EVERYthing Blesses — Do We See That?

Being the Divine Dance

5 min readOct 9, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

Sometimes, bad things happen.

Oh, really? Are you sure?

What if those “bad” things are actually good things in disguise, in the guise of another perspective? What if there’s a perspective for whatever is happening that sees into the blessing(s) it brings? Would you be open to considering that? Many would not, but that’s their loss — it doesn’t need to be ours.

Everything rests on, depends on perspective from the beginning to the end of 3D life. What perspective do we choose? Early on, our perspectives are given to us, whether by our families, our friends, our school, our culture, or whatever. We get used to viewing things through certain lenses.

That becomes our definition of right & of wrong.

It’s 100% perspective dependent.

At some point, most of us wake up to realize that we’re in charge of our perspective. We get to choose how we perceive whatever it is & there are always multiple options.

It may seem strange at first to view things from another angle. We may finally do so when trying to resolve something, to understand someone we love, to see things through their eyes.

One of the main casualties from this sort of awakening is the whole concept of right & wrong. These are relative things, but we’re not taught to view them that way. What is “right” for one person, one class of people, is seen as “wrong” by another group.

It just depends.

That’s enough to make some cry out & run for the hills, refusing to explore other perspectives. They’re so used to believing their view is the “right” one that they can’t bear to see how it could also be “wrong.” It can be frightening, at least to the ego, the mental aspect of our being.

What do we want, what are we seeking? We’ll find that our perspectives can bring us closer to that — but do they, really? Mostly, we’re just fooling ourselves, but we don’t see that until we’re finally ready.

Is there an is-ness, something or anything that just is what it is?

You tell me. What do you think?

We abide in 3D, the realm of relativity, where everything is relative to everything else. “It depends” is often our most accurate answer, no matter the question — but do we see that? And if so, what do we make of it? Are we empty enough to allow it to percolate through? Or are we still too attached to our beliefs?

It seems everything also gets down to Who & what we take ourselves to be. You could say that we are what we are & that would be correct — but that doesn’t mean we all view it the same way.

We’re all convinced in our youth that the body-mind is our identity, is who we are. While that’s true, it is but a partial truth, a very small one at that. As Source/God-in-form, we are also the All In All, the great Is-ness that beggars definition. Who among us identifies with & as That? Yes, precious few.

How we identify, who we take ourselves to be is the starting point for every question, every quandary in life. It leads us down particular paths. We greet all paths differently, depending on our chosen perspective; in this case, our accepted identity.

Different people view exactly the same thing & see it in infinitely different ways, not all of which harmonize. It can get pretty sticky.

The Great Awakening on which we’re embarked amounts to taking our power back from all those beings, those ideas, those things to which we’ve given it over the years, the ages. We long allowed our perspectives to be chosen for us by our society, our class within that, our race, our age, gender, or what have you. As we choose to identify, instead, with consciousness, that shifts.

We’re now beginning to see through so much of that so we’re getting better at adopting our own perspectives, at making our own choices. Yes, it’s often a challenge to stand tall within that perspective, but it’s also easier, now that we’ve regained much of our power previously forfeited, we know not why nor even when.

It’s a bit shocking to discover just how much life, itself, changes along with our morphing perspectives.

Perspective has FAR more power than we once acknowledged. We were used to feeling like victims — often — but not so much, these days. We just see the whole thing through different lenses. It doesn’t add up the same way it once did. We’re more aware of all that we don’t know.

Rainmaking — Brewminate.com

We’re often non-plussed, but we get better at handling that, at rolling with the punches, flowing with the new dance steps.

We have endless opportunities to try out a bit of emptiness & we do — now & then. That increases as we discover how very different it feels to just allow, to look for the blessing in whatever it is, to know it’s there.

Emptiness rocks, friends.

It’s the way to best hear from Heart, to experience the inner guidance for which we all long. We know of this thing called The Divine Dance. Perhaps we’ve longed to join Source for a waltz, a jig, or a polka across the dancefloor. What do we discover?

11th Century Nataraja — Upload.Wikimedia.org

Via emptiness, we find we are not the dance partner of Source; that we don’t exist outside of That. Instead, we wake up to discover that we are the Dance, the Divine Dance, with Source/God as the solitary Dancer, oh my. What a different perspective that is. 😲 It’s both humbling & exalting.

The more we let it flow, the more we just allow & observe — from Heart, but of course — the more we enjoy it. None of this can be explained, it must be experienced, but the beauty is that it’s available to one & all. It awaits only our readiness, our letting go.

Cosmic Dance — C1.Staticflikr.com



7:58 p.m., Tuesday




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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