Entering Heart — Alternate Reality

Pulling Head Out of Arse 😆

8 min readNov 17, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

For those sufficiently open to at least the possibility that things are not what they seem — that we are not who or what we’ve been told we are — let’s take a trek. For this journey, our minds will have to be set aside, to go into neutral gear. They may still pipe up with thoughts & ideas, but we won’t pay them any attention.

No mind can go where we’re going, so resist the temptation to put the mind back into gear, to let it lead you.

The more we put our mind into neutral gear — in safe situations, of course, not while driving, etc. — the more accustomed we’ll become to being the observer of self. In this mind-neutral observational mode, Heart can be heard. Heart speaks & guides all the time, but most of us remain not-so-blissfully unaware.

That’s mind at work, hogging the focus, the show.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/01/29

“Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.”

Excerpted from Asheville, NC on 9/5/98

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

We stubbornly keep centering down with the intention to focus on & in Heart, the central chest. This is not a chakra, an organ, or anything of 3D, but then neither are we. It helps (a lot) to begin identifying, not as the body-mind, but as our Source-in-form core. This is self vs Self — do you see/sense?

Malkuth — 3.bp.blogspot.com

Then we just listen, listen & observe. Via Heart, we read the energies, we come into that deeper Knowing that can’t be explained, not in limited 3D terms.

We practice ignoring the mind.

At first, the mind will object — vociferously! It’s so used to being in charge & it doesn’t want to fade into the background, not if it can help it — so it fights us. We spend a good while popping back & forth, mind to Heart, Heart to mind, gaining the steadiness that will see us through the rest of our 3D life.

A short detour to say there is nothing wrong with 3D. It is not lesser or inferior to the higher frequencies/dimensions, merely other — sufficiently other to be an-other realm. Body & mind are tools to navigate 3D. They’re a bit like the car we drive — useful, certainly, but we know we’re not a car.

It’s time to know we’re ever so much more than a body, a mind — we’re infinite, & eternal, to boot.

Identifying with “Higher Self,” (there are no good words) while observing our everyday self helps us remain Heart-focused; it’s just easier, there. Heart Knows, while the mind is merely inquisitive or perhaps thinks it knows. This is great fodder for self-observation; much to be gained.

Demoting the mind, removing it from the driver’s seat of our life, may be the most difficult bit at first. Why? Because it’s mind trying to observe mind & it just doesn’t work. We have to step away from something to be able to observe it; we can’t see the forest for the trees.

The mind will make things as difficult as possible — it doesn’t want to be dethroned. Being in charge is all it has ever known.

Timeout, again, to point out the similarities between the 3D mind & the globalist cabal, the dark, greedy manipulators. The whole power trip thing is shockingly similar, the need to retain control.

These things help clarify that our best course is to ignore the mind’s offerings if we truly want to connect — to re-connect with Heart. Most of our ancestors went to their graves with no conscious awareness of their own Heart connection. That won’t be true of us.

Clarity arises as we slowly work our way out of the mind trap. Things once accepted as normal begin to look strange. It’s not long before we recognize this as a part of awakening.

Don’t take these steps if you’re not ready for change, ready to trust Source & go with your internal flow.

I hear some thinking of demons & djinn, mischevious spirits who could potentially trick them. They actually need you to be in the mind for that. Heart Knows things & can’t be fooled. Yes, it’s challenging to so immerse ourselves in That & participate in that Clarity, but flashes of it arise to guide us along.

A key thing to observe is our frequency, our vibration, IOW, our state of consciousness. Heart never dips down into the dregs, so if we find ourselves there, that’s the head at work, resisting its demotion, its new irrelevance. There’s no current meter to reveal our frequency, so how do we know? We check in with how we feel.

By remaining in a good-feeling “space,” we all but exclude the more negative-leaning beings. Higher-frequencies are painful to them, making Purity our shining shield. We go where they can’t vibrationally reach, so there’s no need to fight them — no more need than the light bulb has to fight the darkness it displaces.

It’s an is-ness thing, where, by our very being just being what it is, there’s no need to fight.

We’re speaking spiritually, for in 3D there are definite times when fighting is our best course, when the mind is a most useful tool when subject to Heart. We’re all about Balance, now, keeping Light & dark in perfect, natural balance, as displayed in the beautiful, simple Yin/Yang.

The trick lies in letting Heart lead the way just as our mind once did. Heart always Knows best, yet we can’t be in the mind & access that. Emptiness is the best course; observation absent all evaluation — just silently watching. It’s very cool. So much is gained, but only as we release what we hold. Emptiness…

Please know that you’ll have to be alert to jot down what arises from Heart. No matter how crystal clear it seems when it comes, the mind won’t be able to recall it; it doesn’t arise or exist there. This provides excellent evidence that they are truly 2 realms, that Heart also “thinks,” (Knows), yet nothing is the same.

We are the common denominator between these 2 realms.

The head & Heart are separate realms that co-exist, that interpenetrate. Which one we occupy most is all about our choices, our use of free will. Friends, it’s the same with all of the dimensions; they interpenetrate the spot where we are. Which one we experience has everything to do with our frequency range. [1]

Most of us have been AWOL — Absent WithOut Leave — for the bulk of our lifetime. From Heart, it’s a fact easy to observe. Now, comes the time when we’re taking our rightful power back, the Power of Source, of Source-in-form. It is MUCH easier said than done, so keep the mind out of this as you listen from Heart.

You, my Heart friend, are divinely guided at all times. The Matrix mind-hack has kept us mentally preoccupied to such an extent that they’ve masked Heart’s song, attributing everything to the mind. It’s like asking the mind to educate itself, making about that much sense.

As we shift gears, putting the mind into neutral where it does the least harm, putting Heart in control, we enter the New Day we’re creating. Our reality makes a significant shift, one no mind can appreciate — yet. The good news? Eventually, the mind is tamed, accepting its secondary place due to our stubborn persistence, our preference to let Heart lead.

No one can tell you what this new/old experience will be like, perhaps because it’s unique for each one, but also because nothing of Heart fits well into linear words. There’s nothing linear or dualistic about it, about the One. Nor will you be able to transfer your new experiences to others, to make them understand.

Accept it. Know that it’s all good, every last bit of it. If nothing else, when we know every coin has 2 sides, we realize there’s always another perspective available, a better one we can choose. We’re both in duality & out of it. Most don’t know that, the bars of their prison being invisible to them, yet they’re becoming more visible to us.

What we see in others is what Source brings to the fore because it’s in us, too or it has a message we need. We risk less by seeing it in others, making it easier to see. When the readiness comes, we see that in us & know what changes are available to expand & move on, mastering whatever it is.

Taking responsibility for what we experience is a big part of waking up, of taking our power back from the crazy, external world of effects. It’s not something we’ve been taught.

Cosmic Man — 3.bp.blogspot.com

When we Know 3D & the dimensions are the realms of EFFECT & we want to bring change, where do we turn, what do we do? As we come to Know that consciousness is the energy of creation, of CAUSE, we see to our consciousness, then watch the changes take place as if by magic.

Remember, we can’t prove any of this to anyone else; nor is it wise to try. We do this alone, in the all-one of that. Each one is equally powerful, equally divine, but that’s not what we’ve been taught. Waking up is largely wending our way out of the old belief-system nonsense, discovering how they’ve been used to capture & keep us down.

Let’s just let it all be, allowing one another to make our own choices, to go our own way (as long as we harm none). The ignorant ones visit harm on seeming others, not yet aware of the Oneness, of how they are also the one they’re harming. As Source works to open our eyes, we cease those actions that bring suffering & pain into our future.

We are brethren, the Family of Humanity, one in Heart & in so many ways. We came here partly for the wild diversity available on this planet, for the massive expansion it presages. Free will is the crux of it all, the fulcrum on which everything rests.

Though free will is also an illusion, as is 3D.

This is more the dream than the Reality for which we yearn. We can gain much more enjoyment out of our experiences here than we now do, more than we have a clue is even available. It’s that other-side-of-the-coin thing, once again.

Let’s be stubborn & firm in our choice to put Heart in charge, to remain in that good-feeling “space,” which is something we create via consciousness. All of this 3D stuff will one day be seen for the great laboratory that it is, for the Great Awakening it’s producing in all who are ready to take the next step. We won’t be much longer in 3D.



[1] Which dimension or frequency we experience is a function of our current frequency, our state of consciousness. It’s closer to Truth to say we experience them all at all times but first must come our realization that time is not what we take it to be, along with our realization that we, ourselves, are nothing like we take ourselves to be — too much to cover, here.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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