Evil Has No Intrinsic Power

No War Required

9 min readMar 12, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

We’re stepping out of the nasty Matrix that’s been our reality for centuries, not just in the USA, but worldwide. Our awakening is a joint venture in more ways than we know. It’s only as we step back from it that we gain the ability to peer into it. Those still asleep or entrapped can’t see the forest for the trees.


As a result of the new/old freedoms we’re (re)claiming, we’re also coming into fuller awareness of our self/Self, connecting on deeper layers of being. We’re gaining (or activating) a whole new set of senses complimentary to those of 3D, including a new way of seeing, even through closed eyes. Our Inner Senses are not limited to 3D.

Spiritual Awakening — Theosophywatch.files.wordpress.com

Some call them psychic senses, but they’re so much more.

Our Being is not what we took it to be, the body-mind. We’re more expansive than that, beyond 3D into the higher-frequencies. We begin to see & sense more via Heart, making a deeper connection with both our core & Higher Self. In these higher dimensions/frequencies, our 3D persona is a bit like a crawling child, not yet in full mastery. There’s so much to learn & re-member!


This all goes together with our move out of the head & into Heart. It won’t be that long before we encounter & begin to work with our soul families in these faster frequencies. Meanwhile, this is a time we recognize elements of our vastness as Source-in-form. Our crawling stage is a bit awkward until we adapt.


To what are we adapting? Higher consciousness, higher-frequency awareness, our new Inner Senses. It amounts to a whole new way of being, coming at the expense of old beliefs & the arrogance they spawned. We come to realize that we know nothing, eventually learning to laugh at the self we once took ourselves to be. Nothing nasty or condescending, just amused at our prior childlike, less-aware state.

Our mental knowing — which was just beliefs — is slowly replaced by a deep, inner Knowing, quite unlike anything yet experienced. It’s more a whole-body knowing than a mental awareness. There’s the brain & there’s the mind — they’re not the same; then there’s Heart.

Remember, both the body’s heart & gut also produce neurotransmitters, those mislabeled “brain chemicals.”


It’s not just what we know, but how we know it that’s changed. Expanding awareness shatters & shifts our self-definition. One primary thing we realize is that evil has no intrinsic power, being more an absence of something than the presence of anything.

These things can only be discovered individually. This isn’t the sort of learning or awareness that arises from reading & study. It comes via our direct experience of 3D & beyond. Most of us already partially occupy 4D, which is where many are having odd experiences, ones that aren’t understood in 3D terms.

We’re moving on.


You could say that Higher Self is arriving on the scene, but it’s more a meeting in the middle, for our frequencies must rise to have the encounter. Our entry into higher consciousness makes one thing clear: if any word can touch this, it’s Love, a Love that’s clearly divine. There is no evil, here.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/27

“‘Ask, and it is given’ means that whether you are a full blossoming genius human, or whether you are the one-celled amoeba in the ocean, or a cell in one of your bodies, when it is concluded that something else is preferred (no matter how developed the consciousness is) every time a preference is noted, Nonphysical Energy rushes forth to answer it. It is the promise of our evolving beingness.”

Excerpted from St. Louis, MO on 7/18/00

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

That which we take to be evil is actually the result of our exercise of Free Will. In our explorations we’ve all made some less-than-stellar choices, generating negativity along the way. Negativity grows, for like attracts like, to eventually seem to have a presence of its own.


What is the source of evil’s power? How does it work? What we experience in higher consciousness is benevolent. When we look at the world from that awareness, we don’t see evil, just beings that are lost & afraid, those who’ve turned away from the offerings of Source, miscreating as they go.

The strength of the dark ones comes from US, from humanity.

Unless we allow them to vampirize our energies (by misleading, misinforming, & controlling us), they have no power at all. It’s only here because we’ve allowed it, we’ve gone along by ceding our power to the cabal. We’ve mastered playing it small, but those days are all but over.


Evil is more the absence of Light than anything that actually exists. The black magic, the dark rites & Satanism invoke the energies that become the demons & devils over time. Absent their elaborate rituals & the dark entities they invoke, they have no intrinsic power. It’s our energy being misused to create that, our beliefs that continue to support it. 😲

The good news, here, is that humanity’s energy is now being repurposed. We’re no longer willing to donate our vitality, our consciousness to be used & manipulated against us. As the false beliefs fade away, so do the blindfolds that kept us unaware of how we were being used, forever pitted against one another to create food for the rebels against Light.

To the dark ones, our Great Awakening looks like a terrible rebellion, threatening their very sustenance, their continued ability to rule. We begin to see how very much they need us to continue their dark agenda, & our answer is “No!” We see them fearfully scurrying around, not playing their hand well, anymore.

Every big move they make boomerangs back on them.


Many prepare for a shooting war, which is fine, but that won’t likely be necessary. Since evil has no intrinsic power, being but the misuse of Light & benevolence, the dark ones cannot follow us, vibrationally. Our rising consciousness will leave them in the dust as we align with higher frequencies on our move toward 5D.

Their misbehavior keeps them in the lower frequencies, so they’re stuck. This also enables them to get quite a different “judgment” (outcome) than the awakening ones. It’s the separation of the wheat & the tares seen from another perspective. We don’t have to stick around & discover what’s coming their way. We’re removing ourselves beyond the reach of their comeuppance.


This is so easy to say, but something else, entirely, in the application. We leave our old life — & perhaps many of our friends — behind as we pull out of negativity. We can’t be lazy creators anymore. We become aware of the fruits of every endeavor.

The Matrix sought to be all-encompassing, invading every aspect of our 3D experience. As we step out of that, it entails stepping out of what had us seemingly trapped: the old programming & beliefs. Our whole “reality” is fading away, & good riddance!

This entails taking full responsibility for our life & its every manifestation. Do what you’ve always done & you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. It’s a time of MAJOR change, like it or not.


Our gift to the world is the life that we live.

The individual we thought we were turned out to be anything but, seen in the Oneness of All That Is. As Source-in-form, we’re aspects & elements of the same Being, rays of Divine Light. Our outer awareness is clueless about this; only Heart knows. So, the first step is out of the head & into Heart awareness as we morph into the Divine Dance.

No one can prepare anyone else for what they’ll encounter, try as they might. Every Light ray is unique, has its own way to wake up from the Matrix daze. Our sharing strengthens & emboldens us to continue into the unknown. We’re in great company for the wild journey.

We become more adept at recognizing our both our outer & Inner Being at work & at play.

The deep inner Knowings are not available to the outer persona, who cannot know, yet we now see that we’re so much more! All of our limitations were fashioned & accepted by us at the behest of the dark cabal. We limited ourselves, based on our BS beliefs!


I’ll close by sharing an OBE (Out-of-Body Experience) I had long ago. A fellow & I were in the empty attic of a 3-story building, a wood-frame home. As we spoke to one another, he suggested the devil is far more powerful than Source/God or the angels. I disagreed. He wanted to prove it. I agreed.

He crossed to the other side of the room & began conjuring his devil. I called upon Source, invoking the Light. As he came back across the room, I realized, though not with my eyes, that he’d successfully conjured the dark one. For some reason, I had no fear. I was lit by an amazing revelation as he approached.

I pointed to him, shouting, “You have no power!!

“You have no more power than I’m willing to give you, & I give you none, nada, nothing!!” as I formed the zero sign with my hand. He quite disappeared, poof! It was a formative lesson for me back then, one I’m happy to pass on.


The dark ones of the cabal absolutely need us. They profit by & feed on our fear, anxiety, anger, shame…any negativity. They function on our vampirized energies. Once we wake-up to how we’re being duped & played, we don’t have to fight them. All we need do is withdraw our energies from them & their dark ways that we took on via the programming.

This is a different type of warfare than most are expecting, but the Light teaches those who abide in Heart, illuminating our path. We’re not alone, yet it will seem so, for each awakening is very much an individual journey. This is realized once we begin taking responsibility for our life, not before.

What’s done in secret is now exposed for the whole world to see, with much more yet to be revealed. As frequencies continue to rise, the cabal can no longer prosper in our higher-frequency world, so infused with Light that it exposes every dark deed. We’re taking ourselves beyond their reach.


Part of what kept us from total takeover was our right to bear arms, so don’t give that up!

On Gun Control: Joseph Stalin 1929 Confiscated All Firearms. Then he Murdered 5.4 Million People. Mao Zedong 1935 Total Confiscation of Firearms. Then he Murdered 20 Million People. Adolph Hitler 1938 Total Confiscation of Firearms. Then he Murdered 13 Million People. Pol Pot 1976 Total Confiscation of All Firearms. Then he Murdered 2 Million People. This is Real History People. Those who do not Learn The Lessons of History are Condemned to Repeat Them.

We may have some defensive actions required, ahead. The military may require some in-country offensive actions to round-up the creepy players. Meanwhile, let us keep our eye on the prize of awakening, our awareness in Heart, refusing to be dragged down into the conflict some will enact. Energy goes where attention flows. 😉


We’ve said goodbye to the calm before the storm, & March of 2018 will long be remembered for what’s going down. Keep your frequency high & you’ll become untouchable by anything dark. The only darkness we have to deal with is the internal variety. It’s up to us to do a thorough house cleaning, within.

Our own darkness is our only vulnerability.

Meanwhile, let’s not forget to enjoy every step of the way, thus sticking with the higher frequencies. We’ll be delighted beyond measure, but part of the secret is to stick calmly, firmly with NowHere in Heart. We don’t know & we can’t know what’s up ahead, & it doesn’t matter.

In higher consciousness, it’s not what you know that counts. Your recognition that you know nothing makes room for the Knowing, the awakening to enter in, opening us to the grandeur of it all that we’ve been missing for such a long time.



10:17 am, Sunday 2018/03/11, 1st, Mayan day 12 Transformer / Cimi




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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