How WE Create Reality
Things are shifting so fast. While the world & external objects may appear to be the same — & they are (in a linear sense) — as frequencies rise, as we enter more firmly into 4D & beyond, those awakening are seeing more deeply into everything.
Thus, at times the colors shift, brightness increases — even the air looks different, somehow. Plants seem to glow & exude lovely, flowing energies. Many are seeing orbs, pinprick points of softly colored light, hearing strange tones, often in only one ear…
Even absent these visual clues this change is occurring. The body will take time to fully integrate the changing, shifting DNA — activating dormant aspects as it returns to its original blueprint. That doesn’t impede the Spirit, the Being using the body, though. Heart is not limited to the 5 senses — not at all, nor ever was!
We have the 3D duality on the one hand, & our multi-dimensional selves on the other — an interesting partnership. An essential aspect of transcending 3D is no longer identifying with the form, with the body-mind, shifting into Heart or soul/spirit, instead. We’re moving on — those who choose to align with this shift.
Not that we can actually do anything to make this happen — create a numbered list of chores, follow this or that text, this or that teacher/guru. Oh, no, we will soon be laughing at these ideas we used to entertain — realizing the limitations, the box they create — the box of our old 3D “reality.”
Better yet, we’ll be realizing how it was us, all along, who were creating, allowing ourselves to be boxed, limited, controlled. LOL, how great it is to be waking-up!
Along with the old belief systems (thoughts & ideas with which we were programmed), we finally realize that, absent our assent, our willingness to be programmed, nothing like that could ever happen. Many OMG moments on the horizon, friends.
What some are now ready to hear, to consider, is that WE, humanity, are the creators of our reality. Yes, that includes the world & everything it encompasses — fire, air, water, earth, metals… (More on that, below.)
What we once took to be oppression, manipulation, & control exerted by a dark cabal through our governments & societal structures will now be seen for what it is — something we allowed — something in which we willingly partnered, albeit generally unaware.
To the extent we identify with the body, the mind — which can be manipulated — we can be controlled. By forgetting our true nature & identity — as Source-in-form — we allow the abuse. Thinking — the operative word, here — we had no choice, no other reasonable options, we acquiesced. We went along to get along — you know the drill — the one we mistook for “reality.”
Not that there is anything wrong with what we did, friends — no more so than the cabal was wrong to oppress humanity, ever seeking naught but their own advantage. For those willing to at least consider it— that no wrong has been done — you’re showing evidence of your shift into 4D & perhaps even higher dimensions (which requires exiting the Matrix in favor of Heart.) Yes, dimensions co-exist NowHere.
Duality is rather akin to a flat plain, yet it’s mountain-climbing time among the Light Beings of earth, here in our many, many millions. What so frightens the cabal is this very awakening. To those behind the scenes (whom we never see) pulling the strings of their cabal puppets, the picture is clear.
They are the ones in real fear, at this juncture — for they’re well aware of just Who we actually are, of what we represent on earth, which is Source. Kinda funny, actually — they know, but we don’t, the extent of humanity’s inborn power. Hmm.
Just imagine you had unlimited power — only do it in Heart, for mind has no place but the back seat, here. Is Source limited by anything? Of course not! Nor are we, friends — but hearing about it won’t confer that Power into our use. That takes the do-it-yourself journey on which we’re embarked. Until we walk our talk, living from Heart, the limitations remain. We sustain them, via our Belief Systems (BS).
I hear the practical ones among us querying for ways to regain their seemingly lost power. Don’t expect easy answers — that’s a function of mind. Enter Heart, where you already know all of these things (& so much more).
This is a major shift in which we’re engaged, not anything that can be encapsulated in a list of chores. It takes making real change in the only place we can, which is right where we are — in self, as Self.
The funny thing is that there is no need to go save the world, go save the whales, fix the environment — or anything else. Not that those things will not happen, mind you, for they will. Just not in the ways which mind would expect.
If we’re not willing to really dig in & do the personal work, then all that we hear or read about is as so much useless drivel — toilet paper, if you will. Mind won’t grok the meaning, simply because it can’t — it wasn’t designed to function on these new levels.
Or one could say that the current 3D mind is so heavily programmed & controlled that it’s taken on the limitations it was told it has. Until we can first see that box in which we’ve been trapped, then begin to see our way out of it, no efforts of mind can succeed. This is a MAJOR shift, not just some new idea or perspective.
Mind doesn’t want to hear that waking-up is a do-it-yourself thing — oh, no! It wants something easy, something it feels able to accomplish (or someone to come to the rescue). Well, that’s what comes of identifying with the body-mind, which has no access to the realms we’re entering, now. Until that hurdle is crossed, we’re just chasing our tails in endless circles. Who can see this?
It’s a journey, as most of us realize. Our only point of power is in our Now Here moment, in self/Self — our coordinates in time & space. Only from this point do we access the greatness of our inherent nature as Source — Source-in-form. Enter the nowhere (not “out there”) of the NowHere.
Looking to the past or the future is not helpful. While it remains useful to mind for certain purposes, that is not what we’re about. Transcendence of mind, not by mind, is required on this particular leg of the awakening journey.
Yes, it’s tricky, but only to mind! Peace begins to reign when we back-off from thought, regaining our ability to simply observe thought at work. No longer being controlled by mind & its dictates — doesn’t that have a lovely ring to it?
This is us, as Self or Higher Self, taking control, returning to the driver’s seat, from whence we were ousted ever so long ago — many incarnations back. (And remember, we cooperated with said ousting.)
Time now to be identifying with soul, Self, Source, my friends — & many are coming to this on their own. While we don’t actually require one another — the fullness of Source is present in everyone, everything — yet our joining together in common intentions, joint desires, truly gooses-up the rate at which we shift. Nice to know.
So where are you along this awakening trek, this joint journey of the Light Beings? Guess what — it doesn’t matter, not in the least. The fact is that you are where you are, & that’s the perfect placement for you. (Stay in Heart with this ;) The Now moment is ever & always the only place to focus along this trek. Can you just smile & say, “It is what it is, & that’s okay?”
One strategy for facing 3D life we’ve all been heavily schooled in is resistance — finding what’s “bad,” what’s somehow unacceptable, then perhaps setting out to stop or change it. Let’s take a closer look at that one, to analyze its results. What do you get when you resist something?
Mind won’t like to hear it, but you get more of the same. How many of us know someone who’s had multiple marriages, each spouse being cut from the same cloth? One lady I heard of had seven! LOL. All that was required to wake-up from the cyclic repetition was present, especially after the first divorce — yet clearly not seen.
It’s ever like that with us — all that we require to awaken is fully, completely present in each NowHere moment. Yet who sees it? Who is truly ready to welcome change? In resisting what is, we often seek to control external events, to keep things going along nicely as they once did. Thus we unknowingly put on the brakes, slowing our rate of awakening.
One of the biggest (& most welcome) shocks at this point on my trek is seeing how no one, no thing, no situation, no authority figure ever caused any sort of result in me — in my consciousness or my experience. That’s one of the larger shocks I’ve encountered. I can confirm that no one & nothing has ever had anything to do with the way I choose, in each moment, to experience life. We own our beliefs.
Of course that will sound crazy to mind. It doesn’t want to believe that I am (i.e., we are) the only one in my way at any point. It extends not just to my now-moment choices, but more importantly to the beliefs I’ve chosen to adopt. THOSE, perhaps more than anything, are controlling my life’s outcomes on the world stage.
Thought creates. Thought repeated often enough morphs into belief. When we get down to brass tacks, who chooses your beliefs for you? Oh sure, parents, teachers, partners, employers, blah blah blah present beliefs to us — yet no one can force them on us. At some point we can see that we accepted them.
The beauty hidden in that? We can now choose to ditch any of our beliefs — to try out new ones, or better yet — to just let them all go, one by one. It turns out that life can be lived wisely & well — joyously, even — in the absence of beliefs. Talk about being open!!
Now we’re better listeners than ever before. We can actually hear others when they speak — rather than just running what they say through our BS filters, which do a great deal of editing, of which we are hugely unaware prior to awakening.
I am the only one in my way, period. That’s my chosen belief — & it works for me. Can you see how empowering that is — how it’s literally taking the reins of power back from whatever entity or institution I trusted? We begin to spot how/where we’ve given our power away. As long as we stay in Heart with this, remaining an observer of mind/thought, it works out well.
It’s time — for those who are ready — to start observing mind at work — your mind. This takes real vigilance, however, for mind is a wily, tricky jerk, especially when it’s being told to stand down. As we enter this journey of mind observance, ego (mind) will pop-up now & again — & that’s fine. Just watch—let those thoughts be as links, seen but not clicked.
As I’ve shared earlier on, I wasn’t able to demote mind to the back seat right away. As I gained steadiness in observing, it became easier to spot its tricks. Initially, the best I could do was to put it in the passenger seat. Though I fought with it at first — sometimes hilariously — eventually I settled for it riding shotgun as the best I could accomplish at the time.
You’ll see your resistance crop-up all over the place, too. It’s actually a good thing, for you want to be truly steady, with Heart/Source in control, & that takes “knowing the ‘enemy’.” At least, it did for me — your journey could be quite different, don’t forget. Don’t let anything program you — do your best to have no expectations of any kind. (Expectations are ever evidence of hidden beliefs.)
The more we set our intent to identify with Who we truly are, the better, the stronger are our steps along this road. In every Now moment, every NowHere, be on the look-out for resistance, for non-acceptance of anything. Those are examples of you getting in your own way. Once we take responsibility for our life, our incarnation, our entire situation, this becomes ever more possible.
When firmly ensconced within, what we feel/sense in every Now is appreciation, which arrives on the heels of acceptance. Let’s just face it — whatever it is, it just is what it is. No amount of fighting, of crying, manipulating or bemoaning our fate can change that.
Some immediately went to mind with that — looking at how, by resisting something perceived as evil, they could very well make a difference. Can’t help you there. You’re on a different channel, a different frequency than the flow being shared, here. It’s not that you’re incorrect in what you say—just that that’s to remain on the 3D level of duality — mind at work.
Just imagine not feeling the need to resist anyone or anything, anymore — to just allow it to be what it is, to choose your course through the midst of it. What would that feel like? What would universal appreciation for quite literally all of life — including the so-called bad guys — be like? Mind has trouble going there, but you don’t. A major refocusing is required, here — an exercise of Free Will.
Nor does this mean or even imply that you won’t take actions to both block & defeat “evil” where you perceive it. Of course you will! You’ll also likely take actions to support positive outcomes in these challenging times. It just won’t be mind driving that car — Heart will be at the wheel, which makes for an entirely different experience.
This is more like an Alice-in-Wonderland shift than anything mind defines as change. As I often say, mind has no access to the realms we’re entering. A Higher Mind begins to step in — the mind of Higher Self — to navigate as we enter & make ourselves at home in the higher dimensions. It will seem less & less as if you are doing anything. Things will just seem to do themselves — to happen through you. Yes, quite strange at first.
As more & more of us find our sea legs in the higher dimension(s), we find ourselves becoming the stabilizing factor for a much wider, broader awakening, which is offered to all of humanity, not just some “special” few. Let us ever remember that each & every soul has full access to all of this. It’s clearly about personal use of Free Will.
I guess my P.S. Here would be to watch closely for ego to crop up, for it will — guaranteed. That’s just an aspect of a certain stage on the trek — & no big deal. The two things I noticed most on my journey with self-observation were 1) mind/ego cropping up, and 2) my own resistance against what was presenting itself as a “problem.”
Yet another shock to 3D mind is that, in higher consciousness, nothing — no thing — is ever seen as a problem. How can that be?! Enter Heart & find out for yourself (or find yourSelf).
When something viewed as problematic appears, what is your first response? In seeing what you don’t what, you’re immediately reminded of what you do want, right? With a simple shift in perspective, you focus on what is desired — then sustain focus there to the best of your ability. Just be persistent.
For those in Heart, there is no problem that will not bow down to this Free-Will choice to focus on what is wanted. It amounts to retraining old habits — old points of view. Further, the net gain in happiness & peace is amazing! Yet it takes making the shift to garner the proof.
We were not taught nor trained in any real understanding of the power of Free Will. Instead, we were programmed to believe that, when problems present, we must make a choice of responses among available options — which, of course, they present to us. The fire brands, the creative ones would perhaps find a new response — yet that does not compare to the complete shift available as we wake-up in Heart.
As Source-in-form, we are mighty Beings, yet never a word of that was whispered in our long education, was it? The cabal & those allied with darkness work hard to keep us locked-down in mind, where they can continue to control by dictating the available options — thus giving us the illusion of free will.
In Reality, as Creator in form, we actually create this 3D “reality,” which is far more a hologram than anything solid or real. After all, if every atom is 99.99999% empty space, what can possibly be “solid?”
It turns out that solidity is naught but a fairy tale, a myth that — taken on as a belief — enables the experience. There is literally no such thing — which goes to illustrate the power of mind, of thought. As long as we believe something is so, it will be so for us.
The beauty, here, is that once we choose another belief, that one will go to create our new experience of reality. No one can prove this to anyone else, friends — nor will any current scientific documentation prove it. Instead, once we go out on a limb to put new beliefs into practice, we reap what we sow. Consistent wise choices made over time will bear abundant fruit. Let us not look to others for proof.
A deep & new self-reliance[1] is a big part of this trek. There is no external authority, no science, no god to be petitioned for results. Perhaps you can see the very real dangers of a mind not yet under Heart’s authority & control?
Many of us encounter some who let ego take the reins — all the while calling it soul or Higher Self. Self-delusion is an ever-present pitfall, to be sure — until one is more firmly grounded in Heart, more free of old beliefs. Then “spiritual ego” is more easily spotted.
Keeping a journey journal is an excellent idea — whether written, verbal, or via video doesn’t matter. You’ll often be amazed at what comes up, what comes out as you journal. It’s an alchemical process for those finding their way Home in/as Heart.
Don’t trust anything, my friends — external OR internal — without running it through Heart. Thus be the Watchman on the Wall of your world, your reality — the true sovereign of your divine domain.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 9/3/2017
“If we were standing in your physical shoes we would not merely observe what others are doing and use that as a basis for our own attraction. We would focus deliberately on things that we want to attract into our experience. And then, we would sit on the front row of our own creation, witnessing the results of the climate that we have deliberately prepared.”
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 2/22/14
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
[1] Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first book of essays includes my favorite, Self-Reliance, as the 2nd essay.
10:58 am, Sunday 2017/06/10, Mayan day 11 Eb/Road — Full Moon in Sagittarius