reply: oh no you got me wrong, it was meant for T hughes, his troll comments lol
Me: Strider — Thank you! LOL, laughing at myself — mind makes assumptions. ROFL, was just writing a journal on this :D The way YT is no longer sorting the comments/replies in order, it’s best to address our replies, so we all know ;) ~♥~
Me: Strider — When we come to reply to a comment, we don’t see the full thread — just our original comment & the reply we received. Now I realize, when a comment isn’t addressed to anyone, best to open the thread before replying. ;) I journal & post them to a blog. Will share a link with you when it’s done, just for laughs. ~♥~
So there are lessons here for all, clearly including me. Perhaps Strider, going forward, will begin to address his comments to the intended target. I’ll be opening the full comment thread when an unaddressed comment comes my way. It’s not ever that anyone is right or anyone is wrong — that’s duality, & this is transcending that.
So while the bulk of this does not apply to Strider, yet the points are still valid for many. We’re always learning, friends, when we’re open — which, to me, means when we’re not locked down in mind. We flow with a grace that enables apologies, where appropriate — just a Loving way to be — joyful, too. Sorry, Strider :)
Wishing the very best, the finest, for one & all — in the great One where no separation abides. You are me, I am you — but we find that a good bit further down this lovely, awesome trail. (And notice how “trail” & “trial” are so very similar, LOL.) In L’akesh.
12:23 pm, Sunday 2017/08/22, Mayan day 6 Serpent / Chicchan
From Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes:
“The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want — to be adept at quickly evaluating all situations and then quickly coming to the conclusion of what you most want — and then giving your undivided attention to that. There is a tremendous skill in deliberately directing your own thoughts that will yield results that cannot be compared with results that mere action can provide.”
[Emphasis mine]
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)