#Release #LetGo
Enslaved yet Destined to Awaken
The Very Full Emptiness
Humanity has been having a challenging time, of late — well, for some centuries — no, make that millennia. But why? What’s going on? Why are we, in effect, being attacked from every side, in every way — & by whom?
From the air (chemtrails) to the water (fluoride, chlorine, etc.), from our foods (GMO, unhealthy additives & processing) to the medical system (top to bottom, vaccines & no cures for anything), we’re being battered. Our governments, business communities, monetary systems, & education have also been taken over by those with a globalist bent. What’s with that?
Please consider: if the Family of Humanity was such a nothing-burger, just a bunch of cells that accidentally joined up or apes that morphed into us, what would be the point of working so very hard to keep us down & controlled?
We’re just beginning to know, to recall Who we are & what we’re about, but the globalists & their ilk, those behind & controlling them, have long known Who we are. They’ve worked hard to damage us in every possible way while still keeping us alive & manageable. They see us as their herd, their livestock, (energy) vampires that they are.
The funny thing — to us — is that it is no longer working so well for them since we’re waking up on a large scale. It’s no longer just the one, two, or few sages or wise ones born to each age, the Christ on the scene. It’s fast becoming the bulk of us, though not quite yet.
Those lost ones working on the dark side don’t waste energy or resources, yet they’re heavily investing in keeping humanity down. When the Roman Empire’s direct control mechanisms were no longer working so well, they morphed themselves, via Constantine, into the Roman Church, yet another massive control system but of a different sort.
That went well for a time, then came the Protestant Reformation & oh, dear. What sought to correct & improve also worked to divide-and-conquer. Still, behind the scenes, it’s quite clear that Rome/The Vatican, England/The Crown, & Washington D.C. are the dark trinity running the dark show. (Some say SES cannot be fired because they report to The Crown — though their pay can be stopped.)
We still have so much to discover, so much dark corruption to wake up to on our way out of The Matrix. Things got far darker than any of us realized, which is coming to light, now. It’s finally time in so many ways & for so many reasons which don’t really matter. The point is that we made it! It’s happening!
Though we were later programmed to be slaves, we came to earth as free beings from elsewhere in the galaxy, far advanced from where we are, now. We went through beautiful, abundant ages of wisdom, peace, & prosperity that was (& is) natural to us, ages long ago stripped from our history books during the dark takeover.
For thousands of earth years (for time is, of course, quite different off-planet), we’ve been under a dark control structure run by the lost ones (for Source/God created only benevolence, only Light). Free will was the crux of the fall from Light, the choice to misuse both self & others.
We likely had 12-or-more-stranded DNA when we arrived, cut back to the 2 strands we’ve operated with for so long, now, but that, too, is changing. Those other, inactive strands are still with us, just dormant, but they’re responding to the overall changes we’re making. We can expect to discover more strands reactivating soon, if not already.
So, where do we stand? What is before us in this crucial, very wonderful NowHere present moment? We are awakening, of course, but we find ourselves loaded down with belief systems around that, thinking it’s supposed to happen in a certain way, & our ways disagree.
This will be the time of the massive Letting Go, the time of Great Releasing.
No one is coming to rescue or save us. We don’t require that. Yes, our Soul Families, the Star Nations are here, hovering in the background that’s becoming foreground every day. They are not our rescuers, they are our back-up, our support.
We’ve got this, friends!
It’s time to wake the hell up from the enforced dream, the Matrix mind hack. The Family of Humanity is awesomely powerful, even among our ET & ED brethren. We are truly amazing, we just let ourselves be taken down to such depths that we forgot it, entirely — at least, consciously. Heart never forgets.
We will step out of the chains & traps in which we’ve long been held all the quicker as we take back our native, divinely ordained Power — but how do we do that? OMG, this is where all the letting go, the massive releasing comes into play.
Everything has been added to us to capture & control us, but that won’t work once we release those additions.
What are the harmful additions? In a moment — we’re not quite ready to know. First, we have to know that it’s consciousness that creates, that is the Creative Power of Source/God. We have to strip all the way down from taking ourselves to be the body-mind, from believing the form (or the mind) is where our power abides. It is not.
Forms come & go. For those ready to hear this, it’s no shock. We’ve had practically endless forms of all sorts in our endless history. But form is not what we are, just a game we play, a dream we enter to have a good time as we expand & grow via our adventures.
We are consciousness, we are awareness, & therein abides our Divine Power. As emanations of the greatest, the Consciousness we call Source or God, we are Source-in-form in whatever incarnation, whatever planet or star, whatever time. We are all of that & more, right NowHere where we are.
We’ve just got to deal with our amnesiac state, programmed into our body-mind forms by the lost ones & their globalist strategy. Why do they choose globalism? The easier to control us in their comings & goings, enabling them to leave their workers, their henchmen behind to more easily keep us in line. Globalism can ideally be run from one spot by one small group.
Too much trust, misplaced trust, is what landed us so firmly within their control, yet we can all see that fading quickly, now. Trust in anything external, including elections, those [s]elected, in rulers, monetary systems, medical or business or educational systems, must go. Are you game?
That does not mean we tear down everything we have. It doesn’t mean we seek out & kill all of the supposed bad guys. That’s not who we are, not how we roll as Light Beings of Old. Again, it’s a massive letting go in which the awakening ones are engaged.
As we drop the trust, clarity returns. We more easily see through their machinations & control systems. We laugh as we wonder how we didn’t see these things, before, so clear do they become once the belief-system structures are released & gone.
It’s critical that we don’t move quickly into any sort of action in the external world. Those actions will come as the natural results of our internal work in the realm of consciousness. What’s critical is that we come to recognize the false persona we’ve each been made to take on — by our trust & by our beliefs.
If we move before this becomes clear, it will be the false persona taking the action.
That won’t turn out well for us, for Who we truly are as emanations of Source. Now we pursue the emptiness, the nothing that’s within, the full emptiness, container of All That Is.
We don’t need to add anything to it, & if we try, we’re still in our false self. Who we are is in that emptiness, not outside of it. It is now, in this NowHere, that we begin to recollect, to remember everything, but only as we let go of all the jetsam, the discarded overlay of the ages since the takeover.
Friends, we’ve got to, in effect, die; die to the false identity we’ve long taken to be real. The Dark Night of the Soul is more the dark night for the mind which cannot take any of this in. It, like the globalists, fights to retain its power over us, its control.
If at first, we don’t see it, we do as we keep releasing BEA, Beliefs, Expectations, & Attitudes. They’re in the way.
We’re finally coming to see these three as the programming, the control mechanisms they are. What Is — just that — is so awesomely beautiful, so perfect, so divine that it doesn’t require anything extra. Instead of adding (enlightenment) to ourselves, our job is to strip away all that removed it from our view, our direct experience.
We’ve got this! Just not in the way any mind would imagine or be able to grasp. The mind, itself, is yet another addition, not a core aspect of our Being. Heart also “thinks,” but in ways so far beyond the mind’s ken as to be shocking & amazing — but only to the mind, not to us.
The mind thinks but Heart Knows.
Monday, 2019/01/21 — Mayan day 3 Wind / Ik